A group of thirty-plus Republican House members have joined a letter urging their fellow lawmakers to oppose the “radical politicization” of the Pentagon and to utilize the power of the purse to secure the borders.
I don’t know how many more millions of illegal immigrants the United States must admit. Laken Riley, a 22-year-old student, is just one more American life lost to an illegal alien. The letter inquired. “At what point will we no longer sit idly by while this takes place, or will we continue to provide financial support to the administration running the invasion regardless of the level of damage it causes to our country?”
The letter states that Republicans will be actively funding Biden’s ‘open borders’ policies unless the House presents an appropriations measure that includes the Secure the Border Act, an end to funding for trafficking, and a prohibition on non-citizens voting in federal elections. “Even if we disregard the border, we should still utilize the power of the purse to resist the severe politicization of the Department of Defense.”
“Therefore, we kindly ask you to join us in opposing the appropriations package or any other comparable measure that the House is likely to consider. This will ensure that these disastrous policies are directly funded. We must stand firm against this attack on the American people and exercise the authority bestowed upon us by our founders.”
Among the politicians who signed the letter were Republican Representative Chip Roy of Texas and House Freedom Caucus head Bob Good of Virginia, as stated in a news release. The two congressmen were among 41 other legislators who signed on to the letter.
“DHS, a more awake Pentagon, the United Nations, the World Health Organization, enormous foreign aid, and more should not get funding for open borders and the mass release of dangerous illegal immigrants. #NoSecurityNoFunding Roy stated that we should “force change” by using our purchasing power.
“Republicans must not yield on border security,” stated Utah Republican Senator Mike Lee, who retweeted Roy. There can be no funding without security.
This sounds like a great plan, please get it accomplished.
About Time! This should have happen the first time around. No nation ever survived with open border policy–HISTORY, has proven that! Why do you think most nations have Border guards, and military arms, like tanks, machine guns, booby traps set up on their borders? Are the American people so weak, dumb to jet this invasion continue? Good Grief, this is WAR! Act now! Damn the Democrats, and all their Commie, Socialists!
We need to stop the Biden administration from paying for all the illegal aliens costs out of our taxpayers money from our hard-working citizens.
It’s all part of Biden’s quest to make a liar out of who ever said that crime doesn’t pay. It pays big time for illegals.
It pays big time for politicians also.
It is high time for the Congress to stop the invasion of the US designed to destroy the country by various means. The obamaite-soros crowd are working overtime to cause us harm through the criminal puppets running the government.
Spot on!
Why does Congress permit this demented old fool Biden to destroy our country by transporting illegal immigrants into this country? And with this open border policy he is aiding and abetting this lawlessness. Americans are being killed by these criminals he is letting in. No president should be allowed to have this power. Put the National Guard at the Border and shoot these invaders. That is what other countries would be doing, not inviting them in. Shoot a few of them and they would stop coming. We are not safe in our own country. This invasion affects all of us, whether conservative or liberal (even though liberals are too stupid to realize it.)
We are not safe in our country and we need to stop these illigal immigrants from coming into our country! Also, our tax dollars are paying for them and that also needs to stop! No President should be able to have this power! This is Treason, not protecting our borders!
Obama & Biden are leading the invasion of the United States and Israel and the support of all Terrorist Nations as well as the war on Israel. They are also responsible for the rape and tourture of the girls here in America they are direct accomplishes of this action that raped and murdered american woman.
Being that congress knows the crimes committed by the Biden reseime as treason to America and the legal citizens why is it that they along with Pulosi and Obama arrested on such charges and removed from the positions they have taken over? They should never been allowed to go this far after Biden first 24 hrs of signing exec orders and took it all on a detour around being voted on by the proper channels! Ordering out troops to leave without American citizens and leaving them to die by the Taliban enemy ! He should have been removed and jailed for treason and failing to keep Americans safe no matter where they were! Why is Obama in the White house guiding Biden on commiting all of these unforgivable actions and using illegals to keep up the smokescreen while they launder money from Tax payers to pay for vacations and to line Pulosi’s pockets and let her retire but come back to keep the witch hunts against President Trump going! All of these Democrats have committed crimes against the American legal citizens so they should all be behind bars waiting for trial down the road and let them sit incarcerated the equal amount of years they took took to mess up and criminally ruin our economy and put us all in danger in our own country! I think it’s time for all of them to pay for 3.5 years of tearing down American history and try to rewrite our constitution! High treason is punishable by death in front of a firing squad back in the day! We the people want answers and action to Stop these madmen investors of our government and it needs to be done Now
Every dam one of the politicians involved .. should be removed from office and tried for their crimes. From the debacle in Afghanistan to the border crisis.. All illegals need to tracked down and deported..
The republican party is a ball-less, gutless, and are political cowards. And are politically stupid. Stupid – you cannot fix. These guys will fold like a cheap suit. And the ‘good christian’ Johnson will lie and bow to Schumer and JoeBama. America is in a real mess. One wonders if we can ever recover.
The goal for the Democratic socialist is to flood the nation with illegally entrants over 11 million known so far and the additional 30,000 a month being flown in that they now will rush to register to vote in time for the next elections! This has already changed the representation of these states as the census controls the numbers of representatives for each state meaning more Democratic party members to control and contribute to further ruining our nation and our freedoms!
I will believe it when I see it! Biden and Obama cannot do what you are asking because it does not follow the globalist plan to destroy America! We have no real representation in our Congress any longer just idle talk by fearful politicians! At some point and we have really already reached that point the PEOPLE are going to have to take care of this! PAY NO MORE TAXES UNTIL OUR GOVERNMENT OFFICIALS HONOR THEIR OATHS OF OFFICE!
Joe Biden has committed so many ignorant and dangerous orders as president that he has put our country in harms way by allowing millions of undocumented illegal immigrants into this country. Could you image China or Russia ever doing such a stupid thing? Of course not. Only our president and the corrupt Democrats are allowing this tragedy to happen. Biden should be locked up for life for his failing to do his job.