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Congress Zeros In On Obama Administration’s Election Meddling

The worm has officially turned in Washington, D.C., as lawmakers clamor for a second special counsel to investigate the election meddling by the Obama Administration.

The Russian Collusion narrative many Democrats hoped would tear down Pres. Donald J. Trump has backfired in epic proportions. With deep state operatives such as disgraced ex-FBI Director James Comey and FBI Deputy Director Andrew McCabe sidelined, Congressional Republicans are finally seeing damaging documents that highlight a concerted effort on the part of Obama-era officials to slow-walk the Clinton email investigation and use the Democrat-funded “dodgy dossier” to gain warrants to spy on the Trump Campaign.

But, the Obama election meddling narrative runs much deeper that a few biased cronies trying to put their thumbs on the election scales. In recent weeks, committees in the U.S. House and Senate have forced the Department of Justice to reveal emails and text messages that may implicate former Pres. Obama himself.

Congress Pushes For Unredacted Materials

Despite senior Republican lawmakers backing DOJ officials into a corner over documents regarding anti-Trump bias by Obama cohorts, heavily redacted materials have blurred the full breadth of some of information.

One such batch of damning communications stems from text messages and emails between Obama-backed lovers Peter Stoltz and Lisa Page. Stolz, a high-ranking FBI agent and DOJ lawyer Page appear to have coordinated Democratic efforts to obstruct the pace of the Clinton investigation as the 2016 election neared. Important evidence against the failed presidential candidate was put on a back burner while these, and other deep state Democrats, readied the foundation of a Russian Collusion investigation.

Many recall the message between the lovers that Andrew McCabe had an “insurance policy” should Trump win the White House. The Russia probe appears to be that very insurance policy. However, a deeper look into Obama-era cronies attempts to block key evidence has uncovered a scandal that puts Watergate to shame.

Senate Judiciary Committee Chairman Chuck Grassley recently called attention to a text shared between Stoltz and Page that potentially points to Obama sowing the seed of sedition. In the context of the Russian narrative and Clinton investigation, one of the lovers says, “White House is running this.”

Sen. Grassley and others in Congress are calling for unredacted documents in an effort to uncover how far up the chain of command the false Russia narrative goes, and if the former president could face criminal charges. The text messages also point to a possible payoff to the now-fired McCabe as one message references him getting a “$700,000 conference table.” Strangely expensive for a government employee…

In the midst of this and other internal FBI and DOJ scandals stemming from the Obama Administration, Inspector General Michael Horowitz was tasked with looking into “impropriety or political motivation.” A damaging report has been provided to lawmakers.

Spies Like Us

Americans recently learned the extent to which undercover operatives can hide in plain view during the confirmation hearing of now-CIA Director Gina Haspel. The former spy has a 30-year-long file that is so top secret even Congress cannot see it. The Obama-era FBI apparently had spies of their own. The only difference was that under Comey, they spied on American citizens and may have tried to upend the Trump Campaign.

His name is Stefan Halper, another seemingly mild-mannered individual who works in academia. Halper, an American foreign policy scholar at the University of Cambridge was involved in spying allegations during the 1980 Reagan-Bush presidential campaign. Before becoming vice president and later president, George H.W. Bush was the director of the CIA and Halper was a resource. Allegations swirled that Halper had penetrated Pres. Jimmy Carter’s campaign and was spying.

In recent history, ties between the FBI, namely ex-director Comey, and Halper have come to light. House Republicans are now closing in and believe Comey may have attempted to plant Halper in the Trump Campaign. FBI officials have admitted that Halper was an “informant.”

Pres. Trump has gone on the record supporting the spying allegations.

“Reports are there was indeed at least one FBI representative implanted, for political purposes, into my campaign for president,” Trump recently tweeted. “It took place very early on, and long before the phony Russia Hoax became a “hot” Fake News story. If true – all time biggest political scandal!”

In the Watergate crisis that led to impeachment, Pres. Nixon used private contractors and resources to disrupt and monitor his political opponents. The Obama Administration may have enlisted the FBI, DOJ and others to commit high crimes and misdemeanors.

What everyday Americans have learned since Russia fever swept over the body politic is that Democrats and their deep state operatives tried to influence and election. It backfired, and Congress may finally hold the them accountable by installing a truly independent special counsel. Comey, McCabe, Lynch, Stoltz, Page, Clinton and even Pres. Obama could be staring down the barrel of justice.

~ Liberty Planet

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