A document from President Biden’s DOJ this week stated that AG Garland is immune from prosecution due to Biden’s exercise of executive privilege.
The release of the memo coincided, somewhat ironically, with the House of Representatives’ much-awaited vote to find Garland in contempt for not turning over documents linked to Hur’s investigation into President Biden’s deliberate mishandling of classified material.
Republicans wanted access to the audio recordings of the Hur interview with Biden, claiming that the written transcripts that Garland had provided were insufficient. Hur had disclosed that Biden had “bad recall” and suffered from mental lapses during the interview.
On February 27, 2024, Garland got subpoenas from the US House for documents, including audio tapes that Garland insisted on keeping private.
Despite the subpoenas, Garland refused to hand over the records.
The Biden administration persisted in its push to weaken Congress’s authority for constitutional supervision. Prior to the marking up of the contempt resolutions by the Oversight and Judiciary Committees marking up the contempt resolutions on May 16, Biden claimed executive privilege over the recordings.
A few weeks later, the House found Garland in contempt of Congress with a vote of 216 to 207, with only one Republican voting against the motion.
Given the memo, Biden administration prosecutors almost certainly will ignore the contempt charge, which is essentially a recommendation to U.S. attorneys.
The letter states, “The requirements stated for the recordings are manifestly insufficient to satisfy a privilege claim predicated in these key separation of powers concerns,” because the committees have access to the transcripts of the special counsel’s interviews.
Republicans rejected it.
Rep. Gary Palmer refused widely accepted DNC arguments for retaining the audio tapes, saying that Garland’s refusal to hand them over “raises serious doubts about President Biden’s mental ability to act as President.”
He said, “The White House angrily contradicted Special Counsel Hur’s portrayal of President Biden as the sympathetic, well-meaning, elderly guy with a weak memory.'” “Since the inquiry into Biden’s improper handling of sensitive documents has concluded, Biden is not in danger of facing legal action. AG Garland’s willingness to face charges of contempt of Congress for his refusal to comply with the subpoena and produce the interview recording is inexplicable, especially in light of the release of the written, unedited transcript.
“There is no doubt that Garland’s willingness to be found in contempt of Congress and have his record tainted raises questions about President Biden’s ability to perform his job as president.”
So literally, NO ONE IS ABOVE THE LAW?? Unless of course they identify as a Democrat!!! The Democratic Party has always had problems obeying the law, rules and the common decency expectations put on everybody else! But lately, in the past few years, Demons have doubled and tripled down on “Rules for Thee but not for Me” actions and mantra!! Stealing an election, treason, pay to play, ignoring the Supreme Court of the United States of America!! Does anybody, any country trust the Democrats any more?? Are they respected?? Are they totally selfserving??? They are why Firing Squads were initiated!!!
Very well said, Sherry Hall.
Your assumption is bull! Garland is in charge of judicial actions, a member of the administration and is too busy to play Congress’s political games. Let him do his job and see where the chips fall. Your only complaint is who he is investigating. Doesn’t Congress have better things to pay attention to?
Name other instances where a Democrat says only for thee but not for me. This is a first, and even Jim Jordan who led this fiasco neglected a Congressional subpoena. In fact, Republicans have done this so often that even the general public now laughs at a Congressional subpoena. This is a shame but it has been done by Republicans.
If I am not mistaken the congress can put Garland behind bars for contempt charges… So why do they not do this? Then anyone else that gets in the way hold them in contempt if they do not adhere to congress orders. The House is we the people and we are in-charge not the criminal Biden administration… the House needs to start enforcing its rights to govern as it is suppose to do via the power of the people not the power of government.
It would be nice to know who actually is running our gov. because we know it can’t be Biden, the people have the right know who is in charge.
I feel sorry for you if you fall for all this nonsense. Obama is enjoying retirement and book writing.
Read my lips, OBAMA! This NON-American is doing everything he can to destroy the America he hates so much! He is being funded by Soros and other filthy rich marxists who are now his partners in the war on America. Do you notice nobody is chasing the money that the Obamas now have. Getting rich AND destroying America is his MO.
It isn’t we the people.most of us know that Democrats stole the 2020 election and the mid-terms. Now they are fighting to keep laws that they made during Covid, with the ridiculous excuse of COVID, that allow rigged elections. Now they are breaking the law to get illegals on the voter rolls so that no more republicans will ever win an American election. Then, these corrupt people who are ruining our country will forever be dictators of the Communist USA. The illegals who Dems are adding to America’s voter rolls will determine the outcome of the 2024 election unless it becomes a law to show proof of citizenship in all 50 states. Biden could be impeached, I would think, just on the fact that he is breaking the law of the constitution when it comes to only citizens voting.
Trump just couldn’t live with the fact he actually lost. His ego would not allow it. Don’t fall for his nonsense of 2016, 2020, and the accusations to come in 2024. Wake up!
The American People need to know the Truth, stop the cover-ups
The truth is that “government“ is a self-serving Satanic religion/ organized crime ring that masquerades as being benevolent while in reality it systematically robs you of everything. Government is the enemy that leaves you confused and America destroyed. Government is how the rich get rich and the poor get poorer. Think parasites.
Not that hard to see the truth if you look for it.
The truth is that “government“ is a self-serving Satanic religion/ organized crime ring that masquerades as being benevolent while in reality it systematically robs you of everything. Government is the enemy that leaves you confused and America destroyed. Government is how the rich get rich and the poor get poorer. Think parasites.
Not that hard to see the truth if you look for it.
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