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3 Reason Dems Are Terrified of A.G. William Barr

Impartial and conservative news reports warned Democrats who called for a Russian meddling investigation targeting Pres. Donald J. Trump — “be careful what you wish for.”

Democrats now find themselves frantic that the president has been exonerated of any and all wrongdoing. But far worse than watching President Donald Trump smile, tweet and enjoy robust approval ratings, now they are faced with the unexpected appointment of U.S. Attorney General William Barr.

The career prosecutor, who also led the Justice Department under President George H.W. Bush, is a no-nonsense civil servant willing to prosecute anyone who breaks the law. Yes, the keyword here is “anyone,” and that has Washington liberals losing sleep. These are three reasons Democrats are terrified of what A.G. Barr will do next.

1: Barr Has Publicly Humiliated House Democrat Leadership

There has been a great deal of grandstanding by House Judiciary Committee Chairman Jerrold Nadler to hold Barr in contempt for thumbing his nose at the New York Democrat. Barr declined to answer questions before Nadler’s committee after Senate Democrats went on a smear campaign when he spent a full day enduring their hopes of getting a clip on CNN and other fake news outlets. Not only are House Democrats not going to get their pound of A.G. flesh, but they’ve also been publicly flipped off.

“The Attorney General’s failure to comply with our subpoena, after extensive accommodation efforts, leaves us no choice but to initiate contempt proceedings in order to enforce the subpoena and access the full, unredacted report,” Nadler threatened. “If the Department presents us with a good faith offer for access to the full report and the underlying evidence, I reserve the right to postpone these proceedings.”

The problem confronting House Democrat leadership is that Barr has basically told them to take their phony subpoenas and shove them where the sun doesn’t shine. Should House Democrats move forward and try to hold Barr in criminal contempt in their political platform, they will only lose in court later. Barr doesn’t work for them, and the law does not require him to provide them with any of the Special Counsel’s report. It was a courtesy.

2: Russian Collusion Part II Targets Deep State Democrats

When Democrats suffering from Trump Derangement Syndrome leveraged the weakness of Jeff Sessions to launch the Russia investigation, they had more than enough Deep State operatives in place. Those days are over. A.G. Barr now plans to investigate the investigators.

Part of the “obstruction” claim that Democrats are misleading everyday Americans about directly relates to the tight-knit group of Obama cronies that Pres. Trump fired. Disgraced ex-FBI Director James Comey was outed as a leaker of confidential materials and may be a Barr criminal target.

“We have multiple criminal leak investigations underway,” A.G. Barr reportedly said.

Fired FBI Deputy Director Andrew McCabe has been linked to an inner circle of anti-Trump operatives that includes agent Peter Strzok and legal counsel Lisa Page. Overwhelming evidence points to these, and other Clinton sympathizes spying on the Trump campaign and attempting a bloodless coup after Hillary lost.

“And I have to say, that as I’ve said before, the extent that there was any overreach, I believe it was a few people in the upper echelons of the bureau and perhaps the Department, but those people are no longer there,” Barr reportedly said. He also indicated that he was working with FBI Director Christopher Wray “on trying to reconstruct exactly what went down.”

Democrats were warned the phony Russian Collusion narrative could blow up in their face. A.G. Barr is like a stick of dynamite.

3: Barr Investigation Could Bite “Creepy” Joe Biden

The implications of the Russia Probe have already shown and anemic effort on Obama’s part to stave off meddling. The conventional wisdom is that Obama believed, like most liberals, that Hillary would prevail. So, why rock the boat? Only after she was decisively defeated did the Obama Administration start conjuring Russian spooks to claim the election was unfair.

Dismissing the fact that the Electoral College tally wasn’t even close, Democrats pushed forward with a narrative to cry foul. But the origins of Russian meddling are unmistakable. Every intelligence agency agrees that the rival nation tried to sow the seeds of discontent. That part certainly worked. As Barr works his way back along the timeline, it’s the Obama Administration who will be held accountable.

This puts Creepy Joe in a bad position. Did Biden know about Russian hacks and also sit on his hands? Or, did he not know and thus was an incompetent prop within the Obama Administration? Either way, Barr’s investigation will throw Russian meddling dirt on Biden’s campaign.

~ Liberty Planet

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