Mexico Begs For Help – Should America Respond?

The discovery of U.S. military-grade weapons being used by Mexican drug cartels has raised serious concerns and calls for an immediate investigation from Mexico. The Mexican military’s findings of advanced weaponry such as belt-fed machine guns, rocket launchers, and grenades are alarming, given that these types of weapons are not available for public purchase in the United States. This situation has significantly challenged Mexico’s ability to combat drug cartels effectively.

Mexican Foreign Relations Secretary Alicia Barcena has urgently requested an investigation into how these weapons, designated for exclusive use by the U.S. army, are crossing into Mexico. The Mexican Defense Department has made it clear to the United States that this issue is a significant concern.

U.S. Ambassador to Mexico Ken Salazar acknowledged that the Mexican government raised this issue in recent meetings. While admitting his lack of awareness of the problem, he assured that the U.S. government would investigate the matter.

Since 2018, the Mexican military has confiscated an alarming array of heavy weaponry from drug cartels, including 12 rocket launchers, 56 grenade launchers, and over 200 fully automatic machine guns. This arsenal has not only posed a substantial threat to Mexican authorities but also indicated a critical breach in weapons control.

Investigations have pointed to various U.S. locations, including Racine, Wisconsin, as sources for these weapons. In Racine, cartels exploited lax federal and state-level gun control laws to acquire powerful firearms. Although these purchases did not include the more advanced weaponry like rocket launchers or machine guns, they demonstrate a concerning trend of weapon trafficking.

Further reports from CBS News in September 2023 revealed that U.S. intelligence documents and interviews with current and former officials indicated longstanding awareness of weapons trafficking to Mexico, yet insufficient actions have been taken to curb it. The flow of these weapons, originating from places as far-flung as Alaska, poses a severe threat to Mexican national security and calls for immediate and robust bilateral efforts to address this critical issue.

Author: Steven Sinclaire

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43 thoughts on “Mexico Begs For Help – Should America Respond?”

    1. Blind one eye and cannot see out of the other is a ‘NO’ attitude.
      Time change and just as desperate their is ours.
      No, attitude jerk excuses like yours are people like you are either making money, because your part of th drug cartel, Human trafficking or part of the US/DC swamp or pulling white strings like a puppet social media included.

      1. White house strings, even watching my text changes after I post.
        Google has blocked a lot of my viewing by not letting me view the post.

    2. Open borders has never worked. We has a couple gangs in one small town in CA. Now, same town probably has 15 gangs. They are recruit kids and destroying families with drugs. Mexico is owned by China. Yes, much worse under Obama presidency. Biden Obama and Soros are running the country now. Obama’s looking for a 4th term. Biden has joined WHO, they want our guns.

      1. Well then TY if you are a true American patriot then you should man up and bring proof to the table and blow the whistle. If not then you should be hung for treason for withholding evidence that is harmful to We the patriot people

    3. Yes we definitely should help Mexico we have in the past done joint efforts to crack down on drugs and the cartels before. I live in San Diego so this issue is very important to me. I think there’s been a cover-up of how many illegals have come through San Diego / Otay area you hardly see any articles written on this.

    4. I remember when Obama’s government gave military stuff to the cartel, ‘so they could track who had it’. Stupid.

    5. You send in a real military with advanced weaponry, and you take them out, period. Dead. You hammer them until there is nothing left. You burn all the cocoa fields, marijuana fields, opium fields, then you salt the growing areas. Lethal penalties for the cartel bosses and lower-level soldiers, dealers, and any other involved individuals. If there is politicians involved as far as being bribed, or paid to look the other way, they get the lethal penalty first.

      1. Every weapon described here, except possibly individual grenades, have serial numbers and are tracked throughout their life. Finding where yhey may have been “lost” from the system should not be that hard, especially since a lot of the documentation is electronic and is stored in vast, but searchable, databases.


