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Democrats Move Strange Buildings Outside Of Red-States

Remember that Planned Parenthood receives hundreds of millions of your tax dollars each year while you read the article below.

Imagine being so evil and determined to kill unborn children that you build a mobile baby-killing device to park on the borders of Republican states that have banned or severely curtailed the brutal, immoral, and medically pointless procedure of elective abortion…

Courtesy of fellow welfare queens at the far-left NPR who support Planned Parenthood:

“Planned Parenthood reports that its first mobile abortion clinic in the nation will soon open in southern Illinois as more patients from states that now ban abortion travel for the procedure.”

“The president of Planned Parenthood of the St. Louis Region and Southwest Missouri, Yamelsie Rodriguez, stated in an interview with NPR that the organization’s goal is to “reduce the hundreds of miles that people are currently required to travel in order to access care…and meet them where they are.”

“Later this year, the mobile clinic will start giving advice and distributing drugs for abortion. Although it will operate within the borders of Illinois, where abortion is still allowed, it will be able to travel closer to border states, minimizing the distance many patients must travel for the procedure.”

Naturally, Planned Parenthood intends to increase the number of mobile infant killers it employs in the future.

The racist eugenicist Margaret Sanger, who sought to eradicate the black race, created Planned Parenthood. Hillary Clinton, a failed candidate for president twice, admires Margaret Sanger greatly.

Around 18 million of the 60 million or more babies who have been killed through abortion since 1973 were black babies. As a result, whereas black people make up roughly 13% of the population, their newborns account for around 30% of abortions. So, Planned Parenthood, your goal has been fulfilled.

I wonder where the Planned Parenthood murder vehicles will park near major population areas?

It’s big business to murder infants, especially black babies, just as it is to permanently disfigure youngsters in the name of “trans rights.”

Nobody’s medical care is something that Planned Parenthood aims to provide. They see an advantage to this. several millions of dollars in profit. The $1.6 billion in annual revenue generated by this death cult makes it more than a death cult.

Planned Parenthood frequently tells lies about how “just three percent” of their services are abortions.

Okay, I see. Planned Parenthood is investing hundreds of thousands of dollars to acquire and outfit mobile factories that murder babies as a result.

In places that have banned the needless obscenity of elective abortions, Planned Parenthood could easily open abortion-free Planned Parenthood facilities if baby-butchering represented just three percent of the total. Planned Parenthood does not, though. Planned Parenthood really leaves states that stop providing government financing to abortion facilities. In other words, these infant killers would prefer to shut down completely than than cease conducting abortions.

Health treatment is not the focus of Planned Parenthood; rather, it is a powerful and racial death cult. Because it is so profitable, they will send their infanticide equipment directly to your door.

Author: Scott Dowdy

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14 thoughts on “Democrats Move Strange Buildings Outside Of Red-States”

  1. Let the liberal and parasite populations self terminate, no problem, but the GOP must defend Planned Parenthood once in power.

  2. you cant have it both ways- the demonrats want to spare killers of the death sentence,but are ok with killing innocent babies when most of the abortions are women who dont want consequences of unprotected sex,they never wanted the babies. its like everyone wants to go to heaven, but nobody wants to die. and its always about freedom and a woman and her DR. where was our freedom when nation required forced vaxx or lose your job??? most abortions are not about incest or rape. TRUTH.

    1. Truth.
      Abortion is should not be birth control . If these women are not practicing safe sex, how many have and actively spreading STD’S? No one talks about that.

    2. It may or may not be true that most abortions aren’t about rape or incest, but they are sometimes necessary to protect the health or even the life of the mother.

      A lot of women have died in childbirth, and perhaps an abortion would have saved their lives. You never know.

      Or do you think it was right when the so-called “Pro-Lifers,” most of whom are Republicans, insisted recently that a girl who had become pregnant, through an act of incest, had to carry the pregnancy to full term (that is, she had to have the baby), in spite of the possibility that continuing the pregnancy could kill her, especially since SHE’S ONLY TEN YEARS OLD?

