Allowing liberal propaganda companies to enjoy First Amendment protections under the disguise of “news outlets” threatens the very foundation of American democracy.
At any other time, such a statement would rightfully be considered a gross exaggeration. But the disinformation campaign by the liberally-biased and fake news media to protect Joe Biden and his family from corruption and money-laundering charges prove they must be held criminally and civilly liable. The influence major media outlets bring to bear is too great to allow false narratives to replace fact-based journalism.
“How do you maintain a democratic system when reality itself has been banned? That’s something we’re going to have to figure out,” Fox News host Tucker Carlson reportedly said.
As recent bombshell documents about Joe and Hunter Biden selling out Americans for millions in Chinese payoffs surfaced, media outlets have rolled out hideous disinformation campaigns. Everyday people expect that CNN — the leader in fake news — would push back against the investigative New York Post article that outed the Bidens for influence peddling with China’s communists. It might seem incredible, but NBC trolled out a disinformation piece under this headline: “How a fake persona laid the groundwork for a Hunter Biden conspiracy deluge.”
“The document and its spread have become part of a wider effort to smear Hunter Biden and weaken Joe Biden’s presidential campaign,” NBC wrote. “An unverified leak of documents — including salacious pictures from what President Donald Trump’s personal attorney Rudy Giuliani and a Delaware Apple repair store owner claimed to be Hunter Biden’s hard drive — were published in the New York Post.”
The major network makes it appear as if the allegations regarding Biden family corruption had been debunked. Nothing could be further from the truth. In fact, former Hunter Biden business associate, Tony Bobulinski, came forward confirming information the New York Post relied on were authentic, and the corruption was very real. Director of National Intelligence John Ratcliffe went on the record refuting a false narrative that political television shows allowed California Rep Adam Schiff to push. The Democrat claimed, without any evidence, the reports about Biden corruption were “Russian disinformation.”
So damaging are the verified incidents of Biden family corruption that even many fake news outlets avoided references to the year’s most important political reports. They ignored the critical information voters deserved to know.
“On two separate occasions, Bobulinski met personally with Joe Biden to discuss the family’s business deals in China. Biden repeatedly has denied knowing anything about those deals. Joe Biden is lying, Tony Bobulinski proved it,” Fox News’ Carlson reportedly said. “It was a major story, and not just because it happened here. We only interviewed Tony Bobulinski in the first place, because nobody else would. There was a complete media blackout on his story, and there still is. In the last three days, and we just checked, the name Tony Bobulinski has not been mentioned a single time on any other television network, not one time.”
Partisan operatives posing as credible journalists and political action committees pretending to be reputable media outlets have effectively suspended reality. Everyday Americans grew up trusting and relying on the mainstream media to deliver fact-based information so they could make informed decisions about critical things, such as voting. Now that they are part of a political machine, allowing them to be shielded from court actions turns democracy on its head.
Corruption and he might be the next president!!! Disgusting that no one is doing anything!!!! The swamp will never leave DC……..
How about this? You have the evidence.. Why don’t you shut the fuck up about the media and lock the S.O.B.S up. I don’t know any other Americans that has to have media’s approval to lock criminals up or to press charges.
Bad grammar and vulgar. Obviously a democrat!
FBI sat on information about Bidens for over one year while permitting Fake House kangaroo court to impeach a Honest and inncent President Trump.Time for Real Justice in America or should i say Past Time.
Just go ahead and fire all the top people in the FBI now and Jail them too for conspiring to get Trump impeached when they had evidence of Joe Biden and His Sons and Family members get million from China and others too Nancy,s Son and John Kerry,s son and who knows who else could be involved in these Political Money making Deals of Corrupt in the Congress too
I prefer executed them! They are a TRAITOR to AMERICA! If they were helping Obama then executed him as well!
joe and hunter need to be in prison , this is a outrage
Hunter should lose his finger! That the laws of COMMUNIST SOCIALISM country! Everytime you are arrested for drugs they take a fingers!
I cannot believe this crook has a shot at the Presidency and I am sick about it!!!!
What can we do about this utter disgrace? He sold the United States to the highest bidder and for that he should not win the election. I can only pray that this evil and corrupt man loses.
Really? Go back to 2008-2012 see the pattern? Obama wasn’t legal to be president either! But the CORRUPTION DEMOCRAT PARTY CHANGE THE RULE . AND VIOLET THE CONSTITUTION LAWS! AFTER THAT SEALOFF HIS RECORD FROM BEING INVESTIGATE!
