Canadian Doctors Injecting Six Month Old Babies With COVID-19 Vaccine

Only a decade ago, medical doctors had the most trusted profession, but ask anyone these days after what has been witnessed during the covid pandemic, doctors would be right around where a used car salesperson sits on the list.

There have been many doctors practicing unethically for the past two years, withholding prescriptions for medicine far more effective than the covid shot and administering that same shot, despite the evidence that it causes an extensive list of adverse reactions that sometimes end in death.

Now a doctor in Canada, has been caught injecting babies as young as six months old, with the experimental jab, despite the minimum age being five years old.

Dr. Christopher Sun, a Toronto-based family physician has told the Toronto Star that he “put his neck on the line” when he injected around five hundred children with the covid shot, some being only six months old.

Dr. Sun took it upon himself and decided that parents were afraid of catching covid – and they wanted to feel “protected” – so he injected their small babies with an untested, experimental mRNA inoculation.

“There are worried parents in time of a health crisis, and I think it’s wrong to turn away people who know what they are getting into,” said Sun. “[The children’s parents] understood the benefits and risks [of the vaccine, thus I] ethically had no reason to say no.”

Ethically he had every reason to say no.

Children are highly unlikely to catch covid-19 and they have even less chance of developing symptoms. Covid vaccines for children are completely unnecessary.

Another family physician at the Unity Health Toronto hospital network, Dr. Samantha Green, also admitted that she had vaccinated her two small children under the age of five years old.

“With [the B11529] omicron [variant] rising, I grew increasingly nervous. I started to really worry for [my children’s] health and well-being,” she told the Star. We felt it was the best choice for us, [and] I absolutely do not have any regrets at all.”

Dr. Sun got off with a warning and was told to stop injecting children not in the age range, but later bragged that he had continued his vax campaign until the end of the month, despite being reported by the health authority of Toronto to the College of Physicians and Surgeons of Ontario (CPSO). According to Sun, the CPSO dismissed his case without punishment.

This has nothing at all to do with helping the patients, if it was, then alternative treatment would not have been demonized by the media and health “professionals” who pushed the vax to line their own pockets.

Dr. Vladimir Zelenko, a New York-based family physician, said that doctors who prescribe alternatives are attacked by mainstream media.

During an interview with Brighteon.TV host Ann Vandersteel how the MSM smeared him for espousing the Zelenko protocol over the COVID-19 vaccines. 

“Vanity Fair [put] me on the front cover, me on top with [former] President [Donald] Trump and [former Food and Drug Administration Commissioner Stephen] Hahn underneath. I’m like the Jew [in] the ‘Protocols of the Elders of Zion,’ [which is] anti-Semitic literature, showing that I control the world. That type of imaging and narrative was designed to marginalize me, vilify me [and] take away my credibility.”

Zelenko continued: “If you notice, all the effective treatments that were developed – whether it was HCQ, ivermectin, steroids or early intervention – [were] immediately marginalized and vilified. The doctor advocating for them [was also] de-platformed.”

“In Australia’s New South Wales, if any doctor prescribed HCQ or ivermectin for COVID-19, [they] went to jail for six months. [When] the government [tells] you why, [it’s] because you’re ‘encouraging vaccine hesitancy.’ Think about that.”

“I like to say he’s waging war against the very people that started the pandemic. Dr. Zelenko stood up [against] medical tyranny … and the demons behind the global pandemic, when he understood just what needed to be brought to the forefront,” remarked Vandersteel.

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9 thoughts on “Canadian Doctors Injecting Six Month Old Babies With COVID-19 Vaccine”

  1. This is really sick. Children do not get this and if they do, show very mild symptoms. Why these parents allowed this to happen to their children is beyond me. It’s poison disguised as “a good thing”. It stinks. I would fight to the death to keep my children from getting the “poison” injected into them.

    1. This is wrong. Theses babies have a higher chance of dying from vaccine than the virus. Also, may affect their chance of reproduction in future, if they have one.

  2. Ok I’m not sure how many people know this but baby’s under a year old some times up to 18 months old don’t have the ability to fight viruses due to them not having any natural protection the mothers breast milk is what gives them the protection they would need to fight off any kind of sickness this doctor and all others giving baby’s shots they all know better then you or me how bad that it is for the health of any baby that young its just disgusting plain and simple

  3. Any physician giving that shot to a baby should be held for attempted murder…..but this is my world now and I have to listen to this crazy shit daily.

  4. In case you all did not hear, Ivermectin was given to the US Congress member and their families and their staff member, but it was not available to us the US citizens.

  5. It is criminal to give this experimental biologic. But this g to an infant. If an adult wants to take this shot, fine, but I have not. It is going to cause all kinds of auto immune issues in the future. No other so called vaccine has been approved with the number of VARES, adverse affects directly as a result of this shot. But this administration is commiting population control.

  6. This is beyond bad and is in fact criminal! Pfizer/Moderna falsified adverse reaction data from the FDA in order to get energency use for their mostly ineffective, but definitely dangerous and deadly vaccine…. CRIMINAL! As the adverse reactions and deaths caused by the mRNA vaccines went to unheard of levels over a year ago they legally should have been withdrawn from use… CRIMINAL THAT THEY WEREN’T! Since that time Biden, Harris, Pelosi, Schumer, Fauci, the FDA, CDC, NIH and anyone promoting the use of, or mandating the use of these harmful and deadly mRNA vaccines are GUILTY OF CRIMES AGAINST HUMANITY AND MUST BE BROUGHT TO JUSTICE. The conspiratorial promotions if these should have been acted upon by the DOJ, FBI, SECRET SERVICE and DHS at the first reports of the ridiculously high adverse reactions and deaths. Their lack of actions can only be interpreted as being part of the conspiracy and themselves are GUILTY OF CRIMES AGAINST HUMANITY!


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