    1. Their politicians are probably as crooked as ours, although that would seem almost impossible. I imagine the Mexican people are having some of the same problems we are. That is probably why they are condoning all those illegal coming across their country to the US and bringing all the drugs by the tons into our country. They may end up having to build a southern border wall in Mexico too.

    2. We want are country back ass hole Joe Biden should be locked up he is a trader and his hole family. From Day one He should have been removed from office

        1. Might I pose the following question? What mortal sin or sins did the U.S. commit that we are reduced to a “choice” between Biden or Trump for President?

  2. You can trace those US military-grade weapons back to Afghanistan through ISIS and Iran. Biden and Miley should be held accountable for that since they conspired to leave billions of dollars worth of small arms and trillions of rounds of ammunition behind when the US pulled out of Afghanistan.

    1. BINGO! I think you are right on. This equipment didn’t cross the border from the US into Mexico; they were shipped into Mexico from Afghanistan through who knows where. What better way for terrorists to profit and continue to funnel and spread terror around the Mideast and elsewhere but to sell our military equipment left behind on the tarmacs of Afghanistan by that idiot in the oval office, Joe Biden, supported by our corrupt top military personnel at the highest levels….can’t make this shit up!

      1. I totally agree that the enormous arsenal of high grade military weapons came to the cartel from our own careless stupidity in Afganistan! Who has more cash to buy whatever weapons they want than the cartel??

  3. We want are country back ass hole Joe Biden should be locked up he is a trader and his hole family. From Day one He should have been removed from office

  4. I totally agree. What president would be so dumb as so leave not only our intelligence in military strategic,give away our money in surplus equipment,guns and ammo to tha damn enemy. Joe Biden and his corrupt crew should be drug outa their offices locked up and charged with treason to tha people and to the United States Of America..AMEN.!!!!

  5. Keep voting the liberals and facists into office and it will get even more worse than it already is! We need to elect DJT as President and let the ass kicking begin, only hooe we have to save our republic.

    1. We need to stand up ! Our future is not theirs to control.
      No man especially an wl credit politician is for Americans.
      We have no king or queen or dictators or rulers or parliamentary government
      And have not since King George Which I our ancestors died getting rid of So we could be free. Well elected morons have stripped us of what was not theirs to take
      Americans have only one answer
      We are in a fight for our lives now . While those who want us debt take over

    2. I agree on the other comments are big blunder in Afghanistan was to leave all our weaponry and infrastructure there. Thanks to Biden all of these items of being brokered all over the world and with the cartels billions of cash dollars I’m sure they’re buying up as much as they can. People in the United States are citizens have blinders on to what has happened to our country I hope they vote Republican in the 2024 election

  6. Just more of the conspiracy take guns from law abiding citizens so that they can’t defend themselves from terrorist who have military grade weapons.

  7. Barack Hussein Obama is the owner of that criminal act,supplying arms to the Cartel and other criminals in Mexico.Now They are asking for help,they don’t help us so no help from the US taxpayers.Obama can help them.


  9. Let Mexico deal with it. They brought all this upon themselves. Being lazy with their country, they know who runs their country. It’s been the cartel the whole time. Now they’re trying to make excuses like they always do forget about them. We have to concentrate over here. America These freaking countries are gonna bleed us dry. If we keep doing everything for them, they have to learn to do for themselves. It’s like having a bunch of kids these countries around us. We absorb all the problems and they take all our money. Make no sense who runs this country.

