Pfizer has finally admitted that they needed to do more clinical trials, and what was conducted was too short to determine the long term effects of myocarditis risk in children, according to a report they submitted to the FDA.
Perhaps they could have made this admission known BEFORE “vaccines” were approved for use in children aged 5-11 years old.
Parents have already rushed out and had their children jabbed, which is confusing considering the large influx of negative information on the “vaccine.”
Maybe most parents just hate their kids and want them dead…
But I digress.
Perhaps the FDA could have also not issued emergency use authorization for the Pfizer “vaccine,” when only a month ago they had, at the same time, held back on issuing an EUA for the Moderna shot, which has had similar issues to Pfizer.
The admittance occurs on page 11 of their FDA advisory committee briefing, admitting the sample size of volunteers in their clinical trials was also too small to detect myocarditis in children under 12.
The briefing states:
“The number of participants in the current clinical development program is too small to detect any potential risks of myocarditis associated with vaccination,” Pfizer states in its Overall Risk-Benefit Conclusions.
“Long-term safety of COVID-19 vaccine in participants 5 to <12 years of age will be studied in 5 post-authorization safety studies, including a 5-year follow-up study to evaluate long term sequelae of post-vaccination myocarditis/pericarditis.”
Pfizer recently opted to add tromethamine to their children’s doses, which is used to treat metabolic acidosis which can occur after a heart attack.
The introduction of tromethamine went largely unnoticed and unreported, and comes with a host of its own potential adverse reactions, including liver failure.
During a congressional hearing on November 15, addressing China Virus “vaccine” injuries and death, Sen. Ron Johnson (R-WI) called out the government’s response to the “pandemic” and the effectiveness of the “vaccines.”
In his address to Congress, he stated:
“Telling the truth in today’s ‘cancel culture’ is not necessarily easy. Had government officials, the heads of our healthcare agencies, had they been doing their job, had they been honest and transparent with the American public, we wouldn’t be here today. But the very sad fact of the matter is, is they haven’t.”
Johnson continued:
“One of the huge blunders of our government response is we not only ignored, but ‘higher ups’ in the agencies sabotaged early treatment. Had the vaccines been effective, had they done that, you [would] see a tailing off of that curve basically into infinity, but that’s not what we see, we see a whole new surge.”
The senator then tore into the validity of the “vaccine” mandates and the effectiveness of the “vaccines” overall:
“If the vaccines are effective, then the mandates are pointless. If the vaccines are effective, there’s no need for mandates. If you want the vaccine, you’ve got it, you’re protected and you don’t care if someone else is vaccinated,” Johnson said. “Are the vaccines effective? If it’s a ‘no’, then it’s the same point, the mandates are pointless.”
He then called out policy makers for ignoring natural immunity to the virus:
“Another thing our policy makers are ignoring is natural immunity. Why would we force a vaccine that’s not effective as we had all hoped? Why would we force that on someone who is naturally immune?”
“Where the science tells us those with natural immunity probably have better and more long lasting immunity than those fully-vaxxed.”
Sen. Johnson again called out policy makers:
“The other reality that our policy makers are denying is that vaccines prevent infection, prevent transmission, they’re not. It’s obvious they’re not. So again, if you’re vaccinated, can still get infected and still transmit, what is the rationale for the mandates? There is no rationale, they’re pointless,” he concluded.
The point of the mandates is GLOBAL DEPOPULATION.
Politicians, in particular, really need to get that before it’s too late, before the Globalists claim the planet and destroy the United States while doing it. Because that’s the aim.
What really needs to happen is that politicians need to be supplied with the New World Order white papers, and then after that, we can really let off some fireworks — this is, of course, with the politicians who aren’t controlled by the Globalists or compromised by their money. And let’s be honest, there’s quite a few of them in D.C.
But with the ones who aren’t, sky’s the limit.
That’s what it’s all about, and it needs to be addressed QUICKLY in a mainstream spotlight.
We do that, we win.
This is all a numbers game.
The bigger the resistance, the less power the Globalists have.
That’s the game.
If Pfizer admitted their Vax doesn’t work and causes more harm than it solves why is it even available for use. Something rotten somewhere.
The Attorney General and the DOJ are grossly derelict in not stopping this whole injustice of vaccine mandates. In my opinion they are criminally negligent due to their lack of action allowing vacinnes that have caused significant side affects and deaths that now outnumber the number of deaths from Covid. It is despicable to allow a vaccine for children to marketed at all when the finished product has not even been put through the most rudimentary of clinical trials! To suggest that a vaccine for children of any age under 18 should even need a vaccine when science abd experience have proven that such individuals are five times less likely to die from Covid then they are from the seasonal flu! The citizens of this country deserve an answer to why an unneeded vaccine with deadly side affects is allowed to be marketed much less mandated. Those responsible deserve to be prosecuted for every case of severe side affects and for murder for every death caused by these vaccines. The same goes for every adult severe side affect and death where the individual was mandated to and thus forced to take the vaccine. Biden. Harris, Fauci, Pelosi and everyone responsible for these mandates should be brought to justice.
