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AOC Says it’s “Racist” to Suspend Olympians for Marijuana Use

New York Democratic Rep. Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez spoke out against the International Olympic Committee’s suspension of Sha’Carri Richardson on Friday as a “racist” policy.

“The criminalization and banning of cannabis is an instrument of racist and colonial policy,” Ocasio-Cortez tweeted. “The IOC should reconsider its suspension of Ms. Richardson and any athletes penalized for cannabis use. This ruling along w/ IOC denial of swim caps for natural hair is deeply troubling.”

No one seems to be sure what marijuana use has anything to do with swim caps – or racism for that matter – but AOC again plays the race card when it fits her narrative.

Yes, it’s a sad day for America when the nation’s top female sprinter is suspended from the Olympics over testing positive for THC, the psychoactive chemical commonly found in marijuana. Richardson even admitted to the usage in order “to cope with the loss” of losing her mother the week before the race.

However sad the situation is that the rules are clear. Using THC will get you suspended, even when it’s for recreational use rather than to enhance performance. Richardson knew what she had done even before her record-setting race. The test results would have been no surprise to the sprinter — who admitted and apologized for her actions.

But Ocasio-Cortez can’t seem to handle facts. It’s not a rule from her perspective; it’s racism. Why? Apparently because cannabis is okay in her sight.

It’s a good thing AOC isn’t making the rules for the Olympics. We could be in for some big trouble if anything goes. We’re already in the first Olympic Games where a biological male will compete against women in weightlifting. Then again, AOC and the rest of her squad see no problem with any of this.

To Richardson’s credit, she took responsibility for breaking the rules, admitted to it, and is not complaining about her suspension. Maybe she should run for office since AOC and some others on the left apparently can’t handle such reasonability without blaming it on race or even colonialism.

But it didn’t matter what race Richardson was. Rules are rules in this case, regardless of other factors.

The same should be true elsewhere. We can’t blame racism for the times we get in trouble for something wrong that is done. The lack of accepting responsibility can be found as a key problem in many areas of our society and government.

You can fully expect Richardson to come back to compete another day. Why? She is responsible for her actions. Even when wrong, she admitted it, will go back to working hard, and will likely be on the track once again.

AOC, on the other hand, may not make it through the midterm elections. When you build your platform on blaming others, you’re not leading. America has plenty of people willing to point the finger at someone else. It needs more governing leaders willing to take responsibility for the nation’s issues and work to improve them.

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28 thoughts on “AOC Says it’s “Racist” to Suspend Olympians for Marijuana Use”

  1. AOC got to find something to call RACIST! She got nothing better to do in her STATE OR DISTRICT? With all those CRIMINAL THAT CUOMO LET OUT DURING THE PANDEMIC! She can’t bring it up against CUOMO? So she got to find a black person who knew they violence the rule of the Olympics. By smoking Marijuana! How is that racist? Did the fool read the rule book?

    1. Spot On!

      She and other Parasites of the “Squad” spew hate anytime they want their face in FAKE NEWS.

    2. She needs to just shut up. Rules are rules and if Sha Carri or whatever she goes by didnt read the rules then she got what she deserved. I’m sure that was the most expensive joint she ever smoked but its her fault and nobody else’s

    3. Excellent points, but there is too much common sense in what you have said. Not sure “aoc” is capable of understanding any rules or why they exist.

    1. I completely agree! I also wonder who is writing her script, because that lunatic did not come up with that language or idea! Banning cannibis is a “colonial policy”! What the hell doesn’t that mean? The idiot can’t spell the words she vomited in front of the camera! It’s not racist to make rules for sports and the participants! They also aren’t supposed to walk out in front of speeding buses! I’m not sure if that’s in the rules, but if the sportsmen are as stupid as aoc, they should probably put it in!

    2. OUCH! Right on. The truth hurts sometimes. To quote a famous radio host, Rick Roberts (WBAP), she is a moron wrapped in an idiot.

  2. AOC, isn’t it about time to stop being stupid? IT’S AGAINST THE RULES TO USE DRUGS! She used them, knew it was wrong! No racism involved once so ever, just rule breaking!!!!!!!!


    1. That dumbass doesn’t know how to keep her mouth shut. Everything is Racist to her. You shit wrong, it’s racist. Actually I’m surprised she hasn’t said that yet since shit is brown

  4. OK, AOC just admitted that they are more dependant on drugs. Maybe it’s racist, which I don’t care, but it’s the rules. Maybe AOC believes rules are just for some and not others. It’s time to stop all this nosense, and maybe take the word “racist, racism, and others related words out of our language.

  5. Last Friday AOC, proudly announcing she is a Socialist in the Democrat Socialist party (the largest Socialist group in America), traveled to Venezuella to have mtgs with the Socialist leader. Asked if she supported his Socialist regime, she said she would leave that announcement to her groups’ leaders. Some BLM leaders, also proclaiming they are Socialists and Marxists, accompanied her to the mtgs. Who else attended? Other countries? Like an International Socialist summit? Sounds like a treasonist act against America and our Constitution.

    1. Amen to that! Why is someone in our Congress associating with these thugs?? Treason!! Charge her and get her and the squad OUT,!

  6. AOC and her “blaming everything on systemic racism” is a international joke and a lie to boot! When there is NO VALID REASON to criticize, blame it on racism!
    NEWSFLASH! AOC is anti American and a racist against the Caucasian Race! AOC has systemic racism as well as her squat squad and some other hardline commies in her party!

  7. access racist comment about marijuana use in the Olympic games is both infantile and stupid ! The athlete in question knew it was wrong. DONT BE FOOLED FOLKS ! THIS IS MISDIRECTION!! Coming from a fascist follower to lead you away from the real issues !!

  8. Why anyone would pay this AOC stupid cow any attention is beyond me. Ignore stupid it will go away or we can deport her.
    I say if you don’t love this country get out we don’t want you any way

  9. So to rectify this ,moving forward , the Olympic committee should ASSUME that ALL black athletes use marijuana ????!!??? THAT seems racist to me ,but then again, I am no former cocktail waitress , so I am not an expert on issues of race ,but we are all ears aoc , show us the way .

  10. Utter bull shi-! AOC is a moon. Has nothing to say that is meaningful to defend the athelete at all. She believes her hegemony in fomenting hate will now move to the world syage and her biases will be accepted by other countries eho have different opinions as to how atheletes behave during physical contests. Her way or the highway doesnt hold water outside of her district in NYC. When will the news media shut down this one trick pony? Nithing she says ever makes sense. cycle her out please. Get comments from people who care about fair competition and abiding by rules ithers have established. Always bucking the system, this woman is just plain stoopid!

  11. AOC needs to look up the definition of “racism”!! Race had nothing to do with the young lady being pulled from the Olympics, she knew what the rules were and because of a personal bad issue in her life, she decided to do marijuana!!! Every time AOC opens her mouth, nothing but STUPIDITY comes out. AOC needs to either keep her mouth shut, or get out of politics (which is my preference!!). Idiots voted her into office which doesn’t surprise me since “birds of a feather flock together”!!!!

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