One of the “strongest voices” apparently pushing President Joe Biden to continue his reelection campaign is Hunter Biden, the recently convicted felon.
The Democratic Party became polarized after Joe Biden’s dismal debate performance, with some members holding the view that he should continue as the party’s presidential nominee while others think he should step down to make room for a different contender.
“Hunter Biden wants Americans to see the tough, fact-aware version of his father that he knows, not the clumsy, elderly president that they witnessed on Thursday night.”
The Biden clan is also present.
According to the New York Times, President Biden met on Sunday at Camp David with his first wife, Jill Biden, his daughters, and his grandkids to talk about his options.
Is there a family consensus? Biden needs to stay in the contest.
According to the Times, Hunter is really among the most ardent supporters of 81-year-old Joe Biden’s decision to remain in office.
According to the newspaper:
“The president has long looked to his son Hunter Biden for advice, and he was among the strongest voices pleading with Mr. Biden to resist pressure to withdraw, according to one of the people with knowledge of the talks. Like others, Hunter Biden spoke on the condition of anonymity to discuss internal deliberations. “Rather than the clumsy, elderly president that the American people witnessed on Thursday night, Hunter Biden wants them to see the tough, fact-aware version of his father that he knows.”
Biden’s family is allegedly holding his staff responsible for the debate performance.
Despite having a summer tan, several family members expressed dissatisfaction with Biden’s preparation, while others contended that he was “made up to look pale and pallid,” according to the Times. According to CNN, several family members demanded that Biden remove personnel and make adjustments to his campaign in response to his mistakes. However, it is unlikely that Biden will follow these suggestions.
“The President’s preparation team has been with him for years, perhaps even decades, sharing successes and setbacks with him. “He still has a tremendous deal of faith in them,” Biden campaign spokesman Kevin Munoz stated.
Nevertheless, Biden’s campaign is attempting to douse the flames.
His campaign will meet with the leading Democrats on Monday in an effort to persuade them that Biden is the most qualified opponent of Donald Trump and that they ought to continue lending their financial support.
It’s not surprising Hunter is pushing his father to stay in the race. The whole family is power hungry. Pulse Hunter see’s it at a way to get pardoned for all his crimes. Even though dad says he won’t pardon him. Anybody believe that lie??? Joe Biden needs to go.
Yo are absolutely right! Hunter is worried about himself and not his father.
The Biden Family is, I think, guilty of “elder abuse” because of their manipulation of the “old man” who is clearly suffering from dementia.
Obviously Scott Dowdy who wrote this story didn’t do any research. Jill is not Joe’s 1st wife as he said in this article…but his 2nd wife. Joe was married to Neilia Hunter Biden who I believe died in 1972. She died in a car and truck accident with their daughter. He then married Jill.
Joe Biden was kept in the basement because he was to old then when he was running for President and now he is really in bad mental health. He is doing a disservice to the people of America by running again for President. Hunter wants him to run so he can get a pardon and Jill wants to be treated like a Queen and run the White House!!! IT IS TIME FOR THE Bidens to be put out of the White House!
