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Democrats Attack Israel – They Want TOTAL Control

I was around long enough to witness Democrats’ indignation over supposed foreign attempts to meddle in American elections. However, like with everything else, foreign meddling in elections is acceptable if it occurs.

Senate Majority Leader Charles Schumer, a Democrat from New York, said on Thursday that he thought Israeli Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu had “lost his way” and that Israel should have fresh elections.

In a speech on the Senate floor on Thursday, Schumer, who has grown more skeptical of Israel’s efforts to destroy Hamas, will sound less like a high-ranking Jewish elected official in the United States and more like a pro-Palestinian protestor.

“The prime minister has allied himself with far-right radicals, and as a result, he has been too ready to tolerate the civilian toll in Gaza, which is pushing support for Israel globally to record lows,” Schumer claims in prepared remarks obtained by The Associated Press.

Schumer is going to remark, “Israel cannot exist if it becomes a pariah.”

“President Joe Biden has increased public pressure on Netanyahu’s administration, stating that he has to pay more attention to the civilian death toll in Gaza, and the address coincides with a growing number of Democrats turning against Israel. This month, the United States declared it would build a temporary dock to allow additional help to enter Gaza by sea and started airdropping desperately needed humanitarian items.”

In spite of his Jewish heritage and his prior public endorsement of Israel during the October 7 terrorist attack by Hamas, he has made this decision. Schumer said in November that the political left was to blame for the spike in antisemitism in America on October 7.

He remarked, “Many of the folks who have expressed similar beliefs in America aren’t Islamist radicals, card-carrying Klan members, or neo-Nazis.” “They are often individuals who, in the past, the majority of liberal Jewish Americans thought were fellow travelers on their intellectual path.”

In Schumer’s words, “an outdated political worldview is stifling the Israeli people right now.”

While Netanyahu is against a two-state solution, Schumer has come to believe that it is at least possible, despite his prior support for Israel during the conflict.

Author: Blake Ambrose

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13 thoughts on “Democrats Attack Israel – They Want TOTAL Control”

  1. Beware that dividing Isarel brings God’s judgment. Obadiah 12:3 “For the day of the Lord is near upon the heathen; as thou hast done (to Israel) it shall return upon your own head.”

    1. Israel is a Jewish country, proud and free! They have fought their whole lives for Israel. Please, I can’t wait to see what Bibi will say to Biden! And shitshowschumer, wtf, no one hears from u in months, now u want to rule Israel? Dear Israelis, you protect yourselves and your country, continue to be proud!!! Gluck Joey.

    2. Since when does our country do things like this. It’s totally wrong on all issues. When did we turn into a dangerous nation?

    1. Agree sir, where has he been on the migrant situation? Oh wait…he’s fluffed up New York, now he wants to fluff up Israel. Can Jews be ex communicated? Perhaps an exorcism for Mr Schummer. I’m Catholic, want me to check the rules on this? Terheehee

  2. Schumer’s willful ignorance is appalling. Please note that Bibi’s brother, Yonatan, was the only commando killed in the Entebbe rescue raid in 1976. Although under a different name then, Hamas is that same crowd . experience is a cruel teacher, so Bibi really understands the stakes better than Schumer. As far as I can tell, Schumer wants to play the moralist EOS.

  3. Netanyahu has lost his way and Biden and his gaggle of fools are here to sort it out? Biden and the Democrats can’t run this country, mush less take on Israel. This just shows the stunning arrogance of Biden, Schumer, et al. If I were Israel’s ruling party, I’d these fools in our administration to pound sand.

  4. F#ck the democrats. Israel isn’t their country,the usa has no say over it. Hell look at our country. Are the democrats trying to f#ck Israel up like they did to our country ??? Israel isn’t that stupid as to buckle to the democrats. And if the Detroit to attack Israel, I just might have to go to Israel and stand with them again the Communist corruption of our so called democrat party. Look how we took the world apart when 9/11 hit. Didn’t we kill the leader of countrys and terrorists to get even. But now the democrats think they have the right after Israel was attack In a act of war against their state. Like I said f#ck the far left Communist democrats. Try fixing the country you f#cked up already.

  5. The Dems need to leave Israel alone,because they don’t know what they are getting involved in. They are messing with God’s people and God has the plan for His people. You unbelievers need to back off and try and get your own lives together. Israel will NEVER be conquered. Gaza/Hamas. and anyone helping them, are fighting a loss cause.

  6. The Despicable American former Democrats have zero business to rule over Israel.As Communists/Democrats here have sworn allegiance to Hamas and other Muslim Terrorists,Israel doesn’t need a despicable person like Schumer think he should rule over them too.

  7. Israel is smart to ignore covid joe and his minions. Israel is doing the right process. They will be successful & don’t need biden or schumer getting in the way. Everything they get involved with turns to sh☆t.
    Covid joe is the number one imbecile in America & schumer is the number two imbecile in America. Hardly the one you would seek advice from.
    Exterminate hamas, the world is better without the murderers.

  8. The democrats think they are the only ones who know how to figure out America’s problems. They arrogantly and egotistically have taken up the role of answering for all Americans. We need to get back the WH, Senate and Congress before they make us a one party America. I see America on the democrats side of the aisle, backstabbing Israel. They would rather risk Israel’s sovereignty jeopardized for the sake of the vote.
    Schumer doesn’t speak for this American when he is advocating the overthrow of democracy in Israel by telling Israel leftist that they need to replace PM Netenyahu. Schumer will get his due from the main Jew when he stands before him in judgment.
    What Schumer needs to do is shut up and let Israel handle their war against the terrorist among their midst who instigated this war. And America and its socialist don’t need to interfere. America has lost the blessings of The Lord because of the democrats.

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