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Portland State Professor Resigns, Calling the University a ‘Social Justice Factory’

A Portland State University professor has resigned with a letter claiming the campus has become a “social justice factory” that made his work impossible.

“Students at Portland State are not being taught to think. Rather, they are being trained to mimic the moral certainty of ideologues,” Peter Boghossian wrote.

“I never once believed — nor do I now — that the purpose of instruction was to lead my students to a particular conclusion. Rather, I sought to create the conditions for rigorous thought; to help them gain the tools to hunt and furrow for their own conclusions,” Boghossian added in his letter.

“But brick by brick, the university has made this kind of intellectual exploration impossible. It has transformed a bastion of free inquiry into a Social Justice factory whose only inputs were race, gender, and victimhood and whose only outputs were grievance and division,” he added.

Of course, the university has a different view.

“Portland State has always been and will continue to be a welcoming home for free speech and academic freedom,” the school said in a statement to the Washington Examiner.

“We believe that those practices are not in conflict with our core institutional values of student success; racial justice and equity; and proactive engagement with our community,” the statement added.

The viral letter hits on what many Americans have been thinking. Public higher education is supposed to teach student how to think, not what to think, an aim long abandoned in many places in favor of a new leftist agenda.

Why are our tax dollars continuing to pay for social justice warrior education at state universities that teach our children to hate our country, burden students with crippling student loan debt and then leave them in many cases without the educational skills need to succeed in the real world? The propaganda alone should concern Americans to the point of rethinking the entire college experience.

Even a casual look at Portland State’s website reveals concerns. The student calendar this month includes the “Annual Drag Show,” for example. You can also learn about careers in “holistic life cycle products,” whatever that is.

But suggest a workshop of how to be a good husband or wife, an American patriot or how to stand for your Second Amendment rights? I don’t think so. Liberals would come out of their vaccinated double-masked minds at PSU over a firearms training workshop. Liberty and patriotism? Join the military or find a church, but they don’t do that in these parts.

People forget or simply don’t know most of America’s original universities, including Harvard, were started to train Christian ministers. Today, Harvard brags its latest chaplain is atheist. It doesn’t take a PSU-trained engineer to figure out our education has serious problems.

The Biden administration isn’t going to do anything to change the situation. Poor Biden can’t even handle a question from a reporter. Instead, it’s up to Americans to choose, like one brave PSU professor, to invest our time and career into efforts that help make the nation better.

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35 thoughts on “Portland State Professor Resigns, Calling the University a ‘Social Justice Factory’”

  1. About time someone is criticizing the leftist garbage they call “education.” As a former NYC high school teacher, I witnessed this crap because the school was run by militant Obama-type blacks who tried to coerce the staff to their lopsided racist thinking. I belonged to a group of about 6 of us who didn’t comply. Imagine how popular we were.

    1. Our entire Education system from pre-school through University level is run by Marxists, Socialists, and Liberals. They have been ignoring academic subjects to the extent that our children are failing in basic spelling; grammar, math, science and engineering..amazingly exactly the subjects we will need to keep ahead of the Communist Chinese; Russians and others that are rapidly catching up and in some areas surpassing and fielding next generation platforms ahead of us. While our kids are forced to focus on Islamic studies; race, gender confusion (where it did not exist before), and so much other non-academic stuff filling their heads, where all they really focus on is enjoying childhood, and learning academic subjects they will need in careers after graduation. It is the fault of Administration allowing even Communism on campus like meetings of The Young Communists, with Administration providing the classrooms for their meetings.
      Liberals add things totally aligned with THEIR agendas. and add LGBTQ etc, and where is the time devoted to Academics ? Boards exacerbate the problem greatly, as do local Boards.
      Enough..Academics ONLY.

      1. One of the most important agenda items the Communists have is to indoctrinate our children from preschool on to be good little Communist followers, not American thinkers. The only way to get these infiltrators out of our system is to actually RECOGNIZE WE HAVE A PROBLEM and do something about it. They are now infiltrated two, almost three, generations deep in our public education system. They are in our government, and getting more and more power because we have LET THEM IN since a little before President Woodrow Wilson, our first Communist president. They are now very well entrenched, and very hard to get rid of, but we need to exercise our freedoms to vet candidates and vote them out. Strict voter photo ID and election controls must be exercised! If we don’t do something now, we will soon be in a shooting war with them, or surrendering to them like Joe Biden surrendered Afghanistan to the Taliban. What a FARCE that was! IMHO we need to wake up, NOT WOKE UP, and actually take the country back from them using whatever means is available to us. WTFU! Do something other than run our mouths, piss and moan!

        1. Words are easy. Action is harder. Just waiting for the first group to actually start using some guts beyond just talk. But no group of patriots have stood up yet. Why? Are we patriots not able to talk the talk and walk the walk?

    1. Absolutely. A Professor with ‘Guts’ to speak the truth. Yes, he represented one university, but we all know this is exactly what is going on everywhere. Parents should pay attention to what their children believe in since going to college after all in some cases you are paying the bills. This social indoctrination, on all levels must stop. Our children must be able to think on their own and analyze/resolve problems based on information aka factual data. We must help our youth or they will fail and the crap these loser professors taught them will become factual.

      1. We’re way too late for that. Lazy, distracted, low info Americans allowed our education system to be taken over by Marxist zealots since the 1960s. It’s not like we weren’t warned, Kruschev predicted a transformation into communism via education, media and entertainment. We’ve raised 2 generations of stupid people, useful idiots, and they are in control of way too many power positions and institutions. Fighting back is gonna take nothing short of a civil war, some of which we’re already seeing in our streets. Our CIA and FBI are the enemies of the American people and weaponized against us. CRT is being used to do the same to our military. Even many people I grew up with in the 60s, who had proper educations, have become commie minded imbeciles I no longer recognize.


