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INSANE: AOC Claims That Racial Inequality Causes Climate Change

Liberals have long mocked and criticized anyone who dares to say that climate change isn’t real or at least isn’t a license for massive government intervention in the lives of ordinary citizens. However, the truth is it’s hard to take climate change activists seriously when they stray so far from science that their comments border on the absurd.

Representative Alexandria Ocasio Cortez has recently made it even harder than ever for climate change skeptics to take her seriously by announcing that racial injustice and the mistreatment of Native Americans causes climate change. She then went further to make it clear that, to the left, climate change isn’t just about climate — but rather upending the way a capitalist society works.

“The climate crisis is a crisis born of injustice, and it is a crisis born of the pursuit of profit at any and all human and ecological cost,” the bartender-turned-lawmaker said last week. “Because we are allowing people … to deny ourselves human rights and deny people the right to health care, the right to housing and education.”

Right after condemning racism as a cause of climate change, she went on to tell her audience that people have the right to health care, housing, and an education.

The comments have generated almost as much controversy as her reintroduction of the infamous Green New Deal — legislation that would cost the federal government nearly $100 trillion that it doesn’t have. Even a cursory look at the bill and its new addition calling for the creation of a “Civilian Climate Corps” makes it clear the effort has nothing to do with climate, but state control. It would destroy the fossil fuel industry and with it hundreds of thousands of middle-class jobs. The mining and lumber industries would likewise be upended. The entire housing market would spiral out of control as lumber costs go through the roof, making it impossible to build affordable new homes. Renters would be priced out of the real estate market, as would first-time homebuyers. The airline industry would go under because, to date, there are no electronic or even hybrid passenger planes to replace the ones currently in use.

It’s hard to believe that allowing new green energy providers to be controlled by “local people” is a recipe for reliable power. Most people don’t understand what it takes to provide power to hundreds of millions of households, factories, schools, hospitals, and other facilities.

When AOC claims racism causes climate change, it’s important to bear in mind that her definition of “climate change” isn’t the scientific one. In reality, she’s doing littler more than just lumping all the hip progressive buzz words into one sentence — because that’s how their politics works.

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28 thoughts on “INSANE: AOC Claims That Racial Inequality Causes Climate Change”

  1. Whoever put her in her job should be held responsible for stupidity. She has no clue about life. She hasn’t done anything to help the people in her district, she runs away then opens her big mouth and says nothing important.

    She needs to go

    1. The stupid people in her district voted for her, which makes them dumber than AOC, who is barely qualified to be a bartender, no insult intended for bartenders.

  2. Apparently stupid is a three letter word, AOC, she needs to be removed now. An untrained monkey would be an improvement. Hide your guns and ammo people, I have a feeling we are going to need them. The big government seems to want civil conflict.

  3. Oh, it is okay for her to give a sign of whatever and who knows but Elon Musk has to burn to death in one of his cars because he gives the sign “okay” because it is a sign of white supremacy. Dang where does this stupidity end?

  4. AOC…… Idiot Cortez..!~!! She is a Prime Example of One of the Stupidest Americans in this Country. I wouldn’t even call her an American.!! She is Truly a Pure…..A-Hole.!!! When Brains were given OUT….Ship really missed the boat.
    Now, people have to suffer from her Stupidity and Brainless Attempts to work in Congress……We don’t need people of HER KIND…!!! For Sure.!!!

  5. I quesstion the “diagnosis” of AOC’s stupidity. She was clearly intelligent enough to bambooozle 51 percent of a operational electorate. It appears to me that she chooses ignorance of facts when they diverge from her preconceived ideology. I would describe the location of her politics as “Where Ignosance meets Arrogance” in the form of self-righteousness and self-referential worldviews.

    1. Do watch the movie, “Idiocracy”. It’ll explain how clueless cotex got “elected”, and why she continues to be in office.

  6. I am of Native American decent and I need to say that aoc has her head so far up her back side with “STUPID” she does not even deserve a voice on anything. She is not even any good for “comic relief” anymore. I love children and when I was a child I was taught that there is a time and place for everything to be said; and children should be seen and not heard when adults are having discussions about adult maters. So shut the FRONT DOOR aoc.

  7. This a typical idiot of Kongressss!!!!!! All alike and no shame amoungest any it seems or they would silence this mess.

  8. The Only Problem with Climate Change is that AOC opens her BIG MOUTH and her Breath smells like the SWAMP where she was found. People the Climate Change s every minute of the Day. And Only One s that is Causing it is the
    Deplorable Demo Demons of the Democratic Socialist Party .

  9. there has got to be a way to get these nut cases out of office. i mean really, this has got to be one of the dumbest
    things I have ever heard. well… maybe not. there ar so many stupid things coming from the dems it hard to pick a favorite.

  10. Chiclet Face (AOC) is a TRUE Dumbacrat. She fits right in with all the others in her party. They are going to destroy the USA unless Jehovah God intervenes. All the dumbacrats that voted them into office are going to suffer right along with us but you could not convince them of it.

  11. AOC isn’t mentally stable. She’s an ink blot test in the flesh. She needs professional health and an extended stay in a mental facility. I wouldn’t trust her to watch my dog.

  12. AOC is like a spoiled child–if she doesn’t get her way, she pitches a tantrum. Poor Baby? Somebody that has some sense is always picking on her. If you don’t believe it just ask her. By the way AOC, I was reared on a farm that had cows, and the climate is safe, cause I never heard one fart!

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