Nothing says, “I’m totally innocent!” more than a B-list celebrity deleting 60,000 tweets and blocking more than a million followers on Twitter after being linked to Jeffrey Epstein in an internet prank.
We don’t normally delve into the personal lives of celebrities here, but we make exceptions in certain cases when their anti-Trump zealotry makes a celebrity’s fall from grace appear particularly noteworthy. (How’s Clinton donor pal Harvey Weinstein doing these days?) So, we have to make an exception for Chrissy Teigen today, because literally everyone is talking about the sick, disturbed, model.
Someone published a fake list of celebrities whose names had appeared on the flight logs of Jeffrey Epstein’s private jet. We double-checked and the list does appear to be fake. But that didn’t stop tons of people from tweeting the list to Chrissy Teigen, whose name appeared on it. Teigen then promptly went through her own Twitter feed and deleted 60,000 messages that she had sent out in years past about her sexual fantasies about toddlers, pizza and her bizarre fixation on cannibalism. You know – all the normal stuff that you probably tweet about too!
These disturbing and disgusting tweets were hiding in plain sight all these years. But because Chrissy Teigen is a such a has-been celebrity, no one had paid any attention to them. It’s very similar to the situation with “Guardians of the Galaxy” director James Gunn. None of their Hollywood friends seem to have a problem with these sick weirdos constantly tweeting about pedophilia, cannibalism and worshiping Satan.
If a non-celebrity Trump supporter tweeted anything as disturbing as Chrissy Teigen’s daily rants, the FBI would be raiding their home to check the freezer for missing children. But Teigen gets a pass from the media and law enforcement, despite openly calling herself a cannibal and a pedophile on the internet.
The media is now circling the wagons around Teigen and calling her the victim in all of this. Look at what the awful Trump supporters did to her! Poor thing!
But in 2019, here’s an actual headline from ABC News’ “Good Morning America:”
“Chrissy Teigen Would Eat a Human. Would You?”
Here’s a selection of additional mainstream media headlines about this individual, if you happen to search for her name and ‘cannibalism’ in the same search string:
“Chrissy Teigen Sure Sounds Like She’d Really Like to Try Eating a Human Being”
“Chrissy Teigen Admitted She Would Taste Human Meat”
“Chrissy Teigen Admits She Would Eat Human Meat”
And so on. We should all be grateful that our moral betters in Hollywood are here to tell us how awful the CEO of Goya Foods is.
Since this stuff is not obvious to Hollywood celebrities, I’d like to offer my patented one-step program on how to prevent the general public from thinking that you are a pedophile and a cannibal. Here it is:
Don’t post 60,000 tweets on the internet about how much you enjoy molesting children and eating human flesh!
Oh, you’re welcome celebrities. If you’re interested, I can also sell you my patented one-step plan for how to not end up with nude pictures of yourself plastered all over the internet. You can download the plan from my website for just $75,000, ya freaks…
What an incredible fall from grace. I can remember when I was a kid in the 1970s and Chrissy Teigen won the Decathlon at the Olympics, and then she was on all the Wheaties cereal boxes and…
Wait, what?
Oh, sorry. My editor just handed me a note and I have to make a quick correction. I had no idea who this Chrissy Teigen person was when I began writing this article. So, I looked up a picture of her and just assumed that Bruce Jenner had finally finished his operation. But it turns out, Chrissy Teigen is actually not Bruce Jenner. How exactly is this Chrissy Teigen person a supermodel?
Liberal standards are truly wrecking the country when Stacy Abrams and Chrissy Teigen are held up as the pinnacles of female beauty. We’d better hope that “Make America Great Again” is not just a slogan about the economy.
There are simply too many double standards on display here to keep track of them all. At least James Gunn was fired from his directing gig at Disney when his disturbing personal life on Twitter was exposed. Teigen is still the spokesmodel for Target. And no one has called for her to be canceled. Twitter has never censored Teigen. But then, that’s because she’s on the correct side as far as Twitter is concerned.