Nancy Pelosi Slips Up And Mentions A “New President”

Former House Speaker Nancy Pelosi (D-CA) had a shocking reply last Thursday in response to the indictment of former and possibly future President Donald Trump, claiming that “everyone has a right to a trial for proving innocence.” It’s an inaccurate statement about how our Constitution functions. Now, just days after uttering the silent portion aloud, Pelosi has made another mistake when referring to Hillary Clinton as “president.”

As Nick Arama of RedState pointed out, Pelosi had been speaking at Columbia Institution’s School of International and Public Affairs (SIPA) together with Clinton, who was supposed to be instructing a class at the institution. Fox News’ coverage contains a video of Pelosi’s stunning gaffe.

The memorable answer was sparked by Clinton’s question to Pelosi about “the greatest dangers and obstacles facing our democracy, and what are possibilities to put an end to that backsliding as well as turn it around.”

Pelosi didn’t even bother answering the query right away, preferring to fuel Clinton’s already swollen ego and delusory presidential ambitions. “Well, I appreciate your question, but I likewise appreciate your leadership, particularly in this regard,” Pelosi said before adding, “when president–I hope,” referring to Clinton, who was the Democratic candidate in 2016 but fell to former and possibly future President Donald Trump. Pelosi paused for a long time and clutched her breast, while Clinton sat calmly waiting for her answer.

After gathering her thoughts, Pelosi stated, “When Secretary Clinton was in the Senate and as the First Lady, but particularly when she was Secretary of State in more recent times, she was, and has been at that point in time, accomplishing numerous initiatives showing America’s embrace of democracy.” Although Pelosi caught herself and admitted that Clinton becoming president is merely a “hope,” she proceeded to sing Clinton’s praise re-enacting the 2016 election and the Democrats’ story.

Author: Steven Sinclaire

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13 thoughts on “Nancy Pelosi Slips Up And Mentions A “New President””

    1. She should have finished the list of Killery’s accomplishments while SOS;
      She failed to mention that Killery managed to get FOUR Americans MURDERED to keep the truth of her and Obama’s GUN RUNNING operation from coming out by allowing Ambassador Christopher Stevens to return to the US from Libya as he was demanding;

      Obama and Hilary were aware that the Ambassador was aware of their gun running operation and had to come up with a solution to keep him from returning to America, ERGO, the “spontaneous” terrorist attack on the Embassy. We all know that neither Obama nor Killery worry about collateral damage. When it comes to covering their lies and crimes.

      One other memorable accomplishment was the disappearance of what was it $80 BILLION which whereabout has never been discovered, and the uranium she sold to Russia.

      Yes, Killery has a lot to be remembered for; the above is besides all of the bodies strewn between Little Rock Arkansas and the White Houe; and all of the accidents and suicides while she and Bill were in the White House and are still happening. Any time that someone associated with the Clintons suicide themselves or die in an accident, it’s NOT true – it’s known as MURDER!

      1. But….just like all of the other treacherous dems they associate with,
        They are all so guilty. But no indictments on any of them.
        Just wait til next month when our dollar collapses, then what….oh, I know……that’ll fall as “ something related to Trump”.
        TRUMP=America first
        BIDEN= Fuck America…. I’m making too much $ to stop it

  1. The black sheep of politics! Thay have lost there way, and now it’s time for the lion’s to devour them and fill there bellies on all there lies and corruption living them in the piles of sh#t that they are!

  2. They all belong in Gitmo starting with loony Pelosi, fake Hilary, Bidens, Harris, admin, Obamas, Schiff, Soros, Schumer n more. WE ARE A REPUBLIC !!!!

  3. There’s an answer to the problems facing our nation. The Founders enshrined that answer, because they knew there would come a time, when No Election and No Judicial System would correct the corruption in our government.
    You all will get to the answer eventually. I pray you do before it’s too late.

  4. Our school system did not teach civics properly. We are a REPUBLIC! I believe this has been a systematic government plan. To turn our country into a Democrat socialist pot hole of a country. I dont even recognize our country after 2 years.

  5. Piglosi is fighting for relevance! She can’t stand not bieng in control of OUR House of Representatives! So, she takes every opportunity to shoot off her mouth( much like irrelevant Obama) and say “ stupid shit”, like Obama does. They can’t handle not bieng in control! Piglosi and Obama need to stfu and go away, no one cares what they have to say! Just more demonrat propaganda.

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