Jeff Sessions Subpoenaed in Arpaio Case
Trump’s Attorney General Jeff Sessions is having a busy week. In addition to testifying before Congress over the insubstantial Russian hacking scandal, he is ...Continue reading

Understanding Trump’s Air Traffic Plan
Trump has been so hard at work keeping his campaign promises that many smaller but important proposals and changes are underreported. In May, for example, part ...Continue reading

Nigel Farage Usurping Power Over Theresa May in Brexit Talks
It seems that the left is not completely taken over politics in the United Kingdom just yet. With a new barrage of support, former Ukip leader Nigel Farage has ...Continue reading

NSA Leaks Contradict Obama’s Russian Hacking Narrative
After the NSA leaker curiously named Reality Winner was arrested for releasing top secret White House information to The Intercept, we were advised that Russian ...Continue reading

Why Coal Miners Matter To President Trump
Coal miners rank among the most iconic workers in the American landscape. The image of men coming into the light from deep beneath the Earth with pickaxes over ...Continue reading

Supreme Court Denies Fired Christian Marine Due Process
The Supreme Court recently refused to hear an appeal from a Marine in good standing - other than expressing the fact that she was a Christian while on duty. ...Continue reading

How Britain’s Tories Won and Lost at The Same Time
On Thursday, while millions of Americans tuned in to watch a Congressional hearing that resulted in exactly nothing, millions of Brits participated in an event ...Continue reading

Ann Coulter: Temporarily Ban All Immigration
Since taking office, President Trump has attempted to make good on one of his campaign promises by enacting a travel ban that bars migrants from six high-threat ...Continue reading

How College Liberals Became the New Segregationists
Earlier in June, the New York Times published a headline that in theory would have made principled liberals cry out for blood. It read "Colleges Celebrate Diver ...Continue reading

France Confirms No Russian Hackers Attacked its Election
For months, Emmanuel Macron has been claiming that Russian hackers are busily working to sabotage him and the French Presidential race. Now that the race is ove ...Continue reading

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