A recent survey conducted by John Zogby Strategies, revealed that a staggering 15 percent of adults in the United States who have received a covid vaccine, are now living with at least one serious health condition.
The survey, which was commissioned by Children’s Health Defense (CHD), was meant to gage the overall health and attitude of adults in America, and 67 percent of those who responded said they had received at least one or two doses of the covid shot, while 33 percent of respondents indicated they had refused to take the shot all together.
Out of those who were vaccinated, only six percent had taken only a single dose, while 28 percent took two doses, 21 percent had three shots and 12 percent had taken four or more inoculations.
Overall 15 percent of those who had taken a shot are now living with a health condition that was not present before they had the vaccine, appearing within days, sometimes weeks after they had received them.
“The fact that the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC) reports more than 232 million Americans ages 18-65 have taken at least one dose of the COVID-19 vaccine, and 15% of those surveyed report a newly diagnosed condition is concerning and needs further study,” says Laura Bono, executive director of CHD.
“The mRNA vaccine technology is new and clinical trials naturally have no long-term data. CHD believes this survey points to the need for further study.”
Despite the fact that new information has come to light about the covid vaccine not giving immunity and causing more harm than good – 67 percent of those who took it still insist it was a “good decision.”
Almost 32 percent of the respondents were Hispanic, 21 percent were Black and only seven percent were Caucasian.
Of the conditions that were reported by respondents, the symptoms included blood clots, heart attack, liver damage, leg clots, lung clots and stroke.
Of those who responded, only 10 percent of the people who had been jabbed with the covid vaccine, said they regretted their decision to take it.
“The surveys included 1,038 American adults of all ages (MOE +/- 3.1) and 829 18-49-year-olds (MOE +/- 3.5) Both polls were fielded July 22-24, and data sets were pre-stratified and weighted to be representative of their respective populations. Error margins are higher for subgroups,” En-Volve.com reported.
The “safe and effective” jab is not as safe as the manufacturers would have you believe, there is also something else to take into account – these “vaccines” have the capability of causing health problems and in some cases death over the period of ten years.
Even if governments around the world decided to pull the vaccine, it is already too late – over five billion people have already received at least one shot.
If somebody believes these shots are safe all they do is listen to mainstream media that will keep you ignorant….I’m a pure blood And I will not complain.Let the weak Minded complied.The Shot Is pure poison.Get online do your homework Probably too late for you anyway
Lead a horse to water, can’t make it drink. The ignorant sheeple who lined up for the free experimental jab are now human lab rats. Liberal Demonrats who got the jab maybe doing the nation a favor. They are toxic shedders, hanging out with more liberals & Demonrats, helps the nation. When they all succumb to the toxic jab, the nation will be better off. Shedding is real, one has to make the decision to keep away from those who are infected with poison.
This is nothing more than “culling.”the population. And I can guarantee you that none of them politicians they got on TV and said look “I’m getting the shot it’s safe”, that was nothing more than a vitamin b shot,, if so then how come our president got covid supposedly. People think that guys like me are conspiracy nuts but remember. I think Einstein said when searching for a solution the simplest solution is always or answer is the correct one. I know those aren’t the exact words but you get the gist of it. And now with these 87,000 armed IRS agents that 90% of their investigations are going to Target people making less than 55,000 a year,, the IRS is not a government agency it is a private agency that is solely contracted by the government to collect debts owed due to back taxes it’s basically a collection agency for the government but it is not a government agency and now there’s going to be roughly 3,000 new agents with guns running around every state that’s so when they come to take your house or your car and throw you out on the street with your kids that you won’t fight back or they can shoot you dead if you resist they take to the streets January of 2023. Why do you think they’re trying to disarm America as much as they can before that. Wake up people!! And what they take from people that’s the pay for all the printing of money that Biden did. this country needs to go the way that we did in 1776 against the British or we can live in a socialist state disguised as democracy by the Democrats. And I’m neither Democrat nor Republican not anymore. I do know if Trump was in office we wouldn’t be going through this economic crap. I didn’t vote for Biden I voted for Trump.
I am thanking God for keeping us safe through discernment. In obedience to His Word, and that the body is the temple of the Holy Spirit, I refused to be anyone’s guinea pig. These experimental, so-called vaccines, were nothing of the sort…they are meant to hurt us, not help us. I somehow figured this out by God’s grace – especially when the “Covid – or common cold/flu” was thrust upon us during the year of the Presidential election for the purpose of tanking the economy – to take down our great President Trump. We know it all now; but again, I am thankful for the Word of the Lord for being our guide in making this decision for myself and family. We have had some sort of “Covid-like” symptoms through the past years, but due to healthy eating and vitamin therapy (and exercise) our God-given immune systems fought it off. God knows best!!
Amen to our precious GOD! The Holy Bible says it all! Wake up America, please listen to the WORD! Praise YAWAH and JESUS!!!LOVE TO ALL!
Took the 1st n 2 Phizer shots reluctantly. No ill effects. For the Protection of others. Been studying the VARES data. Done with the MRNA DNA altering guinea pig vaccines being pushed by greedy globalists. One thing you can bet on is never trust any goverment that lies, cohersses, bribes, extorts, intimadates and tries to forcibly mandate what you put in your body. Especially in the Constitutional Republic we call home! Also didn’t stop me from getting the damn virus. Way to much special interest corporate greed going on for this American citizens confidence.