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Democrats Waste American Money, Matt Gaetz Responds With This One-Liner

The government will shut down on September 30 if nothing is done.

Republicans are being attacked by Democrats, who are continuing to do their “extreme MAGA Republican” thing, in hopes that the attacks stick. Yes, how could any Republican be against the Democrats and Biden administration’s lavish spending spree? That spending also contributed to the inflation that everyone is now feeling. Imagine believing that being mindful of our financial spending and preventing our debt from growing worse is a negative thing.

But that’s what Democrats keep telling the people of the United States—they keep calling Republicans who don’t waste money “extreme.” I told you about a new study that shows the American people don’t believe that line. They really don’t like the Biden team anymore; in fact, if the government shuts down, more people will blame Joe Biden for it. That’s how much of a hole the Democrats now have.

The Senate moved a continuing measure this week that will keep the government open until November 17. After this week, they plan to vote. Two spending bills were passed by the House, and a CR vote is planned this week. But some, like Representative Matt Gaetz (R-FL), wanted more to be done about spending.

Gaetz talked about how bad things have gotten, with $33 trillion in debt and $2 trillion in deficits every year. Then he said the best line ever, which was meant to hurt the Democrats.

“We are devaluing the dollar so quickly that you can’t even bribe Dem. Senators using cash today!” Just so the gifts are worth something, you must bring some gold bars in order to get the job done!” Gaetz said.

It was clear that they were talking about the charges against Senator Bob Menendez (D-NJ). According to the charges, he took money from individuals in exchange for security and benefits, such as doing work for Egypt. They say that a search order found gold bars and jackets full of cash inside his home. They included a photograph of these items in the charge.

It’s funny how Gaetz says that we are where we are because we aren’t dealing with the problems. That’s the difference right there.

Author: Blake Ambrose

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7 thoughts on “Democrats Waste American Money, Matt Gaetz Responds With This One-Liner”

  1. It is getting to the point that this country might be better off if we do shut this corupt, self indulgent government down, the Republican party is at least thinking of the American people but the Biden regime is taking care of special interest groups and foreign invader’s into this country and taking money from our enemies for his family. We don’t have an American citizen ran government right now we have a Nazi regime that got installed threw fraud in our elections with the use of COVID, and a coup against Trump that has been allowed to happen for almost eight years now. We have no trust in the government and justice system ANYMORE and the media are co conspirators in the destruction of America.

  2. Makes me wonder if M. Gaetz wants the title of Speaker of the House HIMSELF. HE never seems to want to finish the Voting process. He holds everything up right to the end. I think HE needs to be Ousted!!!!

    1. I want Gaetz as Speaker of the House. He knows what needs to be done & WILL do it. He can’t b bribed or bullied. America first! Keep it up Gaetz. Great job! Oust McCarthy he’s a spinless jelly fish. I’ve had it with him

  3. I think M. Gaetz is correct and that the Rep need to stop giving in to the Demos . We will never get anything positive done for this country.

  4. If you Biden would stop giving our money to foreign countries and wasting it for his 0wn profit the United States would have enough money and would not have to worry about shutting down.

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