John Kluge, a music teacher at Brownsburg High School, is well liked by parents and students alike. He is an experienced professional who makes it a habit to show the same amount of respect and care to each one of his students.
Unfortunately, the high school administrators don’t believe his good qualities outweigh his decision to not reinforce a transgender ideology in his classroom by calling transgender students their preferred names and using politically correct pronouns. While the school did accommodate him for some time by allowing him to use surnames when addressing transgender students, they quickly reneged on their commitment and told him he would have to either submit to their agenda or lose his job. He opted to resign, but is now taking his case to court in order to get his job back.
Mr. Kluge, a dedicated Christian, has rightly stated that the school’s policy of allowing students who say they are transgender to pick their own names and pronouns and then force teachers to use those chosen names and pronouns goes against his Christian beliefs. However, he has also brought up a point that is not frequently covered by mainstream media outlets, but is perhaps one of the most important aspects of the transgender debate.
In recent comments, Mr. Kluge mentioned that the transgender lifestyle is one that is fraught with dangers, and he does not want to play a role in encouraging young people to go down that path. While some would call such sentiments outdated and bigoted, they are in fact echoed by the prestigious American College of Pediatricians. The organization cites studies done by the FDA, World Health Organization and credible researchers to prove the point that administering testosterone and estrogen to underage children in an attempt to change their natural gender puts these children at risk of developing cancer, cardiac disease, high blood pressure, blood clots, diabetes and other health problems.
What is more, researchers have found that inhibiting the natural process of puberty in an attempt to change a child’s gender inhibits the child’s growth and is certain to cause fertility issues that cannot be reversed.
Unfortunately, this isn’t the first time an educator has come under fire for refusing to bow to a politically correct agenda. Earlier this year, a transgender student at NYU lodged a complaint against his 88-year-old psychology professor who allegedly used the phrase “abnormalities” when talking about the transgender community and refused to call transgender students their preferred pronouns. The student not only wants the professor to be disciplined for his conduct but is also demanding the resolution be made public, most likely in an effort to discourage others from following in the professor’s footsteps. While the professor in question has not been disciplined to date, not all educators are as lucky. Late last year, a teacher in the UK was suspended after accidentally using the wrong pronoun to praise a transgender student.
When Barack Obama was president, he pushed a transgender agenda on schools throughout the country, instructing them to allow transgender students to use the locker and bathroom of their choice and encouraging educators to use transgender students’ preferred names and pronouns. This agenda was reversed by President Trump, making it possible for states rather than the Federal Government to decide what is best for their students. Even so, there are still a number of schools that adhere to the politically correct policy to the detriment of the children and young people in their care.
It is becoming increasingly clear that transgender advocates are no longer content with the acceptance they have been given; instead, they want even those who oppose their agenda to either publicly embrace it or lose their jobs. However, the fact is that it isn’t just Christian teachers who do not want to endorse transgenderism in front of a class of young, impressionable students. As is evidenced by Mr. Kluge’s situation, many parents throughout the country are happy with teachers who do not promote politically correct points of view in class and are willing to back them in the face of opposition.
~ Liberty Planet