Don’t forget they have covered all the Big Pharma’s from all legal prosecutions is why they are getting away with MURDER!!!
You are so right dirt justice be rid of them forever and their money used for the people they harmed
The rotten here is how many politicians are invested financially in all of these companies? Check their stock purchases in the past 2 years, and you’ll find the snakes hidden there. Just like the article states, “Money, Money, Money, all about the Money:. I see dirty, dirty, dirty.
Don’t forget Dr. Fauci and probably Bill Gates also. They don’t care about anyone but themselves and MONEY.
It is available because there is money to be made and the government is in bed w big pharm so they are all winning by making billions off of tainted and dangerous drugs that they are forcing people to get.
Biden sat in a chair and got his shot on tv. But really, do we know what was in that needle? no.. we don’t. It was prob just saltwater. But then someone who is not ‘protected’ by government or big pharma gets the real thing.
I will bet that with in the next five years we will see more heart issues in all ages, more liver and kidney damage in all ages and we will see more deaths in all ages.
What is rotten is, big pharma and government. check out the fact that Government had contracts for the covid
‘vaccine’ before covid was ever even on the main stage. Put that one in the think tank.
Money is the answer, that’s another reason why they can’t be sued.
I just read an article “CHINA HAS SECRET PARTNER IS EXPOSED”. Pfizer is the secret partner that in 2018 they became partners on vaccines and stuff. You will probably see it on the news in the next couple of days.
It is all about money and NOT safety!!
Unsubsidized me.
The crime here is they keep saying the vaccine don’t cause harm on freeways you see get your covid shot we need to do like Austria the police and military are helping the citizens fight for justice just like the United States we need to get these clowns out of office and somebody there that cares about America we need to stop being lazy and start doing what we need to.To stop socialism why do you think they don’t want Cuba immigrants here it will blow their cover these clowns are bringing us down people I’ve had enough haven’t you inflation up the wazoo it will get worse believe me
Pfizer needs to rot!
And Joe Biden along with Pfizer executives. Pfizer has strings on many who market their products if not all who do so.
Americans united with the military needs to stop it now by draining the swamp!
After giving healthly children the Vaccine the these children now are showing Myocarditis Risk, Pfizer Admits Myocarditis Risk for 5-12 Year Olds Requires 5-Year Study. Biden mandate is killing our children, this mandate come from not a President by a communist dick-tator
These shots are killing EVERYBODY. I got to see two young ones vaccinated a week ago on the street in a central CA town at a farmers market. It was exuberating. I had to walk around the corner to cry my eyeballs out as all I could see was these two unfortunate children developing health problems immediately due to these vials of…………… what the hell is in those vials ?!!!
Fraud and homicide are not included in the “Can Not Sue” total immunity from legal liability under the PREP Act.
RICO laws now apply! Arrest everyone involved. Nuke Wuhan!
Pfizer, you are the ones who have left me with terrible eczema. I didn’t have it before your 2 vaccines but I sure have it now!!
Be thankful that is all you got from the shots. Some people can’t walk any more, some people can’t even feed themselves any more. Some people are dead. I hope somehow you can be compensated for the damage they did to you. If they can plan (and are currently doing) to give 450,000 to illegal aliens just because, then they can certainly give you money for the damage they have done to your body.
Never thought I’d see the day when the pharmaceutical companies became Hitleresque.
They’ve already murdered 10’s of Thousands, just wait until they get their talons into your kids ……… 2 kids will die from the jab for every one “saved”. Not to promising is it?!
The government overeach on this is nothing less than tyrannical totalitarianism.
Can you say “SCAMDEMIC”? I hate what the word “politician” connotes (for me) – politicians and FAUCI and other gutless bureaucrat health officials who are pushing the VAXX should be rounded up, charged, tried, and when convicted sent to gitmo. There’s plenty of rooms awaiting their arrival. And then there’s china – what’s to be done about them? If the DOJ is not going to do their job and protect US – should we then run them out of town? Out of the country?
Pfizer was trying to make stock holders really rich before they were unmasked.
All these fake vaccines, shouldn’t even call them that, experimental gene therapies, are killing people left and right, and that is being covered up totally. Each has it’s terrible side effects which is also being covered up.Get the jab at your own risk, and hope u don’t die from them.This is pure insanity,by the global eleites, to de-populize the earth because of to many people,ask b gates, he has already said that. with mouth piece dr death,fraudci.
Pfizer Admits Myocarditis Risk for 5-12 Year-Olds, Requires 5-Year Study“ Long-term safety of COVID-19 vaccine in participants 5 to
Kill a jew for god.
Jews did 9/11
Jews created the Holocaust Lies
Jews are the enemy of all nations they infect.
I hope anyone stupid enough to fall for Covid Lies and take the Trump Jab DIES.
Death to anyone stupid enough to take a vaccine.