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Tucker Carlson Adds New Details To His Jan. 6th Segment

On Wednesday, Tucker Carlson spoke with Glenn Beck and went into greater detail regarding the video footage from January 6 that he had been reporting. On the first here and here, we discussed some of that video material.

Jacob Chansley’s status as the “QAnon Shaman” was one of the topics he covered in the interview. According to Beck, a Capitol Police official had mentioned that on that particular day, the police had attempted to defuse some situations with some of the demonstrators. Carlson said they probably did, but he added that didn’t really explain Chansley’s case, in which the police escorted him around the building and made no attempt to stop him despite having a nine-to-one advantage in numbers and opening doors for him. He prayed, thanking God for their assistance. He never injured anyone, and he was never even accused of doing so. He received a 41-month term after entering a guilty plea to “obstruction of official processes”.

“What the hell is it,” asked Carlson. “Don’t claim it is something it isn’t.” Referring specifically to the “evil” Sen. Mitch McConnell (R-KY), he questioned why Republicans were supporting this as well and why they didn’t want people to see it. He remarked, “I recognize fraud when I see it.”

As opposed to BLM, Antifa, or leftists who have participated in riots or “obstructed official proceedings,” They probably wouldn’t have faced substantial charges if they had done it without hurting anyone. Let’s think back to when Brett Kavanaugh was the target of riotous mobs. On the day of Trump’s inauguration in Washington, D.C., the majority of those who were detained for rioting had their charges dropped.

Let’s even consider the current onslaught on churches and institutions for crisis pregnancies. What has happened to those cases so far? And that contributes to the issue at hand. Carlson noted that, 26 months later, there are still people being detained in jail on charges from January 6 who have not yet had a trial.

Regarding calling the Committee members “liars,” Beck questioned him.

According to Carlson, the electronic bookmarks indicated that the Committee had watched these movies, but they chose not to present them because they knew it would undermine their story. He asserted that they intended to exploit the story as a “cudgel to beat down their opponents and capture greater power for themselves” and that we cannot permit what is meant to be impartial law enforcement to be used as a political weapon against political opponents.

Rep. Adam Schiff (D-CA) is a “force of darkness,” he claimed, but Reps. Bennie Thompson (D-MS) and Liz Cheney (R-WY) were also “liars,” which astonished him.

Tucker also disclosed that despite all the media backlash directed at him, not a single reporter had enquired for access to the videos. He said that he would make arrangements after Beck inquired.

What would be his main takeaway, Beck enquired. You’re being misled, and you deserve better, Carlson added.

Author: Blake Ambrose

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8 thoughts on “Tucker Carlson Adds New Details To His Jan. 6th Segment”

  1. Adam Schiff is the biggest liar in Washington DC. How the man kept his position as Chairman of the House Intel Committee is unknown, unless you understand that he was Pelosi’s buttboy. As far as Cheney/Kinsinger…useless tools.


  3. With the deepest gratitude to our REAL President, Donald J Trump, to our REAL Vice President, John F Kennedy Jr, and their famlies, team members and patriots across the land, we are now in process of literally getting OUR COUNTRY BACK! Former ‘presidents’ were NOT presidents of our nation – despite their attempts to have us believe that they were via rigged elections – they were presidents of the USA Corporation – a corporation cannot be a government! Those such as the Carters, Bushes, Clintons, Obamas, Pelosis, etal were employees and in some cases ‘presidents’ of that criminal corporation but not of our nation. The Republic was hijacked years ago by criminals such as listed above and operated this nation and its phony ‘elections’ as if real to continue to fool us so they could continue to obtain profits and benefits unlike what we can imagine. Now with the planning and hard work of Trump, Kennedy, our ‘good’ military, the Alliance and many others we can now rejoice while we go through the process of throwing out the garbage and bringing in a bright future for one and all – all thanks to our Lord God Almighty to Whom we owe everything.

  4. The American people were actually defrauded by the Jan 6th committee. We were actually lied to in their made for TV drama and treated to a distorted and false view of what happened. There should be NO ONE sitting in jail for going to the capitol on Jan 6th and its an injustice that there is. The people who should be in Jail are those congress people who perpetuated the deception and participated in turning this into a riot. That would be ANTIFA< BLM< FBI and media, as well as some of the police officials who were accomplices to the crime.

    1. Shumer said it himself in a moment of truth,the intel committees have six ways to sunday to get you,if you piss them off. thats exactly what they went after PresidentTRUMP- full speed ahead on. when you control all the media/hollywood/med advisors etc they are all complicit in the BIG LIE,that is all attacks on Gods chosen president. in the end good will overpower evil…..oh happy day

  5. Everyone on the January 6 committee should be arrested and tried for TREASON!! That’s what this amounts to!!!! If found guilty, which they are, they should be executed…..

  6. What most, if NOT all people have forgotten,, is that the Creator of the universe, IS still, AND always will be in charge of all things. However, I am very sad to say that since we have tossed the Creator out of our schools, our judicial system, our government, our military and even our medical system, and in many cases out of our homes also, things have progressed to the point that we are almost on Par with Sodom and Gomorrah, and you know what happened there. If we do NOT learn to turn to Yahweh, with our whole hearts, and choose to obey His Commandments, which have not, and will never change, then we will just dig the whole that we are currently in deeper and deeper. Yeshua, the one that the Christians call Jesus, did NOT come to earth to teach us religion, He came to show us a way of Life. He has made it very clear, in both the Hebraic and Apostolic Scriptures, that we are to walk in total loving surrendered obedience to the Words of His Torah of Life, also known as the Gospel of TRUTH. I know that many people will read this and think that I am a religious fanatic, BUT I do NOT follow the tenets of the man made religions of Christianity, Catholicism, NOR Judaism. I simply read what the Word of Elohim says and then try my best to follow what Yahweh has commanded me to as best as I can. I make mistakes just like everyone else, BUT when I recognize those mistakes, I repent and try harder to to make the same mistake. None of us are perfect and all we can do IS commit to try and obey the two greatest commandments, which Messiah told us are Love Yahweh will all your heart, and love your neighbor as yourself. If we can just start there, just imagine what kind of world we would be living in?

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