  3. The problem is all we conservatives do is talk. Why aren’t rich conservatives doing what scum like Soros and other liberal big spenders do, but for true learning institutions that teach American values, like Hillsdale College?

  4. Thank you for your courage and bravery for saying and acting upon what so many of us know but have no real outlet to express our disgust! I taught in a K-8. Charter school for 10 years where the ideology of “how to think and not what to think” was the driving force! Thank God for Charter Schools! I can only hope that the majority of my students are now blazing their own trails !

  5. I went to Hillsdale. That’s what a college should be! While most colleges make me sick, Hillsdale still gives a good education and instills good morals and critical thinking. It’s Conservative. I’d send my kids there.

  6. Absolutely. A Professor with ‘Guts’ to speak the truth. Yes, he represented one university, but we all know this is exactly what is going on everywhere. Parents should pay attention to what their children believe in since going to college after all in some cases you are paying the bills. This social indoctrination, on all levels must stop. Our children must be able to think on their own and analyze/resolve problems based on information aka factual data. We must help our youth or they will fail and the crap these loser professors taught them will become factual.

  7. Isn’t Oregone wonderful,
    Even the governor wants to get into the act,
    The bimbo doesn’t think that people need to be able to READ, WRITE, or do MATH, in order to graduate…
    Don’t be a fool & send your kids to public schools.
    Private, or Charter or Home school is the only way if you live in this craphole .

  8. Super Good ….. On Professor – Peter Boghossian for Letting the Portland State University – Where to Go. ! ! ! Sorry, that he has to lose his job, but WHO WOULD WANT TO WORK FOR A UNIVERSITY WITH AN ADMINISTRATION THAT HAS A BUNCH OF TOTALLY… S_T_U_P_I_D…..ADULTS. THE COUNTRY IS FULL OF THEM.!
    ALL the Universities and Colleges that promote this WOKE – C_R_A_P……Should be CLOSED, due to their S_T_U_P_I_D_I_T_Y..! ! ! !

  9. This makes it sound like PSU used to be a much more open type of university, if so, I don’t know when that was.

    I was on military recruiting duty in portland in the early 80’s and we had a major problem getting on campus at PSU.

    At the time PSU and the university of Oregon both were very leftist schools. They made Berkley seem like a conservative institution.

  10. While comments show that people do care about the future of our country, the best solution is with our votes. “We, the people” have the power to stop this with our votes. They only have power until we take it away with our votes.

  11. good for him. unfortunately, when he leaves, there will be 100’s to take his place, the solution is to send your kids to a religious college. or a trade school. you dont have to have a little piece of paper that says you attended 4 yrs of indoctrination to get a job. start as an apprentice, and work your way up. read books on what you want to learn to do. I know it can be done. I know someone who started at age 11, taught herself to program computers, build and repair them, and now is a successful administrator, and has been for the past 31 yrs. it is hard work, but it can be done. tell these woke professors and colleges to shove the indoctrination you know where. stop supporting them monetarily. they will dry up and fail if enough people do this.

  12. When we elect Obama as president to please these black people. It was to help these RACIST BLACK to get into keys position in our university and public school. Their goal was to bring division amount the people of this country. Due to fact most believe anything Louis Fakkarmenm said! He was a MUSLIM WHO DENIED JESUS CHRIST! Just like ATHEISTS PEOPLE! MOST of his followers were youth who blame their problems on WHITE PEOPLE! BUT NOT ON THEMSELVES FOR VOTING DEMOCRAT! So now you have professor who are NOT MUCH OLDER THAN THEIR STUDENTS TEACHING THESE YOUNG PEOPLE! Pushing lies after lies til they have brainwashed our youth. Why do you think these politicians don’t do anything about this? That all due to the fact they are part of the problem. MONEY AND POWER IS ALL THESE POLITICIANS SEEKS! Not honest or truth! Same Obama don’t know how to do! He should NEVER BEEN PRESIDENT IN THE FIRST PLACE! Wasn’t even an American citizen! Just as Harris is NOT QUALIFIED TO HOLD THE VICE PRESIDENT SEAT! BIDEN is not even in charge in DC! That role belong to SUSAN RICE! Well only youth that are fool will pay dearly for their stupidity!

    1. You hit the nail on the head. It doesn’t matter who they are, or what they are Vote Black. If so, you will be scorned by many. Many that don’t even have the sense to get out of the rain. “He gave me a cell phone.” I don’t care if he isn’t a citizen, I don’t care that he hid everything (school records, birth certificate, work history, and on and on) he was a magnificent Orator. An Orator on the par with Adolph Hitler..

  13. This is not “social justice” that they are teaching, it is social INJUSTICE.

    Tearing one group down and making victims of another has NOTHING to do with “justice”.

  14. Thank God there are a few collages and universities out there that do teach kids to think for themselves, just not many of them. These collage bound students may have a better education on line and not in an institute of learning for imbicles. If the up and coming students want a socialist or communist country to call there own go to Siberria, sorry that one is already taken. Move to one of the countries that agree with you. You won’t be missed here!

  15. Communism starts with the training of young people to hate each other and govt. Is the only answer to any problem. Soon we will all be comrades without our own thought. As already seen by king biden. He will tell you what to think and what is now legal to say in puplic. If you have a flag now you are an insurrectionist trump person. Jobs lost, people jailed no trials till they want to give you one, criminals are right, cops are put on chopping block. No more working together througb all the govt. Only need the pen and the new dictator

  16. I agree with him completely, however all this has done is give them the ability to fill his seat with another woke instructor.

  17. They want followers not leaders. They want you to believe that thinking, learning and working is the work of evil Republicans and they they will show you the way. Satanism at it’s best.

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