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Operation Northwoods

The fight against the Third Reich in WW2 left the world vulnerable to the depredations of totalitarian communism. It is a grossly underrepresented fact that while the nightmare that was German Fascism killed more than 6 million persons of Jewish heritage, Communist regimes all over the world killed more than 300 million of their own people.

This lead to a fear of Communism in the US that- while justified- was used to carry along the agendas of political actors and military projects that were not designed to serve the people, but rather to control and abuse them.

Among the most insidious of these is the infamous Operation Northwoods as presented to President Kennedy in 1962. This was a plan to create the false impression that the government of Cuba had attacked the US, and to justify a war of aggression.

The justification for what would have been a series of false flag attacks by the US military against both American civilian and military targets is never mentioned in the documents. Rather, we can only imagine that fear of Communism was so widespread and intense that no justification need be mentioned. Still, it remains that, deception and murder were all on the table and only the coldest of calculations could even portend to justify it.

The document begins by stating only that we wish to go to war with Cuba and that no justification exists- therefore, the justification must be falsified.

The document called for total secrecy, going to some detail to list the agencies who must not be notified of the plan. The need for secrecy is listed under a section entitled: FACTS BEARING ON THE PROBLEM, which goes on to discuss what the document calls a ‘time-phased plan’ to actively mislead the nation into war. It goes on for several pages to describe the fact that the desired war cannot begin without justification and that the justification will have to be manufactured.

It makes no effort to offer a moral justification for such a deception. This concern is conspicuously absent from the plan. Making it hideously clear, that morality and any notion of the common good never entered into the equation.

The specific points of the plan are as follows;

  • Use “friendly Cubans” to stage raids on US military bases
  • Start fires on US bases causing minimal damage
  • Use “friendly Cubans” to attack civilians
  • Detonate “plastic explosive” in civilian centers
  • Create drone aircraft disguised as Cuban and civilian aircraft
  • Capture civilian flights, switch these planes for remote controlled fakes
  • Sequester the captured civilians, and stage attacks against the duplicate planes
  • Distribute prop debris in the water in areas where attacks are meant to have occurred
  • Remotely detonate American military craft where they will be observed
  • Condition US pilots to lie about attacks- to believe the lie- and to return to normal service
  • Influencing TV and radio news outlets to report the attacks as required

The plan describes technological and propaganda programs and capabilities that the public would not learn the existence of until the late 2000s when drone aircraft were first used with the knowledge of the public.

Indeed, the Operation Northwoods document, at several points, explicitly called for the use of “drone” aircraft- the conversion of conventional aircraft to remote controlled drones and the remote detonation of said drone aircraft. It called for these actions to be taken and technologies to be used with absolute confidence so that it is clear that these were not new- not even in 1962.

This begs the question- how many times have these devices been used to fool the public between 1962 and 2017? How many attacks have been staged? How many lies have been told?

Today, after the spectacular loss of Hillary Clinton in the election- when the main stream media has been caught in so many blatant lies- how can we trust the media or what President Obama told us was true? In a time where 17 intelligence agencies are covering up the glaring lack of evidence regarding the alleged Russian hacking of the DNC, how can we sit back and let them drag us into a war with Russia?

At a time when Vladimir Putin- in response to the friendly overtures of Donald Trump- has expressed a desire for friendly relations with the US, the Democrats are begging for war.

At this stage, it is critical that we understand the litany of lies, and the tradition of propaganda that is today being used by the main stream media to justify a new war. We must say no. We must say it now, and we must say it loud.

~ Liberty Planet

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