We have gone through the looking glass on this Coronavirus situation. It has come to the point where the vast majority are wearing masks habitually despite the warnings of many front-line scientists and medics against them. People are wearing masks in selfies posted on social media to signal their virtue as if to say, “Look at me, saving grandma’s life.”
While the best stats we have show that the real threat of the disease is only slightly worse than that of a bad flu season, we find that the social effect of irresponsible news reports, coupled with the exaggerated claims of medical facilities boosting their Corona-counts for federal dollars is destroying our economy. All the while, vast numbers of people who understand the fact that the danger is practically non-existent- they wear masks anyway just for permission to visit the supermarket.
This is not to say that the virus isn’t real, or that it cannot cause harm. Our point is that the real power of this disease is psychological. As such, it is the perfect cover for governors, mayors, and presidential advisors who crave power over the common citizen. But it’s usefulness in covering motives makes it a good cover for other things as well.
Now, experts are saying that North Korea may be using fears of the virus and other sociological effects as a cover for a real biological weapon – or a more powerful biological weapon.
This week, Newsmax.com reported, “Experts increasingly believe that North Korea could be using the coronavirus crisis to seek technology for biological weapons.”
Andrew Weber, a former assistant secretary of defense for nuclear and biological defense programs said, “They could buy equipment from Chinese sources for their vaccine effort, and turn around and use it to produce biological weapons.”
Normally, any imports to North Korea are stalled by ongoing sanctions from international sources. But during the pandemic, all medical imports are considered humanitarian in nature, and are therefore being expedited on their way to North Korean population centers.
Experts have said that we already have an example from the past of just such a possibility. During the anthrax scares following the 9/11 attacks, fermenters used to create vaccines were determined to have the ability to be used to produce anthrax.
It’s a bit like snake venom antidotes. In order to produce the antidote, you need a sample of the venom itself, and if you have that, you can chemically replicate it in a laboratory.
Any virus for which you have a vaccine, you must also have a sample of the virus. That means there is nothing to stop North Korean bio-weapons labs from producing weapons-grade versions of Coronavirus loaded fomites.
These could be shipped to any location in any form, and it would be impossible to detect their weaponized natures until long after the harm had been done. Worst of all, any shipment whatsoever could be merely claimed to be loaded with Coronavirus loaded fomites. The fear and subsequent lockdown this would cause would be more than enough to produce weapons-grade results to the economy.
We know Biden and his team of communist won’t do anything about North Korea. Maybe send them money and aide to refine what ever they are doing. The man is a traitor and the media will protect him.