China and Hong Kong, are making their own way towards a covid treatment by going back to traditional medicine – after Hong Kong requested that China’s Communist Party provide “Traditional Chinese Medicine” (TCM) “experts.”
Radio Television Hong Kong (RTHK), reported that Hong Kong is seeking these treatments for certain symptoms presented in elderly patients.
On March 24, Hong Kong CEO Carrie Lam said during a press conference that she “had asked the central government [of China] to send a delegation of Chinese medicine experts to Hong Kong” – to help combat the city’s latest outbreak of coronavirus.
“I strongly believe that another team of [traditional] Chinese medicine experts from the mainland will offer great support to our anti-epidemic work,” she stated.
“Hospitalization rate amount the elderly is still high,” said Lam, and that Hong Kong health officials were currently recording “about 200 deaths per day” as part of the city’s latest Chinese coronavirus outbreak.
“[traditional] Chinese medicine could effectively relieve symptoms such as coughing, constipation and fatigue in Covid [Chinese coronavirus] patients.” Said Tony Ko, the chief executive of Hong Kong Hospital Authority, who told reporters that his experience in China allegedly demonstrated that TCM can be effective in treating covid symptoms.
China’s state-run Global Times quoted Ko as saying TCM could “help the elderly with coughs, constipation, poor appetite, cold and fatigue.”
Traditional Chinese Medicine dates back some 2,500 years and has been integrated into CCP protocol as a cure all. The government officially backs the ancient practice and because of this, the business is worth at least $50 billion a year.
The treatments include herbal supplements, specific movements and acupuncture. The CCP is now pushing TCM as a viable treatment for covid.
Given the amount of people who have died worldwide from Fauci’s remdesivir treatments that were highly toxic, perhaps the Chinese are on to something.
The U.S Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC) of course doesn’t list Traditional Chinese Medicine, acupuncture or any other techniques as approved treatments for covid.
But, given the CDC has lied about deaths and treatments for the past two years, including pushing the covid vax, it’s hard to take anything they say seriously.
Hong Kong has recorded around one million covid cases since its latest outbreak. The city’s population is around 7.5 million. Nearly 4,600 deaths have been connected to the covid outbreak over the last three months.
The huge amount of deaths in Hong Kong has caused a coffin shortage and Agence France-Presse (AFP) said they spoke to a Hong Kong based funeral industry representative and they told AFP that there were only 300 coffins left in the city.
They added that the city’s remaining coffins won’t last past this coming weekend. Carrie Lam confirmed this in a statement to local media where she stated that the government of Hong Kong was expecting another two shipments of coffins from China.
About coffin sbortage. What a lie. My cousin delivers coffins,all over. Nothing short.
The list of articles above are most likely helpful if they were on a safe connection . I cannot open any of them.
In a day of “communication” it is INSTEAD nonstop propaganda. Less & less people listen to the Rantings. Shake that teeney fist & Rant. Has anyone developed a RANT METER yet? You know 7.1 on RANT METER. Or 9.9. Maybe 11.7.