Apparently, this needs to be said because many conservative news outlets are hyperventilating about President Donald Trump’s recent comments on gun confiscation: Mr. Trump is not going to send the ATF or the military or anyone else to your house to confiscate your guns. Anyone who says differently has not been paying attention to how President Trump operates.
If anything, the president’s recent comments should give conservatives confidence that he is about to get the Democrats to betray their base on the issue of gun control. We even have some recent examples of Trump positioning himself in front of issues, and then playing his enemies like a fiddle to illustrate what is really happening.
First, consider what happened with Barack Obama’s so-called Dreamers, a group of millions of adult illegal aliens who signed a form claiming (often falsely) that they were brought to America when they were children. Sen. Chuck Schumer was positively gleeful when he came out of a meeting with President Trump in January, and immediately ran to reporters and told them that the president was in favor of amnesty. The Senate Minority Leader truly believed he was on top of the world and in control of the situation. He was going to get his big amnesty for 9 million or more illegal aliens and ensure the creation of 9 million new Democratic Party voters.
When President Trump finally offered the Democrats a deal, he had positioned himself as the savior of the Dreamers. He told the Democrats that the Dreamers could stay, so long as they support full funding for a big, beautiful, contiguous and impermeable wall on the U.S.-Mexico border. The Democrats promptly threw the Dreamers under the bus. As a result, Dreamer supporters picketed Schumer’s house, and many Democrats are now facing primary challenges from hard-left fringe candidates who make Bernie Sanders look like a moderate.
Next, consider President Trump’s recent tweets about Inspector General Michael Horowitz, who is currently investigating FBI and DOJ abuses in the sham investigation of Hillary Clinton’s illegal email server. The president called Horowitz “an Obama guy,” and then Attorney General Jeff Sessions gave a patient, professional response to reporters that the Department of Justice was honoring the Constitution in its investigative process.
This was all theater. President Trump and AG Sessions knew exactly what they were doing. The mainstream media, eager to attack the president for every reason under the sun, was quick to circle the wagons and begin defending IG Horowitz. Now, the media and many Democrats in Congress are calling IG Horowitz the last honest man in Washington, whose integrity is limitless. How dare President Trump call Horowitz’s integrity into question!
The results of Horowitz’s 11-month investigation are about to be made public. That report will most likely be extremely damning of James Comey, Loretta Lynch and a number of other high-ranking Obama administration officials… and the media has just propped Horowitz up. When the report comes out, the Democrats and the media will turn on Horowitz like a pack of wild dogs. They’ll have made themselves look like total hypocrites and liars after showering praise on Horowitz.
Game. Set. Match.
So, every conservative fan of the Second Amendment should take a deep breath and understand that this is how Trump plays political football. It’s a midterm election year, and the president understands how the Democrat Party abuses the legislative calendar and election year politics like a Kabuki-style sham. They will push hard for gun control, knowing full well that they don’t care about the issue other than as a vote-buying scheme. President Trump has given them hope and set them up once again.
The president’s next move will likely be to extend the Democrats a “gun control” offer that they will have to refuse. Just wait and watch. The Democrats will sell out their own base on gun control once again, right before the midterm elections, and it will be a beautiful thing to watch. President Trump knows exactly what he’s doing, and it is even more fun to watch when you understand how he is playing his enemies.
~ Liberty Planet