Mainstream Media Calls Trump-Kim Summit a Failure

Democrats and their fake news media buddies have gone on the offensive in an effort to undermine the historic progress Pres. Donald J. Trump made toward denuclearizing the Korean peninsula.

Even before Pres. Trump touched down in Singapore to speak face to face with Chairmen Kim Jong Un, congressional Democrats were already sowing the seeds of discord. Leaders of the “resist” and “obstruct” movement such as Sen. Chuck Schumer and Rep. Nancy Pelosi laid out reasons they would reject any treaty hashed out between Pres. Trump and Chairman Kim. Apparently, that serves as a cue for the fake news media to roll out its anti-Trump propaganda.

Washington Post Touts Previous Presidents on North Korea

Th anti-Trump WaPo ran a story under the headline “Compared with Trump, previous presidents extracted more concessions from N. Korea, experts say.”

That tag may be a head-scratcher for average Americans. Didn’t Pres. Trump take over in the midst of a nuclear crisis? Didn’t Obama warn him that North Korea was among the greatest national security threats? Didn’t Obama employ the policy of “strategic patience” that got us here?

Ignoring the obvious, WaPo runs a big photo of ex-Pres. Bill Clinton shaking hands with North Korea’s Vice-Marshal Jo Myong-Rok, not its chairman.

“When President Bill Clinton struck a landmark deal with North Korea in 1994, the isolated nation agreed to take a variety of specific steps that included freezing and later dismantling its nuclear program, as well as opening its facilities to international inspectors,” the Washington Post states.

Clinton approved more than $4 billion in 1990s cash to the rogue nation and the North Koreans didn’t even pause their nuclear program. In Clinton’s defense, Obama sent $150 billion to Iran and those extremists funded terrorism with the American greenbacks.

At the end of the day, North Korea now has long-range missiles that can deliver a nuclear payload to any city in the continental United States. If Clinton, Bush and Obama were so successful, why are Americans in imminent danger?

Vox Calls Trump a Failure

For those that don’t follow the most extreme liberal online sources, Vox is a West Coast progressive outlet that develops anti-Trump messaging on a daily basis.

Forget even the trappings of journalism, Vox is fake news every day, all the time. This was their May 24 headline: “The real reason Trump’s North Korea summit failed.” Yes, that post came out before the summit actually happened.

It’s difficult to argue Vox ran this piece at the time Pres. Trump called off the summit. That’s because the opening sentence states: “The failure of President Trump’s US-North Korea summit in Singapore was inevitable.” Obviously, the post has been updated to account for the summit occurring.

“From the get-go, the Trump administration wanted something North Korea was never going to give: the North handing over its entire nuclear arsenal before the United States gave it anything tangible,” Vox states.

To the contrary, Pres. Trump and Chairman Kim have a signed letter of intent to do just that, something previous administrations failed to produce. High-level negotiators will now hash out the details.

LA Times Throws Shade On Denuke Summit

The left-leaning California publication chose to cast doubt over Pres. Trump’s success by claiming the other side was not on the same page.

Offering the headline, “North Korea offers a starkly different view of Singapore summit,” the anti-Trump publication attempts to make it look like the president isn’t telling the truth. This has been a consistent fake news theme since November of 2016.

“The signed agreement, which was released by the White House, says North Korea will ‘work toward complete denuclearization of the Korean Peninsula.’ It does not offer the pledge of ‘complete, verifiable, irreversible denuclearization’ that Pompeo had insisted was the U.S. objective,” the LA Times states.

In reality, international deals begin with key negotiators such as Secretary of State Mike Pompeo and his counterparts coming to a general consensus and then the leaders symbolically agreeing to those broad strokes. The deal is on, much to the disappointment of the biased media.

CNN Undermines Progress

CNN chose to cast a pall over Pres. Trump’s big win in Singapore by running headlines such as, “Lingering questions from the Trump-Kim summit.” Implying that Pres. Trump came out on the short-end of the summit, CNN looks to its go-to anti-Trump “experts” for comment.

“It seems to me that Donald Trump made a lot of concessions and got very little in return,” CNN national security and defense analyst Max Boot says in the piece.

The broadcaster, undermining the president’s progress, points to yet-to-be-resolved elements in an effort to call the historic summit a failure.

“Unfortunately, it is still unclear whether the two sides are on the same page about definitions and the pace, and the sequencing of many steps involved in the complete denuclearization of the Korean peninsula,” said Daryl Kimball, executive director of the Arms Control Association, in the CNN hit-job.

The biased and fake news media remains committed to downplaying a historic step forward. The real news is that Pres. Trump met face-to-face with Chairman Kim and they have a deal to draw down hostilities and end nuclear proliferation on the Korean peninsula. Ask yourself, what did the previous administration do?

~ Liberty

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