We didn’t hear a lot from Hillary Clinton after her crushing defeat on November 8th, but, recently, the former presidential candidate stepped back in the spotlight.
Speaking at a Women on Women luncheon on May 2nd, Clinton said, “I was on the way to winning until a combination of Jim Comey’s letter, on October 28, and Russian WikiLeaks raised doubts in the minds of people who were inclined to vote for me, but got scared off.”
Clinton also went on to say that, “If the election had been on October 27, I would be your president.”
Do these deflections of blame carry any weight, though? Or are they just the bitter excuses from a person who ran what was arguably the worst presidential campaign in U.S. history?
Irony Abounds
If you’ve ever watched Scooby Doo, you know that most every episode ends with the unmasked, exposed villain muttering something along the lines of, “I would have gotten away with it if it weren’t for you meddling kids.”
In her latest disaster of an interview, Clinton ironically sounds exactly like one of these characters.
The information that Director Comey and WikiLeaks brought forward may indeed have influenced the election. No one is arguing that this isn’t a possibility – at least not honestly. What Clinton fails to admit in all of her finger pointing, though, is that Comey and WikiLeaks would have had no damning information to release if she and her campaign had not so abundantly provided it.
Her loss isn’t the fault of Comey and WikiLeaks for exposing her wrongdoings, it’s the fault of Hillary Clinton for doing them in the first place.
Comey’s Defense
Clinton and most of the left-wing media is trying to vilify James Comey for his decision to reopen the investigation into Clinton’s emails one day before the election. While the move was unprecedented, the situation was unprecedented as well. In a recent a Senate hearing, Comey sharply defended his decision saying that, “Concealment, in my view, would have been catastrophic.”
Comey went on to explain that, once the new evidence had been found, there was no choice he could have made that would not have influenced the election in one way or another. If he had chosen to hide this new evidence and wait until the election was over to reveal it, the American people would have been livid, and the FBI would be seen as directly hiding evidence so as to favor one candidate over another. Faced with a difficult decision, Comey clearly made the right choice.
But this obvious fact isn’t good enough for Clinton and the rest of liberal media that are currently crucifying the FBI director. Clinton’s inability to take responsibility for her own actions and the media’s unwillingness to force her to is something we have seen throughout her political career.
Even now, when Clinton’s political career seems to have nothing left to gain from her continued deflection, she still cannot resist the impulse to point fingers at everyone but herself.
She’s Not Done Yet
After the election, many people hoped that we had seen the last of Hillary Clinton. While a few outlandish remarks at the speaking events she’s paid so highly to attend was to be expected, there was hope that Clinton’s actions and influence within the political sphere were a thing of the past. Unfortunately, this might not be the case.
When she wasn’t blaming James Comey and WikiLeaks for exposing her crimes, Clinton has spent a large portion of her latest time in the spotlight talking about her plans to start an anti-Trump political group she has dubbed “Onward Together”.
In keeping with the Democrats’ tendency to oppose and obstruct everything President Trump tries to do, Clinton has revealed that the primary purpose of this new faction will be to resist the president’s plan for the nation and make it difficult for him to get new legislation passed.
There was a point in history not too long ago where a so-called “public servant” so blatantly trying to inhibit, vilify, and obstruct a sitting president would have been unheard of. Of course, Hillary Clinton isn’t likely to see the error of her ways. As to who she will blame when her new political group inevitably fails as poorly has her campaign did, the world will have to wait and see.
~ Liberty Planet