We’ve been seeing it for almost a year and a half now; Democrats, main stream media, GOP elites, and the entire Washington establishment as a whole- throwing everything they have at Donald Trump. In addition to their constant stream of “very fake news,” (to use the President’s term), they’ve tried blocking his conformations, tried to start a war with Russia, they’ve funded protests that turn into riots- and now the Anti-Trump democrats are throwing another curve ball at the new administration.
This time, they are calling for the Democratic Party to be ready to evoke the 25th Amendment, should the President do anything that they think they can plausibly use as evidence that he is in any way incapacitated as a means to remove him from the White House.
The 25th Amendment (Amendment XXV) to the U.S. Constitution deals with responding to any disabilities the president may develop should those disabilities hinder the President in the execution of his duties. It supersedes the wording of Article II, Section 1, Clause 6 which does not clearly state whether the Vice President will become President if he is unable to discharge the powers of the office.
Those who are in favor of waiting in the wings to evoke the 25th Amendment say that the President is ‘unhinged’ or that he does not behave in a way that they consider to be presidential. What their sensitivities fail to register, however, is that their opinion about his mode of speech and his mannerisms have no bearing on whether or not he is able to do his job.
While at first, this may seem a material threat to the Trump Administration, few are taking it seriously- and even though many people seem to think that Donald Trump’s refusal to use management speak disqualifies him for the job- there is nothing in the word of the law that can have him declared unfit because of his effusive rhetorical style. Even many democrats are laughing at the idea.
Rick Santorum laughingly told CNN that the democrats are just handing Trump another publicity gift with this new stunt. “They always go for broke,” he said. “They never hedge their bets, but always go full force- making themselves look as unhinged as they say Donald Trump is.”
Should the democrats push this new tactic all the way to court, they would have a very difficult time making their claims stand up to the massive level of competence that Trump has displayed in just four weeks.
To clarify this, it might be useful to take a brief survey of his accomplishments- and in the interest of time- we’ll leave out the amazing work he did between the election and the inauguration.
Trumps Accomplishments
- Reduced the National Deficit by $20 Billion (in just six weeks’ time)
- Over 1500 child and human trafficking arrests (previously a national annual average)
- Improving relations with Russia
- Enabling US manufacturers to bring hundreds of thousands of jobs back to the U.S.
- Putting significant pressure on unprofessional reporting
- Consistent record-breaking stock market day-end numbers
- Disabling ACA fines by ordering the IRS to stop enforcing penalties
And this is just a cursory list. Now consider all this evidence of competence stacked against the single flimsy claim that he’s ‘unhinged.’ Looking at the idea of hitting the Trump Administration by invoking the 25th Amendment objectively this way, we can see that the idea is laughable.
This should be all we need to do to allay the fears of Trump supporters who cringe at the idea of a successful attack on the man they chose for president.
Really, in the end-analysis, Rick Santorum probably has it right. The constant attacks on Trump by the left do much more harm to them than it does to Trump, his administration, or his supporters. Michael William Lebron, the New York lawyer, pundit, and media analyst behind Lionel Media has gone to some lengths over the last couple of months to say that democrats and the media will throw everything they can at Trump. None of it has stuck.
Possibly the most serious threat to Trump was the sexual assault case against him which was dropped in November. After that, if we are to give any ear-time to the opposition at all, we might take a moment to sneer at the many Hillary voters still wringing their hands about the decade-old comment Trump made on a tour bus. But these are people who wore giant vagina-shaped hats on the streets of Washington DC the day after the inauguration. Let us not debase ourselves by taking these people seriously.
~ Liberty Planet