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States Fight Back Against Biden Cutting School Lunch Funding To Schools Who Refuse His Woke Agenda

The Biden administration is doing everything in their power to ensure that Americans are brought to heel and kowtow to their “woke” agenda – including starving their school age children.

In order to receive federal (taxpayer) funding for school lunch programs, schools mucst implement instruction on gender identity, gay and transgender issues and take away segregated bathrooms, allowing gender confused students into the bathrooms of those they “identify” with.

The move has caused pushback, however and there have been 22 state attorneys general filing suits against the Biden administration – claiming that the administration does not have the authority to deny funding, as students are protected under existing statutes and the Constitution – plus Congress has already appropriated it.

According to The Epoch Times:

In May, the U.S. Department of Agriculture (USDA) issued a notice that state and local agencies, program operators, and sponsors receiving funding from the agency’s Food and Nutrition Service must update their policies to include new protections related to sexual orientation and gender identity.

“The Department’s Memoranda and Final Rule concern highly controversial and localized issues of enormous importance to the States, their subdivisions, affiliates, and citizens. The Department has no power to settle such issues, let alone by executive fiat without providing any opportunity for public comment,” the lawsuit says.

According to the proposed rules, schools and any other group receiving federal funding for meals, must ensure that their policies are not discriminatory against anyone based on their sexual identity or orientation.

There are also stipulations that schools should be investigating any complaints of discrimination – despite that it is already illegal and unconstitutional to discriminate against someone based on those factors.

The Epoch Times notes further:

The USDA issued a fact sheet with examples of what would be considered discrimination.

Under the new directive, schools that require students to use the bathroom corresponding to their biological sex would be in violation of the policy, as well as schools that prevent biological males from joining girls’ sports teams.

Failing to use a student’s preferred pronouns would also be considered a violation and would warrant an investigation, according to the fact sheet.

According to The Epoch Times, states involved in the lawsuit are Alabama, Alaska, Arizona, Arkansas, Georgia, Tennessee, Indiana, Nebraska, Montana, Missouri, Mississippi, Louisiana, Kansas, Kentucky, South Dakota, South Carolina, Ohio, Oklahoma, Texas, West Virginia, Virginia and Utah.

According to the state AGs, the Biden administration violated the rules outlined in the Administrative Procedures Act – referencing one particular section that requires that federal agencies allow public comment when making rule changes that will have a great impact.

Regarding the lawsuit, Indiana Attorney General Todd Rokita called out the Biden administration in a written statement, lambasting the White House for injecting politics into schools.

“We all know the Biden administration is dead-set on imposing an extreme left-wing agenda on Americans nationwide,” he said. “But they’ve reached a new level of shamelessness with this ploy of holding up food assistance for low-income kids unless schools do the Left’s bidding.”

“We are fighting for Hoosier common sense and the rule of law wherever they come under challenge,” Rokita said. “And we will continue doing the work that the people of Indiana elected us to do.”

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28 thoughts on “States Fight Back Against Biden Cutting School Lunch Funding To Schools Who Refuse His Woke Agenda”

  1. Talk about taking a cheap shot! Taking food out of the mouths of children is about the worst!!

    1. This is another one of Barak Obama’s cute ideas. Him and Michelle said kids in school need to eat more salads, No meat for the school lunches at all. Their kids got meat for lunches, Little Kids couldn’t have meat at school. This is a bunch of BS. The schools should just go ahead and have school lunches with meat. Doesn’t take much meat for a little kids. Junior High needs to have meat. High School can leave campus. He needs to be taken out of the White House and deemed incapable of running the USA. The Dr. already said that.

      1. Yes! But have you seen the giggling flat backer that would take the WH if they get rid of bidummy! Do you really want a lazy moron running this poor country? Don’t you think the fraud has done enough miserable, horrible, stuff to our country? He has already doubled the price of gas, raised inflation by nearly 10%, That means the cost of everything is going up because the fraud can’t stop printing money to give to illegals and blacks that voted for him, even though he still had to rig it to steal it, He yanked the military out of afghanistan and left thousands of Americans to die at the hands of the taliiban, after he gave the taliban $88,000,000,000.00 worth of our technology and machinery, I forgot the millions he’s allowed to cross the border, that he want to house in hotels, and give them whatever they scream for! Do we really need more?

      2. I was involved with the school at the time Michael Obama was making decisions about school lunch. I stood beside the kids as they were getting the trays filled. They would tell the employee serving the food, I don’t want that, she would ignore the student and load up his tray, He would walk t the garbage can and dump the food in the garbage. I watched 80 % go in the garbage.
        I don’t know where she was getting her advice on food handling and nutrition but she cost taxpayers a lot of money and kids went home hungry. I have volunteered with Welfare mothers, they expect everything handed to them. They have time and money for gas to pick up meals for the kids, and food boxes that are free, but most don’t know how to cook. OR TOO LAZY. I have seen Welfare people in line with the homeless at Holiday dinners. The Welfare women had ham and turkey, pie, potatoes, celery, stuffing, and vegetables in the food box plus cereal, milk, rice, can food, and pasta, but couldn’t cook. They get food stamps too. Our tax dollars at work. Obama was the president that went after Christian bakers, photographers, and wedding invitations because they wouldn’t go against their religion to serve Gay and Lesbian. Stopped salute of our flag, and prayer defunded Christian schools and allowed Muslim prayers in San Diego public schools. Biden-Harris, under Obama doing same thing with vaccines, no Christen exempt.

