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Joe Biden Voices Support for California’s Job-Killing AB5 Law

Former Vice President Joe Biden recently threw his support behind California’s infamous AB5 bill, a law that essentially shuts down the gig economy throughout the state by forcing companies who want to hire contractors to treat them the same as full-time workers.

The law has angered thousands of California residents who use the gig economy to earn extra cash on the side, including Uber and Lyft drivers, freelance writers and translators, musicians and others. These workers have lost huge sums of money as former employers have hired other freelancers in states outside of California to avoid the Golden State’s Draconian new laws.

It’s hard to imagine these irate workers voting for the former VP in the upcoming election now. Biden’s stance could cost him support throughout battleground states around the nation in November. Gig economy workers are seeing what happens when liberal politicians are able to destroy the careers of tens of thousands of professionals with a few votes and a signature.

The House of Representatives, which is currently controlled by the Democratic Party, is strongly supporting legislation based on AB5. Such legislation, should it pass, would immediately destroy professional careers all across the United States.

If Joe Biden is elected President, and the Democrats retain control over the House of Representatives and gain control over the Senate, there is no way that freelancers would be able to keep their careers free from government interference unless, of course, they have political connections like certain professionals in the state of California. These legislators have already carved out exemptions for a number of upper-class professions, including lawyers, doctors, engineers, and accountants, leaving middle-class individuals and those who are struggling financially to bear the brunt of the new law.

AB5 is already wreaking havoc on California’s economy, but liberal activists want to expand the law nation-wide. The fact that a supposedly “moderate” presidential candidate is in favor of putting millions of jobs at risk could result in the utter destruction of the gig economy.

Oddly, those who would be hurt the most by the move are the very same poor and middle-class voters that the Democrats say they want to protect. The contrast between the Democratic Party’s words and actions couldn’t be more obvious right now.

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