Since when is it legal to use someone as a prop basement boy) as so called President while others actually make decisions that weren’t voted (legally) to that position in our government. So much for transparency right? Well at least they United so many in four years. Right now have to ask yourself who has been aiding and abetting this sham? Right now we know the weaponized government, swamp, judicial system, shadow president of his third term Obama, Biden crime family, Hollywood, sports, corporations, businesses, other countries, people in general on government payroll and democrat donors. To be stabbed in our back is sickening. Americans have been taking advantage of and pushed to the side by illegals and not just any illegals. They are gangs, drug lords, murders and criminals released from other countries prisons, bought and paid for by our own taxpayers money. This while we struggle to survive in the country most of us have built with blood sweat and tears. Those who have defended democrats and tyranny listen to me. You are as responsible for what these people are about to unleash on us. Red flags for over 20 years and you still believe in your democrat party? The masters at threatening and bullying are showing their ugly faces. Those who have allowed them this are in American also. When they use an old washed up man to not only gain more power and wealth but also to coverup their corruption this is the belly of the devil. Bush’s, Clinton’s, Obama’s and Biden’s have been setting us up for over 20 years to take control like China. They have allowed other countries to not only buy us out but to launder money for them is despicable. Why do you think President Trump won in 2016? Because they didn’t need to rig it cause Hillary they were sure she had it in the bag. Why did they rig 2020? Because President Trump had three times more votes than basement boy. They even blatantly showed us by changing votes from President Trump to basement boy on live TV not to mention all the counting centers tricks. Anyone who thought basement boy was mentally capable of being in control of our country lied. Our government is not a government any longer. We have become Obama’s communist party. President Trump has been right on everything. Political persuasion is front and center. Know we are expected to comply and obey or else. Wonder why President Trump and republicans who fight back are targets of them. Now the public is allowed to say for Obiden to assassin political opponents and nothing being done, yet opponents are being labeled domestic terrorist? I have said for years when they blame others for something it’s because they have already committed the crime themselves. No one is held accountable on democrats corruption and crimes. Remember Schumer threaten the SCOTUS and no charges. Watters starting an insurrection and no charges. Voter fraud and no charges. Well Obama and Clinton’s are masters as committing crimes and getting by with it. So now we as Americans have been used, abused, bought out and sold out for pure corruption coverup. When a son a drug addicted money extortionists and privileged of the person in WH actually says he advice’s his father it scares me to no end. Think about all the things that has been done with our money for the last 20 years that didn’t go to anything in the end but these peoples and other countries pockets. Our freedoms have been chipped away at the expense of American citizens. Makes you wonder what else the FBI, CIA and others actually were involved in staging. They don’t want us to see files on OK City bombing for 20 more years, why? They have proven they can take a Fauci and make you take a killing vaccination for their personal reasons and get by with murder no problem. So what now? Why illegal criminals being treated first class and getting by with murder not to mention being armed? Election’s matter and they have been exposed so what better way to make you obey and comply and vote for them in 2024? Think about that? Voting by mail is a win for democrats and they now it so now intimidating you which Obama is also a master of is only thing they have left. To bad all those illegal criminals just don’t understand they are being used by the same people who despise them. Democrats eat there own just ask other’s who have been in that pretty spot until not needed any longer. God help us.
What a preposterous article!
To imagine that a man holding the office of the President is taking advice from a derelict, drug addicted loser of a son is beyond pale. Hunter Biden’s money came when he served as a prop for his father. He would never have been a Burisma director or been bestowed with $$$ on his own
.if Joe relies on incompetents like his son then he is past his due date. Yes, time for Joe to go to pasture.
I think personally Joe is a nice guy, but he can;t think straight enough to be president again so he should pull out.
King Joe has the opportunity to display “the tough, fact-aware version of his father” Hunter supports at the 10 September debate, but that’s too far in the political future. In the interim, he can display his bona fides by giving more press access, answering questions (not by fabulist tales), by defending his Afghan rout, his successful tax-by-inflation policy, his successful management of the border and the ten million illegal aliens the rest of us are supporting. In reality, the Democrats have done this to themselves. They euhemerized Obama and put nothing into developing any subsequent Presidential level contenders. More reality, the resulting reality, is that King Joe is the best, most charismatic, least dangerous (adequately Progressive) candidate they’ve got.
All this is so true like father like son ,both are liars a thief ,not good enough to be a president throw old sleepy Joe out he has ruined our America ,let immagrantsMurders,killers, rapastest,come thru the border for our tax money to feed,clothle,room and board when our Vets are laying hungry on the cold streets joe and all WH employees need to go when Joe does that wife he has is money hungry she will lie,cheat,kill to stay in WH American people need to stand up and throw them all out of we are going to live communist under China, we are going to have 3rd World War for sure I’m all for President Donald. Trump he is our freedom for this Country
To clarify and simplify the Biden Crime Family cluster f**k, it’s a twofold issue.