  10. Gee, you don’t think this is one of the results of tucking tail & running away from Afghanistan LEAVING 80 BILLION DOLLARS WORTH OF MILITARY GRADE EQUIPMENT BEHIND, do you. Just another reason to thank the traitorous democRATS & RINOS. FJB ULTRA-MAGA MIKE

    1. You are indeed correct. Everyone one of them is in on our destruction . There is no difference in either party.
      Name one thing the republicans has done/ accomplished ? Except to be the anus attachments of the democrats . They want us to believe they are doing something . When in fact it’s tactics to delay. So they can get paid again to put Big Mike into our house ! So they can finish us off . Using their created Genderless people to vote
      Americans had better unite and do what our ancestors did to King George . At least he was the king . Magoo is not ! And stop buying into the blob theory to kill off Americans. A blob has no body parts ! So far over 69 million Americans + have been murdered While they replace us with billions of the worlds worst people . We are indeed in a fight for our very eyes while Americans play .
      Magoo and all of them are nothing more than elected morons who think we are their slaves.
      These people are the relatives in our government today of . Those who! Made the worthless treaties with those who could not speak English. They have inbred themselves with each other to keep control of the government . Do some research . It’s there

    1. He is still there ! He is the voice in the earpiece of Magoo. Every person in this administration was Obama’s people. These are his policies

  11. The one thing that our People who are so dumbed down never understands ! Those who sit in our chambers are. Nothing more than elected morons. In this case Placed there ! America has no king or queen or dictators or rulers or parliamentary government. Just elected who think they are Inspite of your! Indoctrination. We are still the only country in the world that doesn’t have any of those. Americans believe every lie they are fed !
    Ask yourself Why they feed you lies. Mexico threatens America all the time. As if we are to keep up its citizens while ours dies in our streets . Those coming are here to take not join. Immigrants come the legal way wanting to be part of . America is getting the worst of other countries. Those who will not fight for their own people but to destroy ours . Remember folks people don’t pop out of the ground . Places are taken Over by people from other places.Every country is as created like this. Only the strongest do survive . With half this country ! Questioning the question of their gender ! Come on ! And we are about to go through a bloody thing with illegals and every enemy our government has every made. All compliments of this regime.
    Arizona is the biggest example of Cartels running the entire state . The proof is there. And the demons in the demon city on the hill are the ones Creating this !
    Our laws already exist to handle this disaster. But the government throughout all of America from the Oval Office to the local! Get-rich off of everything that destroys Americans !
    Half of Americans live in a bubble .
    They never ask any questions!
    Like !
    Why are they pushing the programs that have already killed over 69 million innocent Americans. Illegals are not getting those. While they have replaced every single legal American with at least 20 +illegals Which voids any legal vote . By people who have no rights
    Why should all of Texas carry the burden of Every illegal ? While the rest of you pretend to enjoy while not sacrificing
    Why would our elected morons give the making of every medicine that goes into Americans to our enemies? Why do they not use the money they borrow toput us into debt on illegals and not Americans
    By the way they have burdened Americans to the point ! That those laws that exist. Do so because our ancestors died so we could be rid of King George And his tryanny

  12. Another proof of the worthlessness of “Gun Control”…. Those weapons are not in the hands of American citizens, by law. Military-grade-only weapons showing up in Mexico? If every privately owned rifle / shotgun / pistol legally possessed by law-abiding American citizens could be seized overnight **poof** there will still be a huge black market for illegal weapons operating. Leftists smirk at the old line, “if guns are outlawed, only outlaws will have guns.” But this is just another example of proof that is a fact. Criminals will always have a choice of guns available to them — even rocket launchers, grenade launchers, and machine guns — while poor ole John Q. Citizen is left defenseless, if those Leftists get their way.

  13. At first I thought that we Yes we definitely should help Mexico we have in the past done joint efforts to crack down on drugs and the cartels before. I live in San Diego so this issue is very important to me. But now I am saying we need to get the cartels out of the United States first I say spend all the money and do everything we can to fight the cartels coming into this country we will never be able to go into Mexico and get rid of the cartels in that country I think the best we can do is to eradicate them here like MS-13 when Trump was in office he gave them the go-ahead to fight these cartel gangs infiltrating our cities. So my opinion is no concentrate here at home first like Trump says America First and always. I think there’s been a cover-up of how many illegals have come through San Diego / Otay area you hardly see any articles written on this.

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