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Fake News Push Scare Tactics as GOP Governors Reopen States

Fact-based correlations between the effective methods employed by Republican governors to combat COVID-19 and reopen state economies have the fake news media pushing phony scare tactics.

Citizens are protesting the unconstitutional lockdown by extremist Democrat Governor Gretchen Whitmer in Michigan, while death rates skyrocketed there and New York nursing homes under liberal Governor Andrew Cuomo. The emerging pandemic response picture points to GOP strategies in states such as Texas and Florida, among others, working far better than forced stay-at-home directives imposed by the left. This massive leadership gap has the biased media rolling out another false narrative designed to stoke fear and anxiety.

Texas Governor Greg Abbott largely deferred strategic stay-at-home guidelines to county governments on the frontline of the pandemic. The Republican-run state used commonsense strategies rather than authoritarian lockdowns. Although one elected Democrat judge in Dallas went off the rails and ordered a salon owner jailed for reopening early before GOP officials intervened, the Lone Star State reportedly enjoys the lowest unemployment rate of any large state in the nation.

Governor Abbott already has Texas moving into Phase 2 of its economic reopening. But more frightening to the establishment media are facts that include Texas in a downward COVID-19 trend and a mortality rate of 0.005 percent, which is stunningly below that of New York (.146 percent) and Michigan (.049 percent). Making matters worse for the liberally-biased media, Florida stands at a low 0.009 percent despite having one of the largest demographics of vulnerable senior citizens.

CNN, largely considered the leader in fake news, responded with a headline designed to create fear and undermine the governor’s leadership: “Texas Governor Reopens more Businesses and Schools Days after Highest Jump in Covid-19 Cases in the State.” Suspiciously citing no source, CNN claimed that “The Lone Star State, one of the first to start reopening, reported an increase of 1,801 coronavirus cases on Saturday.” The fake news organization also failed to supply regional statistics or point out that the large state has sweeping urban, suburban, and rural landscapes. According to the CDC, Texas has confirmed 47,784 total cases against the second-largest population (28,995,881) of any state, followed by Florida (21,477,737).

The stunning fact the fake news media continues to avoid is the fact that six states with the highest number of COVID-19 cases are run by Democrats and under draconian lockdowns. According to impartial CDC data, these include New York (347,936), New Jersey (146,334), Illinois (94,191), Massachusetts (86,010), California (78,839), Pennsylvania (62,234), and Michigan (51,142). Only California has a larger population than Texas and Florida, yet the failed leadership has resulted in more people getting infected as of May 19.

Governor Ron DeSantis recently reopened the Florida Keys, and many point to his travel bans as a primary reason so few residents contracted the virus and the low number of deaths. CNN was kind enough to run a click-bait story called, “A Lawyer Dressed as the Grim Reaper is Haunting Florida Beaches to Protest their Reopening.” To say that tactic was over-the-top would be something of an understatement.

The facts point to Republican leadership resulting in citizens suffering less economic disruption than Democrat-run states. Couple that with lower COVID-19 cases per capita, and it’s obvious why the fake news media is trying to scare Americans. The pandemic has forced a referendum on leadership, and Democrats failed miserably.

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