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Are Voters Ready to Sweep Out RINOs Next?

If the fallout from the Charlottesville violence tells conservatives anything, it’s that the RINOs (Republicans in Name Only) have got to go.

Prominent Republicans challenged President Donald Trump’s remarks that assigned blame on “many sides” for the incident that resulted in the death of protester Heather Heyer. Speaker of the House Paul Ryan did not name the president, but appeared to only blame the Neo-Nazi and Ku Klux Klan factions as he tweeted “This bigotry is counter to all this country stands for. There can be no moral ambiguity.”

The only thing ambiguous may be Mr. Ryan’s positions on key conservative issues, and he’s not alone.

Other well-known RINO senators Lindsey Graham and John McCain pandered to the left-leaning media and its elites. Graham reportedly said, “Through his statements yesterday, President Trump took a step backward by again suggesting there is moral equivalency between the white supremacist neo-Nazis and KKK members who attended the Charlottesville rally and people like Ms. Heyer.”

McCain followed suit, saying “There’s no moral equivalency between racists and Americans standing up to defy hate and bigotry. The President of the United States should say so.”
What’s missing from these so-called Republicans statements is a moral denouncement of violent regressive groups such as Antifa, which is essentially a paramilitary wing of the American left. These cowards arrive with their faces masked, armed with clubs and bricks, and have repeatedly engaged in violence at peaceful protests and conservative lectures.

This is not to say that racism should be applauded in any way. Conservatives should denounce all who engage in hate and violence. Apparently, the president stands alone on this issue.

Think of these violent clashes this way. During the 1970s, the Dallas Cowboys were considered “America’s Team,” while the Oakland Raiders were an infamous rogue franchise. According to the ideology of liberals and RINO apologists, only the Raiders should be flagged for late hits, offsides and holding. Not the Cowboys. That seems fundamentally biased. A foul is a foul, and it’s time GOP members join the president in calling a straight game. Conservative values call for equal justice.

RINOs Don’t Care About Conservatism

Conservative pundits rank Ryan, McCain, Graham, Alaska Sen. Lisa Murkowski, Maine Sen. Susan Collins, Senate Majority Leader Mitch McConnell, and Arizona Sen. Jeff Flake as the most notorious “Republicans in Name Only” politicians. What separates these Washington insiders from tried and true conservatives such as Kentucky Sen. Rand Paul, Utah Sen. Mike Lee and Texas Sen. Ted Cruz is the follow through between words and actions.

During the recent health care failure in Washington, Americans witnessed ferocious talk by red blooded conservatives, while McConnell and others were not living up to their stated values. They chastised the legislation as not conservative enough. By contrast, despite watering the Bill down to Obama-lite levels, Senators McCain, Murkowski, Collins and others betrayed their campaign promise to “Repeal and Replace.” In fact, they didn’t even put a middle of the road Band-Aid on the open wound we call ObamaCare. They run as Republicans, but they essentially vote to enshrine leftist policies into permanence.

The Silent Majority is Still Active

The special elections following President Trump’s Cabinet appointments had the left claiming every vote was a “referendum on Trump.” In some fantastical world, the sweeping November elections were the result of “Russian hackers” and “Russian collusion.” But with the president’s support, GOP candidates are undefeated in special elections.

The Fake News media has grown eerily quiet as the Republicans like Luther Strange and Roy Moore head to a runoff primary, and are expected to trounce any Democrat opponent in the December election. Apparently, the sting of defeat has given way to the realization that conservative values and votes are swaying elections.

It’s important to keep in mind that today’s conservative votes are not necessarily people who solely identify with the Republican Party. Many are non-political, hard-working Americans that want an even playing field, fundamental fairness and politicians to back up their campaign promises. They may have a favorite sports team, but at the end of the day, everyone wants the refs to call it both ways.

Real estate mogul and TV personality Donald Trump didn’t stun these voters with his victory. He stunned Washington elites that include RINOs. Americans grew tired of political double-talk and pinned their future on someone who backed up his words with actions.

The 2018 and 2020 elections won’t be a referendum on Trump, but it may be open season on RINOs who get pink slips from the silent majority.

~ Liberty Planet

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