Who to BLAME? BLM? ANTIFA? Liberal? Stop and think about it! Since Bill Clinton term when all started pushing SOCIALISM CONTROL into the school system. When DEMONcrat push NAFTA BILLS on the corporate world. Increased TAXES ON BUSINESS. To push them out of America! Thousand people LOSE THEIR JOBS! This continues secretly with Bush Jr. Not a TRUE REPUBLICAN! His last four years were control by DEMOCRAT in both chambers! I could go on! But to make it short WHO KEEP VOTING FOR THE DEMOCRAT THAT KEEPING THEM FROM SUCCESS IN LIFE? IS IT THEY DON’T WANT TO LIVE A BETTER LIFE? Then turn around and hollow RACIST SYSTEMIC? They keep checking the ballot box for the party that want them to have NOTHING! BUT WANT ILLEGAL IMMIGRATION TO HAVE EVERYTHING!
It seems to me that corruption has taken hold and our people are being held hostage to media disinformation and adherence to Biden corruption! We must either stand up for ourselves or we will be the victims to these disgraceful and dishonest people, who include the media and Joe Biden! We must speak out loudly and clearly and make sure that we are heard and listened to!
it is our turn to peaceful protest
With all the report that 54 people were MURDER BY the hitman of the CLINTON! People get scared to be honest! And the hitman was an FBI agent! Who else knows how to cover up a crime?
Either FBI do your job or be thrown out of office Asap no excuses any more. we want to see Biden and son arrested and who ever else is in this mess.time has run our get off your ass’s and get it done .starting now go arrest them now.
Vickie you are correct thanks to them criminals walk the street , get rid of alleged leader of their mob
Don’t forget they were working for Obama! Trump should have remove them and MILITARY leader that Obama put in place!
Either FBI do your job or be thrown out of office Asap no excuses any more. we want to see Biden and son arrested and who ever else is in this mess.time has run out get off your ass’s and get it done .starting now go arrest them now.
Well he can be impeached along with any other Democrat that takes the office of President.
The Democratic Party and the RINO’s have made a mockery of this nation’s values. They should be held accountable for their total disregard of the laws of this nation. When a Presidential candidate has a son that has made money from countries outside of this country, and his son and his father don’t own to it, that’s a problem. When proof is given that a former President, Vice President, Secretary of State and the Attorney General start an investigation into our current President, and there is no proof of any wrong doing, that is a problem. When the Democrats and Rino’s in Congress, call to impeach our President without any just cause, that is a problem. SEE, THE PROBLEM IS THE DEMOCRATS AND THE RINO’s IN CONGRESS PLUS THE PREVIOUS DEMOCRATIC ADMINISTRATION.
Follow The Money. Did Joe Biden or Hunter Pay Taxes on the money they made.If not why not the IRS. Should Investestage.
frank a good point
The msm has a partnership with the democrats obviously. Whatever happens in our country will rest on their dishonest shoulders equally with the dishonest politicians! Not one person I know wants anything Joe Biden and the libs are planning on doing. I do not believe for one minute this election has been honest.
Certainly not for our President but all races have been “tinkered” with! Lot of really smart and honest Americans and no doubt there will be some serious investigation s forthcoming!
Call the FBI and have them pull in Hunter and give him full protection for spilling the beans on the Biden family
with no jail time .He will sing like a bird and take down the whole bunch to save his fanny. Get tough and take no
prisoners. We Americans are sick of this BS.
In 1975 Donald Rumsfeld was working with President Gerald Ford to end the Viet Nam war and bring the remaining troops home, but there was resistance from a Senator who wanted to keep the war going. President Ford requested Congressional approval to evacuate the troops and avoid any chance of ambush if they remained. This Senator blocked aid and assistance. President Ford finally sent helicopters and evacuated the troops from the roof of the American Embassy, thus avoiding any ambush attempts. The Senator who was responsibe for blocking aid and assistance? JOE BIDEN. I have a classmate who was involved in that evacuation so it is verified information.