      Think of that, now! The Republican hypocrites are so determined to control the bodies of women, that they would endanger the life of A MERE CHILD who got herself “in the family way” through no fault of her own (but, through a MEMBER OF HER OWN FAMILY, IRONICALLY), just to show how high and mighty and holier than thou they are, just to prove that they believe in “PROTECTING HUMAN LIFE”!


      And people like you have the gall to accuse the DEMOCRATS of being “EVIL,” to label them as “demoncrats” or “devilcrats,” or “demonrats,” not to mention create these right-wing conspiracy theories like QAnon and Pizzagate, which allege that the Democrats belong to a secret cabal of drug pushers, child molesters, devil-worshippers, sex traffickers, body parts traffickers, cannibals, etc, that they secretly perform, not just abortions, but satanic rituals and human sacrifices!

      Well, let me tell you something, bucko! Those “demonrats” are nothing compared to Donald Trump and his RETHUGLICANS, his REPUBLIKKKANS, and his REPUGNACANS, which include such far-right freaks like Marjorie Taylor Greene (who wants to assassinate Democrats, like Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez, and calls for the end of democracy), Lauren Boebert (who thinks that gun control will cause people to EAT THEIR PET DOGS, and recently said that the only reason Jesus was crucified was because nobody had GUNS in those days), Matt Gaetz (who has himself been linked to a child sex ring), Ted Cruz (who ran off Cancun, while his own constituents were suffering through blackouts because Texas doesn’t believe in setting up a state-wide power grid), and a host of other assorted bigots, Anti-Semites, Islamophobes, Neo-Fascists, religious fanatics, homophobes, transphobes, crackpots, hatemongers, fearmongers, warmongers, White Supremacist sympathizers, modern McCarthyites, insurrectionists, political thugs, and so on and so on!

  3. now they went to Obama for help, oh he looks so swagger and cool, its all one big fat lie,people. he lives in million dollar mansions while you arent even protected from Bidenflation and crime. better wake up and vote red if you want to continue living in america.

    1. Who cares,i don,t,the 13% can all go and have abortions,ha,ha,ha in another 50-100 years we won,t have to worry about them looting,shooting,burning and having any babies.

      1. Thats so wrong to say as every race has bad apples including white people. I’m a white person and I’ve seen the terrible things that white people do to others so don’t tell me that all white people are great because we are not. Every race on the face of Earth has bad people so don’t pin it all on blacks.

    2. Barack Obama may be a rich man who lives in a “million dollar mansion,” but a lot of rich REPUBLICANS live in BILLION DOLLAR MANSIONS! You may have heard of them. They’re the ones who get tax breaks and other unearned benefits from their fellow Republicans in Washington, DC, in exchange for so-called “campaign contributions” (translation: BRIBES!).

      As for all this inflation, which you blame on President Biden, you should know that there was just as much inflation when Trump was still in the Oval Office. Besides, the President of the United States has very little control over increasing prices. Those are more or less the fault of the big business corporations who raise the prices out of sheer greed! Incidentally, most of the big-shots who own and run those corporations are REPUBLICANS!

  4. If planned parenthood really only does 3% abortions why don’t we ever hear of them prescribing birth control options? Instead of killing babies why not prevent them? Is the “pill” now illegal? I’d rather my tax money go for prevention instead of abortion.

    1. YOU may not have heard, but “PLANNED Parenthood “ does exactly what you, as an uninformed person, have no idea that that is exactly what the whole purpose of them is. they save many lives and many unwanted pregnancies by counseling
      People on birth control, handing out the proper tools for having ‘safe sex!’
      The fertilized “ egg” is not a child.
      Why is it that the most vocal opponents of abortion are ‘old codgers’

      who want to ‘save the world,’ but don’t contribute to child support institutions or consider even the mental (or physical) effect an unwanted child who may be unloved or abused if the woman is forced to have an unwanted child will bring!

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