1) Jill Biden is a power hungry, modern time Eva Peron. Remember, Jill was a married woman who met Biden and saw her shot at glitz and glamor. So the slut cheated and left her husband. Now she’s addicted to the limelight, and terrified of what awaits her- shoveling tapioca and changing diapers back in Delaware.
2) Hunter knows he’s in serious risk of slammer time, especially with his 2 upcoming trials. If Cadaver Joe isn’t in office, he can’t be pardoned.
Joe Biden is a phony and a cheating liar, and has been from his early days – plagiarism and cheating through his years of schooling all the way through his political career, lying about “accomplishments” and experiences, and often falling into his truly bigoted biased self, whether referring to migrants from India operating convenience stores in New Jersey, or claiming our servicemen and women are dumb for not laughing at a “joke” he made, or claiming black people aren’t black if they don’t vote for him. He is very much a despicable human being. And he does not deserve any slack just because he is old and senile.
It does not matter who they replace Biden with….if they are a Democrat, they will already be corrupt. The Democrats are run by Advisors whom we did not elect to run our country. They are WOKE, social, DEI, CRT fascist who do not love America and want to change it. And who is Jill and Hunter to have so much influence on the decisions Biden makes? Trump is doing an awesome job at his rally’s but he needs to emphasize more that it’s not the Democrat candidate we need to worry about, it’s their Advisors and Policies. Their policies are what is weaking America and threatening our freedoms. Who decided it was okay to let China own 384,000 acres of American agricultural land, and many near our military bases? How many American companies do they own? Who do they have control over in our USA? We know Fentanyl is from them, killing our citizens. And there are probably more than 30,000 Chinese who have illegally crossed our border. Where are they, what are they doing? Why are they here? And think of all those people who have come in illegally. Although unlawful, some will become democratic voters in our upcoming elections. It does not matter if it’s Biden, Harris, Newsom, Pritzker, Whitmer, George Cloooney or anyone else, the democrats will have their handlers who will manage them. Oh, and if they keep promoting Biden, you might as well say your vote is for Harris, as Biden will sooner or later have to step aside due to his health, and Harris will take over. It’s a shame there are people who still want to vote for a Democrat at this time in our history. But like the liberal news has been hiding Biden’s health for years, they been hiding what the Democrats have been doing to our country. It’s a shame the News Media are complicit in the destruction of our country. It’s a shame they cannot compare what Trump has done in the past and what Biden has done the past 3.5 years to know the difference. All the negative things they say about Trump are things the Demorats are already guilty of doing. Dictator? Look at Biden and the deomocratic party….who are the true dictators? They would cheat the election system to stay in power. Is that not a form of dictatorship? They look for things to punish their opponents. They are about power and control for the elite, getting rid of the middle class as they only want a two tier system of people. The ones who are wealthy and control and the ones who have nothing and are subjects of the elite. You heard the slogan “you will own nothing but be happy?” That’s their ideology. They are pricing vehicles and homes out of the reach of the middle class so they cannot own anything. They are giving away the tax payer dollars to those who do not deserve it in order to win their votes.
And they want to start dictating how often and where you can travel (because of controlling emissions). Green energy? We seem to be the only country giving up our natural gas while other countries produce and sell it for a profit. Fossil fuels run our electiricty. Our grids cannot handle all the electricity they want to generate on EV’s, so they will have to ration that out too in the future. We won’t be growing our own food, but buying it from China, so there will be a limit on our food. Yet, do you notice how many houses the elites have, and how often they travel in their private jets? You heard “the enemy of my enemy is my friend”. Well, our enemies are becoming pals. People need to wake up. Voting for a democrat is contributing to the weakness and destruction of our country. Like many of you, I could go on and on with what is happening to our country. Just remember to Vote Trump. Vote Republican. Save America.
Working from home, I earn $165 per hour. When my neighbor told me she was now making an average of $95, I was very astonished, but now (ubd-83) I understand how it works. I now have a great deal of freedom thanks to becoming my own employer.
I carry out the action>>>