  2. This demented idiot and his circus Administration are a threat to this Republics future. Nothing wrong with Freedoms and diversity right up to the point we’re common sense and perversion begin!


      1. With Soros in command, and his involvement with Hitler. Does it look like Obama-Biden, Biden Harris repeating WW1, WW11? Hitler got rid of Law Enforcement and the Federal police took over. KGB.
        No history in our public schools.

  3. There was a time when stuff like this was considered detrimental to society, and kept behind closed doors. But ever since the cowardly APA (American Psychiatric Association) declassified homosexuality and transgenderism as mental disorders, the unnatural and unholy have been wrongly celebrated and coerced onto society. Starving our children just so that some psychos and perverts can feel good about themselves is simply unconscionable.

    1. Not allowing parents any rights after the kids enter public schools are finally being put down by parents.
      NO government agency or teacher has the right to take kids to a Mosque for Muslim prayer, abortion, birth control pills, transgender treatment, and vaccines.
      Sex education should be the parents’ responsibility, NOT some gay teacher.

  4. We are to obey the laws of the land only if they go along with God’s law, when they oppose God’s we follow God’s Law above the laws of the land. it’s time for us to tell them they can eat s*** we are not going to follow them no matter what!!!!!!!

  5. The pervert biden and his queer administration have now shown U.S. citizens and the world that this country is ready to be invaded and taken over by the NWO!

    1. They found caravan kids working in a plant that makes car parts. I don’t know who owns the plant, 3 plants are involved. Came out about the injuries through the hospital.
      Another issue is what is Biden-Harris doing with the caravan kids. should this be investigated as human trafficking? The Local police, DEA, and FBI have found young girls in prostitution. Local area 120 arrested for human trafficking, drugs.

  6. Folks it is time to vote for the convention of States and put these lying liberals in their place. God is not pleased with some of the stupid things happening in the world .and if you think the new world order is good for the world you better read the book of Revelation in the Bible.

  7. All schools should refuse Biden’s woke agenda, because it harms children. Biden is wrong to force this by withholding funds for school lunches and he deserves to lose this law suit. Woke Democrats call what is bad good and what is good they call bad.

  8. You should finally be waking up to the fact that: As has been known by real patriots for years…”A government big enough to give you everything you want! Is big enough to TAKE everything you have.”

  9. Remember Joes now famous were changing peoples lives every day it`s some new crap to make it tough on lower and middle class people well Joe and his buddies have two months to convince the voters that the Inflation Reduction Act is going to benefit them cause the Trump crap is going no place except never Trump fools so far they have passed nothing that has helped any one except donors and even they aren`t that impressed so the mid terms should be interesting hopefully a republican landslide as long as they don`t find another way to rig it in there favor

  10. Biden’s “Brown Shirt SS NAZI’s” are coming for all Amerikans now!!

    Rise Up America…It’s time to take back OUR Country, Restore the Order of Law and FIGHT this Tyrannical Administration via any means neccessary!!

    1. Know your history of WW1, WW11, and How Hitler took over Germany. Probably not one book on any wars in the Library. Biden’s buddy Soros over the DAs in every state. He paid their campaign money.

  11. This is blatant discrimination. None of this has anything to do with economic situations and hardships that people face. The whole point of school lunches. All of this woke stuff violates most states constitutions and does nothing for our children learning to cope and grow as thinking humans in the real world. Vote these fools out where ever they are. Flush the toilet of hypocrisy, lies and subversion. Now is the time for school choice. Now is the time to take back school boards and reject the woke teacher’s unions. Teachers should stand up and reject their terrible communist unions. They should determine what kids are taught in schools.

    1. Bruce, you are correct! If you live in a Red state the kids get lunch – if you live in a Blue State the ids get nothing! The three your old that is the POS in the WH is playing games again at the cost of children! I am sure Obama is proud that Joe is following all his suggestions! We are certainly getting to enjoy a third term of Kenya Boy!

    2. CA teachers have no rights, they teach what the government wants to be taught or they can quit or get fired. UNIONS WORTHLESS! Most teachers have quit and moved to other states, many to Texas, Idaho, and FL. This started when the Clintons were in office.
      I have 4 friends selling homes, who are teachers and moving to states that are not teaching indoctration.
      Prayers for our kids and parents. They are realizing what’s going on in the schools.

  12. Any Federal government administration that denies children funds for school programs because the citizens and Legislators in that State by the majority Rule of Law don’t condone is Tyrannical in nature! LBGT acceptance or otherwise. That’s more than concerning, that’s Dangerous in this Constitutional Republic we call home and shouldn’t be tolerated.

  13. Everyone should stand up and demand the schools get the funds they need for school lunches! This is an atrocity! For some of those kids school lunches is the only meal they get all day! You can best well bet old groper has never missed a meal in his life, nor has the pig Obama and big mike! Sick bastards wanting to turn our kids into fags to feed THEIR sick fetishes! Leave our kids alone, let them be kids! And withholding food is what the Nazis did to the Jewish people in the concentration camps! This is totally evil and should not be tolerated.

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