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Desperate Dems Want Illegals AND Children To Vote

Everyday American have work to do, families to feed and real concerns about taxes and the price of gas at the pump. Few have the time to research emerging political topics and get to the facts the fake news media isn’t giving you. One of the many topics the liberal mass media doesn’t want you to know about is the fact that Democrats are pushing to allow illegal immigrants and minors to vote.

Those ideas may seem outlandish on the surface. But that’s only because the biased media withholds critical information from the general public. In recent years, Democrats have been exposed on several fronts that have the adult, American voters turning away from the party. For instance, repeated votes to provide the so-called Dreamers a pathway to permanent residence in the U.S. demonstrated that Democrats had been using these young people for decades. But the Republicans who liberals falsely claimed were blocking their path voted with Pres. Donald J. Trump on the Dreamers’ behalf. It was Democrats who voted against them.

On fronts such as criminal justice and prison reform, Democrats promised minority voters — particularly African-Americans — that they were the party of social justice. However, it was Pres. Trump and not Obama who passed comprehensive federal sentencing reform. In hindsight, disgraced Democrat Pres. Bill Clinton was responsible for excessive federal sentencing laws that disproportionately put African-Americans behind bars.

On the economic justice side of the coin, the left had promised to support better schools, jobs and improved wealth for African-Americans and Latino-Americans. The truth about false Democrat promises has come to light thanks to the Trump Administration and Republican policies that have reduced African-American unemployment to its lowest rates in history. Latino-Americans are enjoying the highest wage growth and best economic factors in recent history.

But what has all this to do with Democrats’ attempts to allow illegal immigrant votes to cancel out citizens’ and tapping 16-year-olds? Simply, African-Americans, Latinos, and adults across the board know the truth. Democrats don’t want to solve real problems for Americans. They prefer to maintain the status quo and use fear for campaign slogans. With their decades of lies exposed, Democrats need a new class of voters to swindle.

“I, myself, personally — I’m not speaking for my caucus — I, myself, have always been for lowering the voting age to 16,” House Speaker Nancy Pelosi said. “I think it’s really important to capture kids when they’re in high school when they’re interested in all of this when they’re learning about the government, to be able to vote.”

The operative word may be “capture” because liberal extremist teachers have been trying to influence school-aged children into believing in things such as socialism and the progressive agenda. Pelosi uses her classic political double-speak to say it’s just her opinion and not her “caucus” necessarily. But everyone knows she calls the shots in the U.S. House for fellow Democrats.

The move to bring minors as young as 16 years old into the Democratic Party fits seamlessly with the far-left ideology. Many of the liberal elites have zero clues what it’s like to work a 40-hour job to support themselves and a loving family. Socialist leaders such as New York firebrand Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez (AOC) and others are single or wealthy public servants who were brainwashed in left-leaning universities. The freshman Congresswoman has already come under investigation for millions in dark money, alleged cronyism for paying her boyfriend as a staffer and giving him a government email account. Sound like Hillary all over again, doesn’t it?

American values such as hard work and honesty baffle the left, and they seek to undermine impressionable 16-year-olds who have yet to bear the responsibilities of parents and veterans.

With the U.S. House under the control of a Democrat majority, an increased push to allow illegal immigrants the right to vote has surfaced. After party leaders in California moved to let illegal immigrants vote in municipal elections, the GOP pushed back hard in Congress last year. But with Democrats controlling the House, a massive shift has occurred in less than six months.

“We are prepared to open up the political process and let all of the people come in,” Georgia Democrat Rep. John Lewis said.

Democrats won a majority on the issue in a 228-197 vote under the umbrella of the left’s “For the People Act of 2019.” The measure sends a chilling message about the left’s push to supplant the vote of American citizens with more than 11 million illegals in the country right now.

“It sounds like I’m making it up. What kind of government would cancel the vote of its own citizens, and replace it with noncitizens?” Texas Rep. Dan Crenshaw said.

~ Liberty Planet

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