A new podcast series from the New York Times titled “Nice White Parents” is anything but nice. Instead, it blames all public school problems on white parents, especially those who dare to exercise their right to choose an alternative form of education for their children.
“But when we look at how our schools are failing, we usually focus on who they’re failing: Black and brown kids. We ask: Why aren’t they performing better? Why aren’t they achieving more?” the Times wrote in a teaser for the series. “Those are not the right questions. If you want to understand what’s wrong with our public education system, you have to look at what is arguably the most powerful force in our schools: White parents.”
Nikole Hannah-Jones, who played a key role in the creation of “Nice White Parents”, has blatantly accused most white parents of wanting a segregated school system, and said that public schools were intentionally created to provide unequal, inadequate education to minority children. The statement is odd considering the fact that 48% of all public school students are white.
Granted, Hannah-Jones has a point about the public-school system providing a sub-par education. Powerful teacher unions often make it difficult if not impossible for school districts to fire lousy teachers. Money allocated for public education is often wasted on high salaries for bureaucrats rather than improvements that could have a direct, positive impact on students. The imposition of politically correct ideologies that teach children that English language and grammar are inherently racist and two plus two could equal five in some cases isn’t helping children learn.
Many public schools are emphasizing social topics such as the promotion of homosexuality and transgenderism rather than basic academic skills such as math, grammar, spelling, and history. What “white parents” have to do with any of this is truly anyone’s guess.
To say that white parents are to blame for all these problems is simply absurd, especially when the same white parents being blamed for public school problems are the ones who don’t send their children to public school in the first place. Contrary to what “Nice White Parents” would have people believe, the solution to the above-mentioned problems is not to abolish school choice and to force Americans to send their kids to lousy schools.
Parents should have the right to choose where and how their children are educated. If they want to send their children to public schools, that is their prerogative. If they choose a religious school, virtual school, private school, or homeschooling, that is likewise their prerogative. Blaming people of a particular skin color for the ills of an entire failing system will do nothing to improve educational opportunities for minority children.
Perhaps the best solution is to make it as easy as possible for low-income parents with a limited budget to access the same school choice opportunities available to wealthy parents. Unfortunately, liberals who are desperate to keep a failing public school system in place aren’t really interested in this.