Rep. Shelia Jackson Lee, who has long been considered the vapidest member of Congress, has presented legislation that could make political criticism of minorities by white people a federal felony.
The law proposes that a white individual who “vilifies” any non-white individual and has their statements show up on social media, accessible by “persons who are inclined to engage in any action in furtherance of a white supremacist inspired hate crime” would be committing a federal felony.
The clause is so broad that a Mack truck might drive through it. Under this provision, what constitutes a “white supremacy-inspired hate crime”? What exactly is “replacement theory”? Because what Democrats call “replacement theory” in order to quiet Republicans is frequently not replacement theory at all, but rather a reiteration of Democrat-admitted intentions to influence elections through immigration.
Furthermore, the usage of “or” in section (B) is significant since it allows “vilifies” to stand alone as a qualifier. What is the limiting principle in this case? Does posting on social media that Shelia Jackson Lee is an extremely stupid, nasty person who has a lengthy history of treating her employees like dirt constitute “vilification” of her under this proposed law? It appears to be the case.
Then there’s the conspiracy theory to contend with. There appears to be no necessity that the “two or more people” targeted by this regulation have any meaningful link to one another. If a person commits a “white supremacy-inspired hate crime” against someone and I’ve been politically criticizing the same person on social media, even if it’s justified, I’ve now committed a federal crime.
If passed, this law would be used to suppress legitimate political criticism of any non-white individual or group (for example, the Black Lives Matter organization), because such criticism may subject anyone who leveled it to criminal penalties. Forgetting that this would be a flagrant violation of the First Amendment, it also reveals Lee and others who think like her to have a mad authoritarian drive.
That is why Majority House Leader Kevin McCarthy should put it to a vote. Put this foolish, reductive nonsense on the floor and force every Democrat to be on record.
I hope she dies, does this count? Come get me
How about a crime if BLM says stupid stuff against whites. This is all bs. and that moron should be thrown out of government. The demoncrats have become that party of blood sucking commies and racists.
As long as illiterate negros continue to vote for the bitch, she ain’t going nowhere.
This bill is absurd!! What about my friends and family who are white and asian, Indian, black, etc. Notice that the capitalization is missing, for this inherited classification!!
So racist for everyone!!! DISGUSTING!! One more way to divide and divide our people!! Some do not have brains or reason!! Oh, yeah…it is where the brain is located other then one’s head!!!
Has this idiot ever heard of the constitution in there it clearly states . FREEDOM OF SPEECH duh. She better get off her high horse and realize that’s never going to happen.
This country has become F.U.B.A.R.!!! Every day it’s something else.
Poverty pimp con artists like Lee, Waters and Frederica Wilson are merely a symptom of stupid black voters who keep them in office and get nothing in return. Blacks come to America from other countries and do quite well. African Americans are the Achilles heel of this nation and there’s no cure for that, especially as long as they continue to self inflict with 70% bastard birth rates and fatherless homes. Their own self loathing is their biggest liability and these asinine bills are their way of projecting their failures to others, rather than accept responsibility for their conditions.
when are people going to “wake up” to these Socialist DemocRATS and their agenda. First, they want to DISARM the CITIZENS. INFRINGING our 2nd Amendment. Now they’re coming after our FIRST Amendment right to FREE SPEECH?!
How much longer do FREEDOM LOVING Americans put up with these “Socialists,” and their obvious attempts to turn our Great Country into the newest THIRD WORLD country on the planet.
It’s unfortunate, but stupid people are also allowed to vote. Many ignorant people vote because the candidate is of color, or female, Gay and do not know the facts. I heard many people, both white and black say they voted for Obama because he was black.
Blacks always vote according to race. Although nobody will admit it, they’re the biggest racists on the planet. On the other hand, whites who were stupid enough to vote for Obama or any other left wing racist DemoRAT for that matter deserve what they get for their outright ignorance.
Here in the UK it’s almost as bad. Problem is at least 80% of people will just do as they are told leaving the minority to fight, but what makes it worse is the 80% will say the minority is unreasonable. Remember the Canadian truckers?
i guess we r becoming a country of no rights
I guess Rep. Jackson Lee and the rest of them never heard the timeless and true obsevation that racism comes in ALL colors.
It’s been obvious for decades that DemoRATs and the left hate white people. They’re getting more and more open about it too. What I don’t understand is how there are still whites who are stupid enough to vote for the same left wing radicals who so openly hate them. Anybody who’s white and stupid enough to support and vote for left wing commiecrat politicians is comparable to a Jew who would be stupid enough to vote for a Nazi.
If the left is going route they have to also make any verbal racial attack against a white person equally bad and open to punishment. After all this is. supposed to be Democracy. That’s right, the left hates Democracy and all white people while most whites don’t hate all black people. I didn’t vote for Obama because he was a liberal and a communist, not because he’s black.
how about all Whites (yeah,. I capitalized it!!) put a bullseye on their back?