Several Democratic politicians clearly unable to handle the conclusions reached by Special Counsel Robert Mueller’s nearly two-year probe are still claiming that the Trump campaign colluded with the Russians back in 2016.
Not surprisingly, they are also gearing up to conduct their own investigations in the hopes of turning up something that they can latch onto to show people that President Trump indeed worked with the Russians at some point in time.
The list of Democrats who are simply unable to let go of the Russia narrative is almost endless. Democrat House Judiciary Committee Chairman Jerry Nadler repeatedly told CNN “We know there was collusion” without providing any evidence to back up his supposed knowledge. Presidential candidate Sen. Cory Booker stated that he was not willing to conclude that there was no collusion, while Rep. Al Green told local journalists that President Trump is still a bigot even though the Mueller report concluded that he was not guilty of helping the Russians interfere with American elections.
Furthermore, Rep. Green stated that he will continue with his efforts to have the president impeached, and he is certainly not the only one who is eagerly looking for new excuses to remove a duly elected president from office. House Intelligence chair Adam Schiff has made it clear that impeachment is still on the table, while Rep. Maxine Waters has stated that impeachment proceedings should have begun long ago.
At the same time, Democrats are also taking their anger out on Attorney General William Barr, accusing him of hiding evidence from the Mueller report simply because he has, to date, only provided a summary of the investigation findings and not the full report. Rep. Jerry Nadler, Rep. Adam Schiff and Rep. Elijah Cummings issued a joint statement questioning AG William Barr’s objectivity without noting the fact that both AG Barr and Deputy AG Rosenstein have reviewed the report. Democratic presidential candidate Sen. Elizabeth Warren also questioned the attorney general’s objectivity simply because the report did not deliver the conclusions that she was hoping for.
Naturally, the mainstream news media is going along with the Democrats’ point of view, and pointing out that the report isn’t the end of the investigations into the president. Perhaps the one and only voice of reason in the Democrat camp was presidential candidate Rep. Tulsi Gabbard, who accurately stated to her colleagues that it’s time to move past the Russia collusion narrative.
The Democratic Party is far from interested in reason at this point of time. Rather, they are bent on justifying their erroneous mindsets by looking for evidence of collusion and obstruction even though there is no evidence to be found.
As Donald Trump Jr. stated, the Mueller investigation used the services of nearly twenty lawyers and forty FBI agents, spent more than $50 million and issued 2,000 subpoenas, 500 search warrants, requested 50 phone taps and made more than a dozen foreign government intelligence requests. After nearly two years of desperately searching for evidence, it was forced to concede that President Donald Trump wasn’t guilty of the crimes he was accused of.
At the same time, the Democrats’ refusal to accept the Mueller report conclusions is actually more likely to help the President than hurt him. As independent voters and even moderate Democrats can clearly see, the Democratic Party doesn’t care about the day to day needs of the people, but rather the power that comes from having a Democrat in the White House.
~ Liberty Planet