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Doctor Who First Discovered Omicron Variant Says It’s “Mild,” Hasn’t Caused Uptick in Hospitalizations

Turn on your TV to the news and you’ll be blasted with the latest media hysteria surrounding covid and the new variant ‘omicron’, which allegedly is sweeping its way across the globe, originating in South Africa.

This ‘deadly’ new strain, will of course promise more restrictions, more lockdowns, more supply chain problems and more “vaccines.”

Dr. Anthony Fauci, has already warned that this terrifying new strain will send us back into our caves, to cower once again as the covid apocalypse rages on and on and on.

But the doctor who discovered omicron, however, says that, in fact the omicron variant is actually mild in symptoms and there has been no uptick seen in numbers of covid cases since its emergence.

Chairman of the Ministerial Advisory Committee on Vaccines, Barry Schoub told Sky News in an interview that the panic had been misplaced.

“The cases that have occurred so far have all been mild cases, mild-to-moderate cases, and that’s a good sign,” said Schoub.

Schoub added that the omicron variant could be a blessing in disguise, as this variant is actually less powerful than delta and could eventually push it out all together.

Chair of the South African Medical Association, Angelique Coetzee, agreed with Schoub, and alleged that the patients she had personally seen, only experience very mild symptoms, stating that the symptoms were “so different and so mild from those I had treated before.”

Coetzee also stated that the new variant didn’t appear to be putting any strain on hospitals and that she hadn’t witnessed any “prominent symptoms.”

“What we are seeing clinically in South Africa and remember, I’m at the epicenter, that’s where I’m practicing, is extremely mild,” she said.

When asked whether or not she thinks those in charge of the pandemic response were unnecessarily panicking, she responded with a “definitely.”

“We haven’t admitted anyone” to the hospital with the new variant, she said. “I spoke to other colleagues of mine, the same picture.”

So it seems likely that the next wave of fear mongering is about to hit the masses. As the media pushes these ‘mutations’ as the scariest thing around since ever, officials in power will continue to slowly chip away at people’s freedoms.

We have already witnessed mass job losses from people taking a stand against the vaccine mandates, choosing instead to fight against tyrannical government officials, who would love nothing more than enslaving the masses. It’s rather sick.

The supply chain continues to nose dive as retailers begin to run out of stock and ships are left stranded for weeks, if not months out at sea.

More lockdowns wouldn’t solve the covid problem, the only possible way to solve the covid problem is to fire, then charge people like Dr. Fauci, who has committed crimes against humanity with his previous involvement with cruel experiments he conducted on not only animals, but small children too.

Of course Fauci just giggles and denies that he has any type of nefarious involvement in driving the fear machine into American’s faces everyday, while profiting off the ‘vaccines’ that he has monetary interests in.

Sadly, Coetzee and her observations on this new omicron variant will go ignored, and the media will use this fact to bury this story. Because it does not fit their narrative.

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7 thoughts on “Doctor Who First Discovered Omicron Variant Says It’s “Mild,” Hasn’t Caused Uptick in Hospitalizations”

  1. Here we go again! Dr. Fauci trying to help Biden stay in power! And help DEMOCRAT to destroy our freedom and liberty for SOCIALISM CONTROL! Well guess we need to shut him up for good! Just as we need to REMOVE EVERY DEMOCRAT FROM OUR CONGRESS ! ALONG WITH THOSE 13 RINO REPUBLICANS!

  2. More biden, fauci induced treason for their commie. marxist. isl;amic dictator dtench presided by bo’s wannabe dictator whims to internally destroy U.S. Freedom, Rights & National Security ! Treason all the way to galows !


    1. I’m damn surprised that this variant hasn’t been touted to be the”one” that’d attack children in droves!!

      The push to injure our kids with these fake serums has already got me to the boiling point. These governments worldwide know what these “vaccines” are really doing, and saving lives is NOT the true end game.
      This vile narrative has played itself out. Time to leave the populous alone and let the herd immunity manifest itself. It’s been too long already, what with these nasty, unproven cocktails they’re dosing people with. And look what they’ve done with the kids vaccines…… they’ve added a heart attack related drugs to their arsenal, to help prevent cardiac arrest ….IN KIDS!!! Butchers and murderers all!! Leave us alone for Gods sake, this is like a bad episode of X-Files.
      This whole mandate of getting vaxxed is insidious….. but to taint the children is liken to Jeffrey Epstein and Ghislane Maxwell watching your kids for the evening…….. you know

      Not a very good idea! It can only end BADLY

      1. There is no such thing as any of these variants! It’s still just the same covid, being used to continue ”the scare” to get us to take the Vax…….and Kill us!! PERIOD!

  4. there is not and never has been covid therefore no variants, delta, omicron or timbukbloodytu and you can see the desperation in the globalists plan now by the unseemly push to jab everyone cos the uptake is less than 10% worldwide – covid never went through the koch’s postulate test but nobody tells the people and nobody asks

  5. Doctor Who First Discovered Omicron Variant Says It’s “Mild,” Hasn’t Caused Uptick in Hospitalizations, but the demo-ass news media and those in congress claims that it will kill millions. As if the Vax here in the US has not killed so many and Biden claims it is 100% safe, in reality, the Vax will have to comply with your body chemistry in your blood, some people have died to the fact became sick due to the vav. with complications, otherwise were ok before the vax.

    That is why I refuse to take it and will tell these asinine a-holes to leave me alone. Damn communist takes over shitass demos.

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