CBS News exposed its fake news and liberal bias by fabricating a false narrative about Florida Governor Ron DeSantis’ vaccine rollout.
Many view the Republican as the front-runner for the 2024 presidential nomination should former President Donald Trump decide not to seek another term. Governor DeSantis followed the science and demonstrated lockdowns and a shuttered economy were counterproductive in slowing the spread.
His leadership protected a high senior population and secured elder care facilities while fake news outlets showered praise on New York Governor Andrew Cuomo. The New York Democrat caused the highest death rate among our valued elders and is currently under federal investigation for tampering with Covid data.
The fake news media continues to push false and misleading reports about DeSantis because they know he would likely beat any Democrat he runs against. That’s why the dishonest media launched a recent smear campaign against him. CBS fake news show 60 Minutes insists his decision to work with Publix supermarket chain to distribute vaccines is some bizarre pay-to-play scheme.
“Publix, as you know, donated $100,000 to your campaign,” CBS reporter Sharyn Alfonsi angrily shouts. “And then you rewarded them with the exclusive rights to distribute the vaccination in Palm Beach. How is that not pay for play?”
“First of all, the first pharmacies that had (the vaccine) were CVS and Walgreens, and they had a long-term care mission. So, they were going to the long-term care facilities. They got the vaccine in the middle of December. They started going to the long-term care facilities the third week in December to do LTCs,” DeSantis stated. “So yes, you had the counties, you had some drive-thru sites, you had hospitals that were doing a lot. But we wanted to get it into communities more. So, we reached out to other retail pharmacies: Publix, Walmart, obviously CVS, and Walgreens had to finish that mission, and we said we’re going to use you as soon as you’re done with that.”
The CBS shill wanted nothing to do with DeSantis’ fact-based answer, and the 60 Minutes segment would later cleverly edit the governor’s remarks to manipulate the situation. But what Alfonsi and CBS News may have deliberately left out are the salient facts on the ground.
For example, Publix appears to be one of, if not the largest chain with the ability to distribute the vaccine in the Sunshine State. Publix has more than 830 distribution points, outpacing Walmart at about 386 and even Starbucks’ 700 coffee shops. Publix has in-house pharmacies and appears to be the go-to supermarket. Those are reasons why political leaders agreed the Publix was a logical choice. The GOP governor pointed out to the CBS hack that Publix was the “first one to raise their hand” for the secondary “trial basis” rollout and earned high marks from residents.
DeSantis earned a reputation for standing his ground against fake news attacks and fired back when the unprofessional CBS employee began heckling.
“It’s a fake narrative. I just disabused you of the narrative,” DeSantis firmly stated. “And you don’t care about the facts. Because, obviously, I laid it out for you in a way that is irrefutable.”
Although one would anticipate a line of partisan Democrats backing up the phony story, CBS News has a larger problem on its hands. Palm Beach Mayor Dave Kerner, a Democrat, leveled accusations that CBS News engaged in malicious fake news.
“The reporting was not just based on bad information. It was intentionally false,” Mayor Kerner reportedly said. “I know this because I offered to provide my insight into Palm Beach County’s vaccination efforts, and 60 Minutes declined. They know that the governor came to Palm Beach County and met with me and the county administrator, and we asked to expand the state’s partnership with Publix to Palm Beach County.”
CBS News offered no evidence linking the fictional pay-to-play connection and deliberately tanked first-hand accounts that would unravel the hit piece. Everyday Americans can anticipate more fake news attacks on DeSantis because he distinguished himself during a difficult period and has the leadership skills to win the White House.
That is what the media does best, twist the truth of an issue to help their communist agenda. I think that doing it this way won’t work much longer, because as they say on the demo-rats side people are WOKE on just how crooked the Democrat party is. maybe not all, but, a lot of the people who voted to Biden are realizing that they made a mistake.
