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It’s Time for Trump to Just Pardon Roger Stone

Democrats and their Deep State operatives led a two-year Russian collusion witch hunt in an effort to unseat President Donald Trump. As the saga goes, Special Counsel Robert Mueller and his 13 Angry Democrats tried to strong-arm the president’s associates to get something, anything, to undo the 2016 election results.

While 35 individuals and companies were indicted, not a single one was charged with conspiring with Russia to impact the elections. Swept up in the partisan Russia probe was eccentric political strategist Roger Stone. His crime was befriending President Trump well before he ran for office, and thumbing his nose at liberal zealots. Stone’s outlandish Godfather movie quotes posted on Twitter and errors his attorney later corrected on Congressional testimony made him a prized target of Mueller’s failed prosecution. Rather than concede the Russian collusion strategy had blown up in their faces after Trump was fully exonerated, biased prosecutors still want to exact their pound of flesh from Roger Stone.

“This is a horrible and very unfair situation. The real crimes were on the other side, as nothing happens to them,” the president tweeted. “Cannot allow this miscarriage of justice!”

The Mueller holdovers apparently misled top Department of Justice officials about their sentencing recommendation for the 67-year-old with no criminal record. Rather than seek a minimum sentence for a first-offender such a probation and a fine, they reportedly sought nine years of hard time. Reports surfaced that these liberal extremists posing as impartial prosecutors stated the overly harsh sentence would “send the message that tampering with a witness, obstructing justice, and lying in the context of a congressional investigation on matters of critical national importance are not crimes to be taken lightly.”

With a sentencing recommendation that amounts to a political hit-job, U.S. Attorney William Barr was forced to take control of the case to avoid a further travesty of justice.

“The Department was shocked to see the sentencing recommendation in the filing in the Stone case last night. The sentencing recommendation was not what had been briefed to the Department,” a DOJ official reportedly stated. “The Department finds seven to nine years extreme, excessive and grossly disproportionate to Mr. Stone’s offenses.”

Information continues to surface that Deep State operatives inserted during the Obama years improperly surveilled and misled judges about Trump associates. Revelations are also coming to light that even the jury pool used to convict Stone on technical issues may have been led by a partisan Democrat.

As four of the prosecutors who apparently misled the DOJ about Stone’s sentencing resigned, the jury forewoman has taken to social media to defend the government lawyers. Many see this as a sign she was a biased anti-Trump voice who may have influenced others to convict Stone.

“Now it looks like the foreperson in the jury, in the Roger Stone case, had significant bias. Add that to everything else, and this is not looking good for the ‘Justice’ Department,” Trump added on Twitter.

Stone and his lawyers brought the existence of bias to the judge and asked for a retrial. His request was denied by the Obama-appointed Judge Amy Berman Jackson. But now the true bias of the forewoman has come into view.

“I want to stand up for Aaron Zelinsky, Adam Jed, Michael Marando, and Jonathan Kravis — the prosecutors on the Roger Stone trial,” jury forewoman Tomeka Hart tweeted. “It pains me to see the DOJ now interfere with the hard work of the prosecutors. They acted with the utmost intelligence, integrity, and respect for our system of justice.”

What could be more telling than the lead juror expressing outrage that the government lawyers were being reigned in for trying to excessively sentence a citizen who has never committed a crime?

At every step, Stone was ensnared in an unfair process that started with a massive pre-dawn raid showcasing FBI agents and team Mueller armed to the teeth and in full riot gear. The outrageous show of force was leaked to the left-leaning media to smear Stone on live television.

Roger Stone has suffered unfair persecution from start to finish as collateral damage of the great Russia hoax. It’s time to stop punishing Roger Stone because Hillary lost an election. It’s time to free an innocent man.

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