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‘Creepy Porn Lawyer’ Michael Avenatti Convicted of Extortion

Fake news outlets such as CNN fell in lust with former porn star lawyer Michael Avenatti, but that relationship suffered a sudden divorce after the scam artist was indicted on wide-ranging criminal charges. His recent extortion conviction has left CNN and others with egg on their faces, again. That’s because there’s no taking back the well-documented fact media outlets once held the felon up as the man to take on President Donald Trump in the 2020 election.

“After being called everything from a political and legal expert to the ‘man who could take down Trump’ and given hundreds of segments and hours of television time from both CNN and MSNBC, Michael Avenatti is headed to jail,” political satirist Tim Young said. “Not only has he proven himself to be a fraud, but he’s exposed the fact that these networks are willing to book literally anyone who confirms their Trump Derangement Syndrome.”

The left-leaning media was obsessed with the Stormy Daniels lawsuit led by Avenatti that sought to strong-arm money out of the president. It’s no secret that citizen Trump had a few dalliances, and paid Daniels upwards of a $130,000 not to smear him in the media over their association. The lawsuit was simply about a greedy B-list porn actress and an unethical lawyer trying to shakedown the billionaire president. During the court fight, anti-Trump networks such as CNN and MSNBC interviewed Avenatti more than 210 times.

“You pose as a feminist hero because you are shameless, and the other channels let you get away with it. But you’re an exploiter of a woman, and you should be ashamed of it,” Fox News host Tucker Carlson reportedly said to Avenatti.

In a 10-week span in 2018, CNN gave the now-convicted felon media attention 107 times. That was more than any member of Congress, even Democrats. When it was all said and done, the aging porn star and her lawyer lost, badly. A judge ruled they owed President Trump nearly $300,000 in legal fees for the wrongful action.

Anti-Trump White House correspondent April Ryan fawned all over Avenatti at a Florida political event. The pair were pictured on social media arm-in-arm, and the “impartial” journalist was heaping praise on the sham lawyer.

“I think he is a phenomenal guy, and I have gotten to know him a bit in the last week. We went to dinner last week, he was in Youngstown, and I really like him,” April Ryan reportedly commented on CNN.

She was not alone on the network holding him up as a viable Democrat nominee. CNN hosts such as Don Lemon invited him into their homes for parties and pushed him as the next party standard-bearer.

“And looking ahead to 2020, one reason I’m taking you seriously as a contender is because of your presence on cable news,” CNN host Brian Stelter said during a live interview.

The fake news love-fest came to a screeching halt when his dirty dealings came to light. A former law associate sued Avenatti for fraud, he was evicted from office space for owing tens of thousands in back rent, and he was “charged in California with wire fraud, trying to obstruct the IRS, identity theft, bank fraud and false testimony under oath during bankruptcy,” according to reports. Among the more heinous acts, he was accused of was embezzling approximately $4 million from a paraplegic client, according to federal prosecutors.

The 49-year-old probably didn’t celebrate Valentine’s Day after his wife filed for divorce over issues with the stable porn actresses he represented. The former fake news media darling was recently convicted of attempting to extort more than $20 million out of Nike. CNN’s guest-star faces more than 40 years behind bars, and that may just be the beginning of his woes.

The IRS has seized his bank accounts, assets, and plans to take him to task over tax evasion and other charges. At last report, he was being held in solitary confinement in the New York jail that once housed El Chapo. CNN recently published complaints on his behalf about the living conditions. Maybe the fake news outlet believes he’ll get out in time for the November election.

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