With its mobile “health” clinic set up close to the DNC this week, Planned Parenthood anticipates performing 25 free medication abortions.
Planned Parenthood Great Rivers chief medical officer Dr. Colleen McNicholas told the NY Post on Monday outside the abortion van that the organization had scheduled “approximately” ten vasectomies and twenty-five medication abortions.
On August 14, Planned Parenthood Great Rivers posted on X that it would provide free vasectomies and abortions during the Democratic National Convention in Chicago. Despite their claims that the mobile van would encourage abortion and get media attention, the stunt’s organizers said it was “not political,” the Post reported.
“We just wanted to showcase that Illinois is a great example of how we can really start meeting the needs of the folks in the state if you center healthcare policy that is based on science and evidence and puts people before politics,” McNicholas said. “We knew that there were going to be a lot of people coming to Chicago from outside of Illinois.”
According to CAF representative Alicia Hurtado, the Chicago Abortion Fund (CAF), which collaborated with Planned Parenthood at the site and receives some funding from the city of Chicago, thought the initiative would raise awareness of abortion during the DNC.
“We provide funding for abortions, purchase airline and train tickets, give petrol money, provide childcare stipends, and truly ensure that we are assisting them at every stage of the process,” Hurtado stated.
According to the allegation, CAF was also “freely providing emergency contraception pills” at its booth, along with pro-trans and pro-abortion buttons.
Planned Parenthood has been under fire from pro-life organizations for continuing to encourage a “culture of death.”
In a statement, American Life League President Judie Brown stated, “Planned Parenthood has long been a driving force behind the culture of death”:
“The Democratic Party has played a leading role in providing funding for Planned Parenthood. PP’s decision to offer free child slaughter during the DNC completes the combination—or should we say, bloody wedding. Buyers should exercise caution to avoid becoming victims of the country’s bloodshed. America is drowning in bloodshed.”
Hugh Brown, executive vice president of the American Life League, said, “The Democratic Party and Planned Parenthood abhor life and children.”
“At the Democratic National Convention, providing free medication abortions, emergency contraception, and vasectomies is an act of fundamental evil that stems from a passionate hatred for human life, especially newborns,” he went on.
“The American Life League exhorts people of all religions to pray for the conversion of those firmly rooted in and enslaved by the culture of death,” the speaker stated. Pray that the Lord bestows humility, knowledge, and understanding upon those lost souls committing these crimes—for their release from the bonds of sin and death is essential.