Ernest Hemingway once said that in order to write fiction, a person has to have a “shock-proof s**t detector.” Well, you also need to have one if you’re going to watch mainstream news.
Before the predominance of the Internet, news outlets like CNN had the freedom to falsify stories with complete impunity. Today, and for some time now really, we have been able to see footage of CNN staging fake Iraq war coverage from the early 90s. We’ve seen them interview their own camera operators who were pretending to be spontaneous people off the street. We’ve seen them pretend to host a conversation between anchors who were supposed to be on opposite sides of the country — and get busted when the same cars that were behind one anchor immediately drove behind the other — showing that they were really in the same parking lot.
Not only have they been caught staging stories and faking camera angles, but they have been directly insulting men, white people, straight people, business owners, and anyone who lives outside earshot of the beach. Many Americans, even now, don’t believe a story unless they hear about it on the main-stream news. All the while, those of us who have an intact s#it detector have to control our gag reflex.
It’s been an ongoing debacle for years. But not until 2016, when we had a presidential candidate and then president who is willing to call out the mainstream media for their malarkey, did we get to see the left wing media de-fanged for real.
Those of us who have read the CIA documents about their work to control media outlets can finally come out of the dark. President Trump has validated millions of people who had seen for themselves the dishonesty of the media — especially CNN.
In the words of Mark Dice, Trump has broken CNN… and it’s beautiful.
~ Liberty Planet