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Major News Networks Ratings Plummet Since Biden’s Inauguration

Even CNN might beg former President Donald Trump to announce a comeback for 2024. The Big 4 network news outlets have all experienced a viewership plunge since President Joe Biden’s inauguration in January.

The latest Nielson ratings show CNN dropped 42 percent in viewership since the last week of January. MSNBC and Fox News have also experienced sharp declines.

“On average, 1.3 million household viewers were watching MSNBC in the last week of January, shortly after Biden took office,” The Hill reported. “For the week ending April 25, that number was 868,000.”

Even conservative-leaning Fox News experienced a slight drop. The outlet dropped approximately 100,000 average viewers over the same period.

The numbers are clear, but the reasons are not. Why are Americans increasing tuning out television news during the Biden administration?

Let’s face it. One clear reason should be the boring daily routine of Hidin’ Biden. The nation’s most invisible president of the past century, his rare appearances are only gaining traction due to his latest gaffe when he goes off script from his teleprompter.

In contrast, The Hill reports Nielsen data showed that audiences for Fox News, CNN and MSNBC grew substantially after Trump took office in January of 2017.

Trump fed mainstream media’s thirst for hate. Every tweet and press conference added fuel to the flames of leftist pundits ready to attack.

The Daily Wire quoted a Pew Research study that found legacy media stories were 417% more favorable toward Joe Biden than Donald Trump.

As the left attacked, the right responded, offering an ongoing good versus evil battle (based on which side you supported) that unfolded on the nightly news.

The pandemic helped as well. An election year and a previously unknown disease led to a ratings spike despite the world’s growing dependence on social media for news information.

On the flip side, there were fewer live events, concerts or live sports. Spaces normally reserved for entertainment and playoffs could only highlight COVID-19 restrictions and celebrity birthdays.

But the mainstream media’s strong leftist bias may be its current weakness. With Biden in office and Democrats leading in Congress, there’s not much left to attack.

Instead, network play stories from Dr. Fauci, entertainment updates, debating woke social justice issues. Still nearly four months after being out of office, Trump’s Facebook ban decision is a stronger headline than anything coming out of Washington.

It doesn’t help that most mainstream networks continue to increase coverage of anti-American themes. There was a time when local television stations ended the day’s broadcasting with the National Anthem.

Today, headlines show which athlete will bow when “The Star-Spangled Banner” is played. It may not make the lead story today, but it served as a daily reminder to a past generation of America’s enduring values.

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36 thoughts on “Major News Networks Ratings Plummet Since Biden’s Inauguration”

  1. This will continue to get worse. Biden is a hateful idiot. He is old and uninteresting. He is boring and ugly and unwatchable. His VP is worse. She is even more hateful than he is. Apparently, the Dems got just what they wanted. Nothing. Nothingness is what interests and propels them. Have a nice boring day. I will continue to not watch.

      1. Joe Biden is nothing short of CREEPY and CORRUPT! God help us. Absolutely nothing there to respect!!!!

    1. I agree 100% that these so called news stations are ALL garbage in, garbage out. Not worth the time of day!!!!!

  2. I don’t watch any of them. I might flip over for a few seconds but after the non-stop racial division, wokeness, hate Trump, hate conservationism and out and out lying themes, it’s just more than my stomach can take. If I wanted propaganda, I’d move to China. They never question the idiot moves of Biden or his henchmen. They say nothing of how the democrats are using the DOJ and the FBI as thought police. They ignore the numerous violations of the constitution and laws by this admin.

    1. They’re saying Biden, handlers, Harris, and mainstream media are more beneficial for China than their own propaganda. Constant negativity about America and everything that makes up our country and beliefs…trashed. And destroying schools, history, racism, and even going after little kids and our military and medicine, law enforcement, education. Decreasing our defense funding and using some of scraps left to teach division and mistrust in those who need each other for survival. China increased their defense budget by 800%, and are collecting BILLIONS from the US via the Climate Accord because China is an “underdeveloped” country that needs funding. China gladly takes the money, announces it cannot do anything to improve air quality and resources until AT LEAST 2080! And our billions sent to them? No accountability; they are building more dirty coal fired plants and increasing warships and fighter jets. We pay for them AND get threatened by them.

  3. I believe that it will be continue to worst for fake news mainstream Media on TV,
    There is NO fact of News any more that why would people should watch or listen to lie or one side of news everyday,
    I don’t even watch here local TV news Because they are all just like it mainstream medias something,

    1. They won’t go broke as long as Soros has money and supports them. When he is stopped or runs out of funds then you will see lots and lots of them die!

