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Voters Overwhelmingly Blame President Biden for Rising Inflation

A recent poll has found that nearly three out of five American voters blame President Joe Biden for rising inflation, while two out of five voters expect the economy to get even worse next year.

It’s not hard to see why, as the evidence clearly shows that the Biden Administration has totally bungled what could have been a successful return to normal after the COVID-19 lockdowns of last year. However, it’s not the last of the president’s economic woes. The administration is once again contending with yet another dismal jobs report that clearly shows paying people not to work results in people not working. Only 330,000 jobs were created last month in spite of expectations that 700,000 would be created during this time period.

Inflation is arguably the biggest problem the Biden Administration is currently facing. The American Rescue Act dumped nearly $2 trillion on the economy, and it’s set to be followed by a massive infrastructure bill that will add at least $1 trillion more to that sum.

President Biden’s move to put tariffs on Canadian lumber is wreaking havoc on the real estate industry by limiting the construction of new homes at a time when affordable housing is becoming increasingly difficult to find. The President’s opposition to fossil fuels, exemplified by his ban on the construction of the XL Keystone Pipelines and a moratorium on drilling on federal lands, has contributed to rising gas prices.

All of this, in turn, increases the cost of food as it costs more than ever for companies to transport food purchased from farmers or importers to grocery stores. It also doesn’t help that the Biden Administration has continually lied to the American public, telling them that inflation is “transitory” as the cost of goods and services continues to rise.

The Democrats control both houses of Congress and the White House. They own the damage done to the economy, and not all the nation’s woes can be blamed on the novel coronavirus. GOP-controlled states have lowered the unemployment rate by simply cutting access to unnecessary additional federal unemployment payments. The Biden Administration didn’t need to dump trillions of dollars on the economy at the beginning of the year. COVID-19 cases were decreasing and Republicans warned the administration of the risk of inflation.

What’s more, the Democrats know that spending trillions of dollars on infrastructure will increase inflation nationwide, but they’re eager to do it anyway. All of this is made even worse by the fact that President Biden hasn’t ruled out future lockdowns to prevent the spread of the Delta variant. Put simply, those who have a pessimistic outlook on the nation’s economy are pointing their fingers at the right target.

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30 thoughts on “Voters Overwhelmingly Blame President Biden for Rising Inflation”

  1. We in trouble as long as Democrats are in charge. They have no Morales, no constitutional restraints and no love and protection for the American citizens.
    They stole the election. The republicans need to unite and become a force to be reckoned with. My prayer is for God to build up His army of strong courageous men and women who will stand firm on the principles which our nation was built on!

      1. If you voted for Biden you should have come to the conclusion that Biden is by far the worst President and Harris is no shining light as a replacement . Actually the Dems have no one worthy of filling the office of President.


  2. Screw the inflation rate all you have to do is get that phoney sneak thieve of a phony president out of our white house and then reinstate Donald Trump and then the problem is solved. But guess that is too easy right??

    1. If the people in our country don’t see the mistake we made in 2020 then we are a doomed nation. We do need to stand up and denounce biden as a legitimate President. The dems put EVERYTHING “on the table” they came right out and said it. Biden admitted he had the greatest scam in history going before the election RIGHT IN FRONT OF OUR EYES. I don’t know of any more proof than that that the election was a fraud. Just because twit and fb lie for him it’s no reason to stand down.

  3. Biden and Harris need to be removed along with Pelosi who is the one telling Biden what to do. They are illegal as the election was stolen. Someone needs to stand up for our country as it is going down the tubes quickly. Between mishandling COVID, the border, shutting down the pipeline, canceling Trumps accomplishments, proposed mandating vaccines, the rental eviction moratorium, illegals bringing in COVID, drugs, crime, abandoned kids, illegals and more is killing our country and he pays them, gives them free transportation, homes, food, medical, and more. He even offered Federal employees pay to leave their Federal jobs to take illegals in their homes. So who does the jobs they vacate?? He insists we get vaccinated but not the immigrants. He is spending trillions that we can’t afford, giving money to other countries, spend spend spend!, Inflation is out of control, all products (gas, food, houses, cars, – all product costs) are almost doubled!! Why is he doing all these negative things?? We are doomed!

    1. Oh come on now! Lets look at the one true accomplishment Ol Pedo Bidy has had! He truly has (Made Child Sex Trafficing Great Again) I am sure He and Bidy Jr. are getting first pick and shh but the Dr. is in on it to! Why Ua think Bidy keeps running home to that 3rd basement He has?

  4. Many simpleton voters did not like Trump just because he was not “nice”, never mind that he did so much good for our country and was respected and feared by our adversaries. The media, of course, fooled them all the more with lies and exaggerations about Trump, aided and encouraged by Democrats who wanted power above all else. Fundamental for the election results, however, was the overwhelming ignorance of a large percentage of the voters.

    1. Many simpleton voters did not like Trump just because he was not “nice”, never mind that he did so much good for our country and was respected and feared by our adversaries. The media, of course, fooled them all the more with lies and exaggerations about Trump, aided and encouraged by Democrats who wanted power above all else. Fundamental for the election results, however, was the overwhelming ignorance of a large percentage of the voters.

  5. There were many people that didn’t like Trump not to mention the never Trumpers and people that just lied about him. But I have said it before Trump would have won in spite of all the negative press and lies about him, it was the unscrupulous activity behind the scenes that overthrew him NOT THE AMERICAN PEOPLE. The recount shows he would have won by a large margin if it weren’t for the phony votes.

  6. Why, I wonder, did the Supreme Court not want to investigate the validity, or lack thereof, of the vote counts in several states.

  7. To all of the stupid people who are complaining about the phoney child molester that you stuck in office. You all asked for it and now you have to pay for it. Ha ha ha. Karma is a bitch ain’t it .

    1. They holler loudly about Cuomo and quietly allow paws Biden to touch young girls in a way that is invasive.

      Start yelling about Joe’s paws intruding in ways that are child abuse.

  8. Dummest, disgraceful, hateful, piece of crap, uncaring, stupid, disrespectful, nasty, repulsive, idiot on God’s great earth is Biden.

  9. Friend of mine said that he thinks Biden is a traitorous SOB. I tell you right now, I took up for Joe Biden.
    I told my friend, “You just say that because you know it is the truth!”
    For the record, how can anyone adequately describe Joe Biden without using profanity?

  10. Hopefully what is “transitory” are the Democrats/Socialists being in charge. When will people start thinking with their heads and wallets and not emotions and manufactured outrage?

    This article is spot on.

  11. It is quite obvious that the politicians in power, legally and illegally, do not have the best interests of our country and people as their agenda. Their actions more than prove that. They are not trustworthy and their egos, love of money and power, elitism, etc mean far more to the majority it seems than we the people. To hell with that.. time for impeachments, recalls, whatever legal avenues available to be utilized to remind them they are employees and they are fired. Period! If l could start proceedings they would already be replaced but I cannot so l’m looking to the republicians and whatever dems to put the country and people before any flipping party!

  12. It seems like it’s not worth talking about all the things democrats are doing, it falls on deaf ears, but if it was Trump, boy they would take action.

  13. Look at the Audit be done in AZ over the election. If Biden had won there what are the Democrats afraid of? They have been putting out lies about the Auditors claiming thing like they are carrying Blue and black pens implying that they will change the ballots. That is impossible to do they must empty their pockets before going in to the counting area No Cell Phones or Pens allowed. Each supervisor oversees 30 ballot counters every ballot is scanned in High Resolution. Extremely tight Security! On top of that the public can watch it it is being streamed live! With that many eyes watching not a chance of getting away with anything! So what are they afraid of?

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