This week, Representative Matt Gaetz (R-FL) was able to remove Kevin McCarthy (R-CA) from his post as Speaker of the House. He now says that former President Trump gave him permission to do this.
McCarthy lost his job by a vote of 216 to 210. Representative Patrick McHenry (R-NC) has been appointed the Speaker Pro Tem of the House. McCarthy has made it clear that he won’t be running for speaker again. There is going to be an election to choose the next official speaker.
In a recent story, Duke, one of my coworkers, asked if Gaetz would go ahead with such a big plan without Trump’s OK. We know the answer:
Gaetz informed reporters on the front steps of the Capitol Building after the vote, “I have talked to President Trump during the last few days. I feel very sure that I am doing the best thing after talking to the former president.”
“McCarthy was fired this week by eight members of his own political party, making him the very first speaker in the nation’s history to be fired. Now it’s up to Republicans to figure out what to do with the mess. That means not only picking a new speaker but also dealing with the chaos in their own party.”
Gaetz may be right, but Trump didn’t seem happy with how broken the GOP was, at least based on what he wrote on social media that same day.
Gaetz was also speaking in a very Trumpian way on the steps outside the Capitol following the vote, using the D.C. swamp, which was one of Trump’s most favored talking points:
“Kevin McCarthy is something that lives in the swamp. He got to be powerful by getting special interest money and giving it to other people in exchange for favors. Now we’re going to break the fever. Also, we need to choose a better speaker than Kevin McCarthy.”
It will certainly be interesting to find out if Trump agrees with Gaetz’s account of what happened. The relationship between McCarthy and the former president has been friendly, but turbulent. It was Democrats who highlighted that McCarthy had tried to make peace with the former president.
“Democrats got together this week and made it clear that they didn’t back McCarthy or trust him.”
“They said it was because of McCarthy’s acts on January 6th, when he traveled to Mar-a-Lago to make peace with Donald Trump, his effort to trash the January 6th panel, and his breaking of a debt limit deal as well as a budget deal.”
As I recently stated, given that he is by far the front-runner in the GOP presidential primary, Trump remains the party’s alpha dog. When it comes to choosing the next speaker, his opinion could swing the vote in favor of or against certain contenders.
McCarthy is no longer a speaker. Who will take his place?
The first thing the New House Speakers need to do , is drop charge against every person being held against their will in prison for January 6th! If that Speakers don’t have the balls it time for them to step down! If you Republicans going to act like PANTYWAIST BOY then resigned from our HOUSE! You can look back to 2020 MEMORIAL WEEKEND ATTACK ON THE CAPITOL BY ANTIFA AND BLM! WHO FAILED TO PROTECT THE CAPITOL? NANCY PELOSI! WHY? BECAUSE THEY WERE SPONSORED BY DEMOCRAT POLITICIANS! So get to it, and file charge against these politicians who funded the attack by ANTIFA AND BLM! Don’t come here and claim it was a George Floyd thing! That fool already killed himself by swallow the fenanytal drugs BEFORE THE POLICE ARRIVED! Where that part of the video of what happened inside the store???
Why would 8 “so-called” Conservatives defect to the Democrat party and join with them?
Just askin’.
They are all self caring idiots who only want power and money. No GUTS and let the Dems control them.