Shortly before being selected as former Vice President Joe Biden’s running mate, Senator Kamala Harris teamed up with Rep. Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez to introduce the Climate Equality Act.
A peek into the bill’s contents shows the radical ideas the supposedly “centrist” Democrat vice-presidential candidate has in mind for the nation. If passed, it would not only bloat government bureaucracy, but introduce social justice laws that would transform the way the United States works.
The Climate Equality Act has its roots in the infamous Green New Deal, legislation that was so controversial that not even its proponents dared to vote for it on the Senate floor last year. It dictates that the government open an Office of Climate and Environmental Justice Accountability that would assess every single piece of “Climate-related” legislation proposed by national lawmakers to ensure that the laws further the goal of “equity” — that is, equal outcomes, for all minority communities.
Put simply, proposed bills have to have the exact same impact on every single ethnic demographic in the nation or the lawmaker proposing the bill would have to either trash it or amend it. How that would work in real life is simply mind-boggling.
First of all, climate activists would do everything in their power to ensure that a bill they don’t like is classified as a “climate-related bill” either at its inception or via the court system. Second, the bill assumes that there is no diversity in the nation, and that every person classified as a “minority” has the same needs, desires, and expectations.
There is also the obvious fact that pandering to demographic groups necessarily overlooks other people, cementing racism as federal procedure. The focus on “climate change” is lost in the bill as it focuses heavily on ensuring that laws have equal outcomes for millions of people, a literal impossibility that will ensure that no climate bill is ever passed again.
The truth is that the Climate Equality Act isn’t really about combatting climate change. It’s about implementing a far-left agenda that forces everyone into the same lifestyle and manner of behavior. It comes from a socialist mindset that believes it’s possible to achieve “equity” without sacrificing diversity and the freedom people have to choose their paths in life.
While it’s true that the poor suffer more than the rich when natural disasters strike, the solution isn’t to segregate the sufferers into groups and dole out assistance to some and not to others. Rather, a good government should work to improve the lives of all its citizens. But then again, this is the far-left we’re talking about — so this isn’t really about “citizens” either.