Ex-CIA Agent Reveals Their Underhanded Plan For Trump

John Brennan detested Donald Trump and served as Barack Obama’s CIA Director from 2013 to 2017. Brennan, suffering from strong Trump Derangement Syndrome, voluntarily lets Donald Trump bother him. This ranks him among the most resentful individuals in human history.

Yes, that last sentence may have been a little dramatic, but it’s the truth.

The U.S. intelligence community will likely withhold “sensitive” information from Trump after he wins the GOP presidential nomination. This would break a 72 year history of intel officials briefing candidates on such information, the senior national security and intelligence analyst for the equally Trump-loathing MSNBC told equally TDS-riddled host Nicolle Wallace on Thursday.

What was even more ridiculous was Brennan’s vacuous justification for doing so.

Brennan told Wallace in reference to a recent Politico piece claiming that American intelligence officers are preparing to brief Trump but are hesitant because of “his handling of secret information”:

“Now, I’m quite sure that my old intelligence colleagues will give briefings that won’t harm sources or techniques in any way that may present Donald Trump with material that he could misuse.”

“However, they will give briefings and analytical summaries of a few of the world’s hotspots, informing Donald Trump of the current assessments.”

“It will be an analysis that lacks the sources and methodologies, the sensitive elements that worry us the most, the kinds of stuff that were inside those documents he had in the restroom, and all those locations at Mar-a-Lago,” the analyst said.

Additionally, Brennan informed Wallace that even in the event that prospective Republican nominee Trump accepts briefings containing sensitive material, “he probably will degrade them as he has disparaged intelligence professionals for so many years.”

Is this “deep state” stuff where politically biased, unelected bureaucrats make choices, or is it just that they are being cautious with sensitive information? In any case, the intelligence community shouldn’t make the decision.

And remember Joe Biden’s hidden garage, Mr. Brennan, with unsecured secret papers lying about?

By the way, in June 2023, Brennan said on MSNBC that there’s a chance the intelligence agency would never discover what was violated by Trump holding onto confidential papers.

I’m not in a position to judge whether Trump’s and Biden’s preservation of secret papers vary or not, but I do know that those who despise Trump will persist in attacking the former while downplaying or ignoring the latter. It is shocking, isn’t it?

Author: Steven Sinclaire

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11 thoughts on “Ex-CIA Agent Reveals Their Underhanded Plan For Trump”

  1. It is to obvious the “democrats” continually plot evil. What they do not get is Trump doesn’t do anything & they are Exposing themselves as evil-doers.

  2. This is prove the deep state is out of control or you can say the swamp is in need of being drain. The liberals Democrats have been bought off by China and Soros’ and the elite gang. CIA, FBI, DOJ, IRS need to be defund big time Changes to them back to be America people not corrupt idiots for own back pocket. Only thing it is going take more than four years to do it. The GOP better check their self along the way already know the Demo are corrupt by their action now.

  3. John Brennan is still supporting a Communist, after supporting Obama (our 1st communist president)!!! Obama was raised by a communist all his youth!!! It seems pretty evident that Biden is still under Obama’s thumb & rule!!!

  4. Clearly, today we are living in a world where if you don’t like someone you believe it’s okay to destroy them, whether they’ve done anything wrong or not. Just like when the IRS went after the Tea Party Patriots and Bette Midler came out and congratulated them for doing so! Isn’t it true that if the IRS is targeting someone or some group, that it’s against the LAW and just plain WRONG? Should it matter that you don’t like them? Since when do we applaud when the administration abused the Rule of LAW to target some political opponent just because we don’t like them?

  5. How do you eliminate the Deep State, global elites, radical Democrats/RINO’s? When will honesty and civility return to the Democratic Party? Why do these people want to control and make America a communist country? People who have to have total control of others are deranged. Control makes them feel superior. REALLY? Trump is the only candidate that can bring unity back to America. The only way for elimination could be a civil war or revolution. Or all states include in their constitution that House Representatives and Senators can only run for two terms. MY OPINION.

  6. If we sit down and think back about the Democrat party,you will be devastated about their decades long destruction plans for America.2008 became the election where they were set to force a not legally able to be President on the voters.Sell the citizenry the Black pruned illegal Muslim and force him to win(fraudulently)by pushing the race card.Same for his voter fraud 2012 .I researched this Barry Soetoro aka Barack Hussein Obama and it scared me.There is nothing good about that Democrat.

  7. Trump is gonna win and his revenge on the Deep State is gonna be legion. Dems are gonna find out that they’re not the only ones who can haul people in for things they did many years ago. But the spineless pathetic GOP needs to increase their House majority and retake the Senate!

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