The one good thing about the Democrat supporting press is that the more they continue to print false or unsubstantiated articles the more people are turning away from them. The once treasured FREE PRESS has devalued itself and lost any claim to the once proud title of the FOURTH ESTATE. The only area of any news outlet that should contain opinions (which still need to be fact checked) is as an editorial. For we the people to have any faith in the press again they must make every possible effort to print facts and not opinion, that is what editorials are for!
They (the fake news media) had already shown their lying, hateful politics in their treatment of Trump,, They have no integrity and will stoop to any means necessary to push their propaganda agenda. It was in Charlottesville VA. where they selectively reported Trumps words to make it look like he supported far right extremists when he clearly said he didn’t. We need to call them on it every time. They need to apologize to DeSantis, To Trump for the Atlantic story that was false, The Georgia SOS phone call story that was a lie, for promoting a russian collusion story that was a lie. For their making everything about race where people that believed it went out killed others and destroyed property. For the fake Asian hate narrative, for the Capitol insurrection lie and so many others. I trust nothing from them.
That is all big news media is all about,
anything true or false doesn’t matter to them.
I would like to see DeSantis make a run and win. I know of no one else I feel that strongly about having a good chance.
Just be ready to wipe the mud off of publicity.
You are not alone, DeSantis is already the rising star the Left dreads facing in 2024. He is everything Trump was not and can win in a landslide. If that weren’t the case, they wouldn’t be coming after him the way they are. Dems are also gonna lose 20+ House seats, if not more, in 2022.
……and the lying,liberal,fake news and social media giants cannot figure out why they are losing viewers and accounts to independent news and social media outlets?
Democrat party needs shut down and the media. Nothing but lies they tell. To you voters who think Biden is doing good get back under your rock. Your useless to America and its freedoms. Uneducated and brain dead.
And I thought the TV show, “The Walking Dead” wasn’t based on fact; silly me!
EVERY leftist, communist, socialist, liberal will one day be forced to their knees in front of God to answer for every atrocity they’ve committed in this life.
I can only pray that He allows me to witness this judgement when it happens. (after my own session that is. lol)
I’m with you, fox! Well Said!!
AMEN! Whatever we can do to walk in His light, do your best……but DON’T waste that last breath!
When you lie and smear people without proof it’s only a matter of time before the people will resort to the only thing tyrants understand. REVOLT! We will fight back. Out of all the legal gun owners are conservative. Also how many in the military are also conservatives. Do the math. The reality is the maniacal liberals are so completely out numbered it won’t take long to win back our freedoms.
That’s why they are buying votes like Lyndon Birdbrains Johnson did. Build a wall around the People’s House and tear one down around our nation. Import Covid. Why not, we import everything else. This sleeping giant will arise once more. Don’t that purty?
Msm and too many in politics, yes, l include rinos too but many dems fit the bill for being totally untrustworthy. Very unfair to the few in both profession’s who do their job with integrity. They are jointly shoving our country into another civil war and that is unforgivable
CBS= Constant Bull-S#$t!
“We the People” all now realize that the national media companies are nothing more vicious groups of individuals that are intentionally with malice intent to hurt people and destroy America by spreading life threatening propaganda on the American public that has already seriously injured and killed American citizens.
Retaliate? Better Wake up America … soon !
Look at who the Marxists attack, it’s who they fear! De Santis is from a huge electoral vote state and has a stellar record of success to run on. Unlike Trump, he knows how to eviscerate assholes without losing his cool or juvenile personal attacks. Plugs will be gone soon, and Harris will assume the presidency. Just like Jerry Ford, she will not hold onto it. De Santis will destroy the Puta Mulata in their 3 debates and beat the bitch like a drum in 2024.
I don’t consider CBS or any of those other networks reputable news sources so I never watch them. My hope is that viewership by these networks would behold them to report news not personal opinions. I wouldn’t count on them for a national emergency they’d probably be reporting a skirmish versus an all out attack with directions on what to do. I will NEVER go for real information to those channels. Reporting is serious and should be used to report truths, not gossip, biased news, opinions or ranting because other stations get higher rating for good reporting.