Remember when all of those movie stars and daytime television hosts no one cares about anymore teamed up for a bizarre rendition of John Lennon’s “Imagine”? Well, strap yourself in for this one: because Hollywood wasn’t at all done with making the rest of America very angry.
Let’s start off by getting this caveat out of the way: we do not disparage people for being successful and wealthy. If you have an exceptional, marketable skill, it is your God-given right as an American to use that talent to climb as high as you can. You’re allowed to do what you want with your wealth in this country. You worked for it. You earned it. It’s yours.
The reason why we give Hollywood so much flack is that their behavior doesn’t match their messaging. In almost every Hollywood film, TV series, comedy special, music video — you name it — celebrities slam the very idea of capitalism and individualism. It is perfectly normal for people like Robert di Nero to shill for a Democratic Party talking point, but people like Jon Voight are racked through the coals for daring to voice an opposing opinion. There’s an ideological purity test to participate in Hollywood media.
So, when celebrities accidentally reveal how pompous and privileged they are, we have to call it out. We wouldn’t feel the need if they shared the values we laid out in that second paragraph, but that is never, ever the case. Instead, you have a class of people who don’t actually have a real job apart from pretending to do stuff for massive paychecks who believe they have some mysterious duty to provide moral judgements for the rest of the country. It’s gross and it needs to stop.
So, here it is — celebrities who have nothing to do are still desperate for ways to insert themselves into our lives. Mark Dice breaks it all down in the video below.