  4. It’s most unfortunate that most Americans chose to ignore the imbecility of Joe Biden and go ahead with him as Pres! They couldn’t have done anythng worse and they are now realizing the consequences! They might well come to their senses and recreate the original goal for the country! One can only hope that they’ll be successful and that they will be able to fully recreate what they formerly had!

    1. Millions of stupid Americans will hunker down, circle the wagons and tell themselves at least Trump is gone. This nation is irreversibly divided and that will not change. We are in a perpetual state of political war, so far not a full shooting war. We must realize liberalism is a mental disorder and can only be exposed, confronted and defeated! If we do that, the Left will be reduced to flailing around aimlessly. If they get frustrated enough to escalate into violence, we need to be prepared to answer with overwhelming force. Blue states will wither into wastelands and red states will need to be vigilant of blue state refugees who wanna impose their failure on us. 2022 will be a great indication of how much this nation has removed its head from its rectum.

  5. There are no more journalists there are only paid idiots
    THEY WOULDN’t know the truth if it bitt them on the donkey
    How can there families put up with them MONEY
    America tv and nexflex and the rest of have no good actors
    There all in politics they won’t hire real actors unless there
    Liberals there finished

  6. My hope is all the fake news networks go bust. They are so bad , they are still covering for joe lieden. We as Americans must stand together against all fake news. We were on the right path with President Donald J TRUMP. GOD BLESS HIM AND GOD BLESS AMERICA.

    1. I agree nothing to watch Orestes to except lies and hate. I have learned so much more on the history and science channels. Biden and ho harris make me nauseous.

  7. I wrote about all of this in my blog, Buccal Lingo. The post is titled “Obama’s 3rd Term- A Stupid Nation Reaps What It Sowed”. Find it at

  8. I have a hard time getting over the fact that two groups support abortion… the KKK and the Democrat Party… let that sink in.

  9. If & when the REAL AMERICANS wake up & rebel against this UNamerican administration, then I’m pretty sure people will tune into the news again.
    Until then it’s just bash white people & let the thugs run rampant with no consequences.
    & let drag queens, convicts, & biased instructors teach in public schools. Great times ahead,Right???

  10. Now we have a racist administration against white people. No help for farmers who are white! No help for white businesses through ppe! These are violations of our constitution and the civil right act of 1964.

  11. I hope Biden dies in office and Kamala gets in a fatal car crash. But hope only works if you believe!

  12. Jesus Christ is the only hope for this nation. If the Christians don’t come to their senses then this nation is lost.

  13. biden even Worse than his buddy obama, and the Sorryass media loves it. President Trump had things going good, the America Haters somehow stopped it, gotta turn it back around.

  14. The fake news MSM gets what they deserve since they bowed down to Big Tech and the Socialist/Marxist Demogoues. This is a warning message to Fox News, NPR, FB, Twitter and all other
    Left leaning social & communication media that are attacking our Bill of Rights and Constitution, that
    America is run by “we the people” and not minority authoritarians!


  16. There are hundreds of issues worthy of serious news coverage, but you won’t see them covered because these issues are tearing this country apart. America is burning down from the inside out, & that’s exactly what the commiecrats want! Just ignore it, & just maybe only a few people will notice until it’s too late. This is exactly what anarchists & communists depend on! Indoctrinate, ignore, & inflame! Wake up, lazy America!

  17. The great Michael Savage was right all along when he said this country could fall because of the enemy from within, also when he said extreme liberalism is a mental disease if you don’t believe it u better open your eyes and take a good look around and see what’s happing to our country. and have a happy birthing peoples day. LOL

  18. When the country that has provided for all it’s people many opportunities, then for these leftist sympathizing networks to go along with the negative rhetoric has made people turn away from those stations. I as well as others don’t trust the media sympathetic to the left because they don’t report truths. They report their own opinions as facts, has allowed the Democrats to control all outgoing news even if lies. It is unprofessional journalism and don’t have time for that.

  19. President Trump should not announce that if he intends to run for the presidency and wait until CNN crashes and folds with outer hack networks.

  20. Beijing Biden is an idiot and so is Kamala Ho Harris! The True Democrat take down of America! His speech to the nation had a whooping 11 Million veiwers, I thought 80 million Idiots voted for him? Guess they went back to the cemetary to rest for the next Fraud Election put on by DemoRATS!!!!! When is Congress giving us back all the IOU’s they took from Social Security, by the DemoRats!!!

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