I can hardly believe yet, I do think him capable of not wanting to bring our troops back home. I didn’t understand what was going on with Rumsfeld and why he was let go. Clinton B->all those people taken out by FBI, Obama knew of setup by Hillary accusing Trump of Russian collusion to cover her using own computer for government work, Hillary not sending help for ambassador to Benghazi where ambassador & 3 men killed in ambush, Seth Rich killed (cold list now) yet Hillary wanted a lid on that too, Biden & sons taking American jobs to CCP & taking money, Ukraine Barisma -quid pro quo hold 1 billion$ if Shokin not fired from investigating Hunter & others. All this info plus yet not one of them has been investigated or somehow get to refused to be questioned & prosecuted.
This is a big laundry list. All Democrats, FBI,CIA->high rankers are democrat sympathizers, like wars to keep weapons sales to other countries up lining their pockets, Pelosi, John Kerry->their sons working with energy companies in Ukraine, Schiff invested in one of H Biden’s investment co. I read somewhere B. Barr’s life has been threatened which makes sense as he has been fairly quiet as of late. All these Democrats have covered their behinds despite a lot being out in the open. There are the RINOs who are Democrat sympathizers traitors to their own party, like Romney, as well as those in the Lincoln Project Republicans. They all cover for each other and it will be difficult for them to be tried and convicted as they will find a loophole or something. This country will never be the same unless justice prevails. Even justices despite the call and oath taken to follow the rule of law are corrupted. This is where the LORD’s return is eminent as He will rule justly and righteously.
How in the hell did this country come to this that we Sold our soles to the devil. Biden is a evil sick man and this is what you block brain air heads want running this country well you get what you asked for because kamla will be running this country and she is worse then that sicko you want in live with it because the worst is yet to come
True , true!!!
It’s time to turn off the TV’s and see if we the American people can find real news,all these stations don’t like our president because he tells the truth about what is going on in the world. Screw them , I don’t have cable and if we did I would not have any of them on TV. They’re all liars and not that good. Maybe they can go back to school and learn how to be a good reporter
Lillian, I turned in my TV 20 yrs ago, honestly. Oh I had one but I did not watch the stuff then. I started listening
To radio. Well they messed up also. So now I come on my IPad and I am about to give this up. We have so few people today who wish to be heard and what happens. They get blocked. No free press with a truthful story but Tucker. God bless him and his family keep them safe Lord.
How very sad that 50% of our population can criticize and turn their backs on our great country to embrace a criminal family and follow the pied piper towards Marxism. We have had the privilege of living in the greatest country ever,
by the grace of God. And now it’s being thrown away. Perhaps our schools should be teaching Americanism!
The bias fake news will eventually perish for its neglect to publish facts and information that is criminal and fraudulent. In 1992 Clinton and the Congress passed the Telecommunications Act that allowed 6 owners and corporations to purchase 90% of the news media. Back in the 70’s, 80’s and early 90’s all the medias were producing fair, balanced and truthful reporting. I dare you to check your history. Only our Creator can save our Republic from its demise.
We are in the end times folks bucket up. Morality is gone the next is one world order. One world currency and Biden sold it to them and thats all she wrote folk hang on going to be a fast fall down.
When our nation “decided” WE WILL NOT HAVE GOD RULE OVER US – “I did it MY way” – that is when we
began the steady journey to the place we find ourselves today!
This is NOT irreversible – – God is merciful and IF WE confess our foolish (wicked) “decisions”, change our ways, (REPENT) God will hear from heaven and HEAL our land.
IF we DON’T – – GOD WON’T!!!
This is AMERICA, one Nation under God! To the Republic for which it stands. We teach our children right from wrong, yes sir yes mam. Yet when you choose to lead a life of crime for money, human and child trafficking and what ever makes you rich and not in the heart. Look at Weinstein, Weiner, Epstein, Maxwell…We have many more to add to this corruption way of life. Hillary, Obama, Biden’s, Pelosi, AOC + 3, Adam Schiff, Chuck Schumer, Bill Clinton (most on Epstein’ s island have sex with small children. THI IS NOT OKAY!!! They bring them through tunnels underground and the elite know about all of it. They think we are stupid and their slaves and Shut us up by blocking everything on social media, unless it concerns them of class or Grace (which will never be as I see Trash) and more dirty trash elect! Give us a break. When does it stop. We get a traffic ticket and hell we just might get thrown in jail for talking over a cop. Hell “The Demonic Rats” Literally get away with murder, child sex…etc… America needs cleaned up and out…They will promise you the World until they get in and then it is the hell with us. The standing President has done so good, because he is and has been a business man and not a Politician. I pray to our mighty God, that this will change and they will all pay the price.