The decision by Vermont Senator Bernie Sanders to suspend his presidential campaign shouldn’t surprise anyone. His vision of transforming America into a socialist Utopia was almost as unrealistic, believing the party of Pelosi, Obama, and Hillary would ever hand him the opportunity. Bernie’s idealism may or may not have returned to Earth, but the country’s collective consciousness knew he never had a shot.
The BBC News recently ran an article that focused on the young voter-base the socialist senator inspired with his economic equality and free college ideas. What 20-something Bernie supporters had to say about him ending the campaign goes to the very heart of why establishment Democrats would never hand him the nomination.
“Bernie is really the only option if we want a sustainable, progressive future,” University of South Florida senior Rachelle Wetsman said. “Besides the fact that Joe Biden is losing his mind, his politics stand for nothing. He wants to bring us back to the era that got Trump elected in the first place.”
Filled with the same optimism we saw from Sanders, it’s as if the Bernie movement shrugged off the unseemly political corruption that undermined his 2016 bid. Members of the Democratic National Committee (DNC) admittedly forwarded advanced debate questions to Hillary Clinton’s campaign to give the Obama-era Secretary of State a tactical advantage.
It’s also an open secret the DNC gave operational control to Clinton after she flooded the teetering organization with cash. At one point in the 2016 primary race, the DNC banned the Bernie campaign from access to its vast email and contact lists. Then, like now, the left-wing party uses the corrupt practice of “superdelegates.” These are bought-and-paid-for financial supporters that are free to add to primary tallies as they see fit. More accurately, they support whoever offers the most lucrative back-room deal.
The Democratic Party has wide-reaching corruption tools at its disposal, and brazenly used them in 2016. This go-round, Biden remains the favored establishment candidate for precisely the reasons that Florida college student articulated to the BBC News. Democratic powerbrokers need things to go back to the good ole days when presidents did as they were told, and “civil servants” became multi-millionaires.
Already, we see the establishment media engaged in a cover-up of sorts. Despite the fact that Sleazy Joe Biden was unlikely to reach the 1,991 delegates needed to earn the nomination outright, false narratives are being trolled out answering “why Bernie quit.” Many explain, “the struggle continues.” But a reality-check shows Biden lacks the physical and mental stamina to hold office. A biased media that once laughed off the gaffes, brain freezes, and miscues, recently started floating talk about New York Gov. Andrew Cuomo replacing him at the convention. So, why not Bernie?
“This last part was especially galling for a lot of voters in the primary who were being told that their view on how to achieve universal healthcare coverage was not good enough or made you a corporate shill,” Democratic strategist Stefan Hankin said. “Winning a primary and the general requires a coalition. Sanders has never been about coalition-building, and ultimately, that is what made his campaign unsuccessful.”
In other words, Bernie is the liberal version of conservative President Donald Trump. He cannot be bought and paid for by special interests or party insiders. That scares the daylights out of the Washington swamp, and that’s why his campaign was doomed for failure.