If you recall, the left has pulled no punches in painting Trump as a misogynistic bigot. If you believe the signs at the women’s march a few months ago, then he is a complete fascist who has made it impossible for women in America to live a free, happy or productive life.
The Truth is, by several methods of objective measurement, Trump has been better for women in 100 days than Obama was in 8 years.
Women in Politics
A number of nonprofit organizations that aim to assist women who want to break into politics at the local level have reported massive increases in inquiries in the past few months. Emily’s List (an admittedly left-leaning group) saw help requests spike from 900 under Obama to more than 11,000 since Trump was elected.
Other smaller groups have seen a similar boom in women running for local office. While the left would have you believe that this response consists entirely of women trying to stand against Trump, it’s actually pretty balanced. Anti-Trump mentality has certainly motivated some of his female critics, but the surge in female political participation has been completely bipartisan. Republicans are seeing the same bump as Democrats, suggesting that anti-Trump sentiment can’t be the dominating factor.
Many believe that Kellyanne Conway’s success has been a large motivator. She was the first female in American history to head a winning presidential campaign, busting the proverbial glass ceiling wide open.
Others credit Hilary Clinton, with many women responding on surveys that they would like to do right what Clinton did wrong. Overall, everyone will have their own motivations, but a Trump America is one that fosters female politicians and consequently promotes gender equality.
Foreign Policy
Trump isn’t only helping women in America; he’s extending his assistance abroad.
In France, response to Trump’s victory has helped Marine Le Pen gain momentum, and she is now one of the two finalists in their election this May. More importantly, Trump has dramatically deviated from Obama’s longstanding policies of appeasing human rights violators.
He has shown that he is willing to use force in Syria and across the Middle East, and the early response has been for those administrations to shy away from some of the more vulgar discriminatory practices that are so rampant.
While extreme gender-based bigotry is still a problem, Trump has made it clear that America will once again stand behind our claims of freedom for all, and inhumane atrocities will not be tolerated from any regime regardless of attempts at bribery and pandering.
Equality in the Military
Going hand-in-hand with Trump’s harder foreign stance are some major military reforms. Congress is currently working on an update to a number of regulations that will remove the final remaining restrictions for women in the service. They are no longer barred from any job in the military, and the Senate was even willing to pass a new law that would require women to register for the draft.
As it stands, the draft requirement has been removed, but there is no question that a Trump-led America is willing to view men and women as true equals for the first time in American history. Ironically, it was the feminist left that ultimately shot down a female draft.
The draft issue is a minor point, but the freedom with which politicians feel they can discuss it is a powerful indicator of the current state of gender equality.
Wage Gap
The controversial pay gap has shrunk since Trump was elected, marking the first time broad measurements have shown a decrease in the pay gap since 2007. By every objective measure, even the most disproportionate representation, the gender pay gap is going down so far under Trump.
In a whole number of other, small ways, gender equality is at an all-time high. Everyone raved that voting for Trump was a vote against women, but once again the reality of it all is the exact opposite of what the left predicted.
At this point, rational minds might want to hear more doom and gloom from the left. If they continue to be so wrong, they might just be foreshadowing unprecedented prosperity for America and the world at large.
~ Liberty Planet